Americans unironically think that its too dangerous to allow a cat to go outside...

Americans unironically think that its too dangerous to allow a cat to go outside. They also think that it's okay to declaw their cats.

Why are Americans such cruel, heartless bastards who won't let their cats be cats?

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Because cats prey on native bird species.

>my cat spends his life inside
Kill yourself and the cat

Cats get eaten by coyotes or run over by cars regularly where I live. Letting kitty anywhere outside our backyard unmonitored is a veritable death sentence. We already had to pay $2,000 to save our cat from the last coyote attack, his ass is not leaving our backyard or going outside without our direct supervision.

My cat was killed by my ukrainian neighbours

Did you kill them?

Good. As with the Aboriginals, the weak should fear the strong

Get a large dog to protect the cat.
Then the both of them can go in epic race war adventures spreading domestic pride worldwide.

If I were American I would've never let my cat outside, niggers might catch and eat it

This is illegal ;_;

>They also think that it's okay to declaw their cats

This coming from a declawed people.

>letting cat inside your house

>We already had to pay $2,000 to save our cat from the last coyote attack
In US even the coyotes kidnap and demand ransoms.

Brazil making this joke is a joke.

It's all your fault.

Turns ount independence is not for everyone.

It depends on where you live, big cities can be fucking dangerous and it isn't easy for cats to access apartments. Declawing is barbaric I agree.

if you ever go to Istanbul there are fucking cats everywhere. Cities shouldn't be cat barriers

This is kot thread, yes?

You should export pet wallabies.

People who let their cats roam the streets are fuck wits and deserve their cats to be ran over by a car.

Declawing sounds awful

I dong understand how anyone can hurt animals I remember accidentally poking a cow in the eye when I was petting it and feeling awful for a whole week after.

High class aussie shitposting
10/10 all cats should be gassed

yes, post qts

If your cat gets run over by a car, it's a fuckwit and deserves to die anyway

Is this the guy that kept getting pranked by his mate? Also pretty sure I live in the same town as this guy.

hey nice flag buddy

cats are shit
dogs (except the shitty cat-like dogs) are good

there aren't any cat-like dogs. Cats are independent creatures who just like human company. If you didn't feed your cat he'd just do it himself. You probably haven't ever owned a cat. The reason they're so popular is because they're very low maintenance. A dog requires you to do so much shit, a cat pretty much looks after itself

Did they eat it?

Also what the fuck is this shit with settings? No legacy captcha.


>Cats are independent creatures who just like human company.

I live in a flat and my 2 cats are scared shittles of going outside. Whenever i open the door the the house they run like hell. If i'd be living in a house in the suburbs or country side, sure why not but in the city cats shouldn't be outside.

Gas the cats.

Feline war now.

Inshallah our Emu(pbuh) enemies of old will assist us in our fight to protect their bird brethren.


your image kind of proves my point. My cat would be fine if I fucked off for a bit

here is one of my two cats

wtf i hate australia now

Cats trespass, so they'll get shot by a scared american grandma.

and his brother

Based cats.

My cat is semi-feral, meaning it only comes home every 3 days or so (in summer of course). I don't really know where it gets food, either it's eating random animals, steals the food of other cats or begs the neighbors. In winter it comes home much nore often though. Pretty comfy.

I hate cats like the one on the right.
If you have the freedom of choice why would you choose a cat with fucked up ears?

Do you hate this bird? Would you like to see them hunted and genocided to extinction?

If you answered yes to this question, congratulations, you are a typical cat owner.

Does this picture make you angry?

Does it make you fly into a genocidal rage, causing your blood to boil with a hatred that can only be soothed by the extinction of the entire species?

If you answered yes, congratulations, you are a typical cat owner!

>taking out the trash
>see a brown kiisu walking towards me
>say hello to the curious kiisu
>kiisu meows back in response

most exciting thing that happened to me all year

Is this how you call koshkas and kots?

>millions of people buy pets but are too lazy or stupid to take care of them so society becomes a means of torturing doggos and kitties en masse

Too dangerous for our native wildlife.

Do animals such the Numbat make you feel queasy?

The solution is easy!

Buy a cat, let it roam free and they will be hunted to extinction in no time.

I don't really care about Australian wildlife. I say let the foxes and rabbits and shit take over, they're much more aesthetically pleasing. This is Australia. The weak should fear the strong. We Anglos dominated those pussball Aboriginals and so too shall our animals dominate the pussball native wildlife

You're an unpatriot.

You're the cucked on here. You're an Anglo (most likely) and you shouldn't forget it

I'm an AUSTRALIAN anglo. I put more stock in the present than in the past.

No such thing.

same deal with poles then I guess, you're all ethnic russians

wtf i love australia now

Awww very cute kots, very cute

His name is laku

They'd look great in some pho, right?

>eat pho with kots

no.. just no, but kangaroo meat is delicious with some pho soup though

Can you actually get that? Kangaroo is delicious.

Please buy our meats.


Polish cats are cute, not like Polish humans.

I've seen kangaroo meat sold in our mart but I've no clue how to cook it properly.

Interesting. It's lean meat that tastes similar to beef. It can be tough if you don't cook it properly though.

My cats are all outdoor cats though.

Also don't Aussie currently have a cat murdering campaign going on?