They use red color to indicate countries with conscription laws

>They use red color to indicate countries with conscription laws
Muh evil government is forcing me to protect my loved ones during war ;__;

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What map is that?

This is the real one

>his country has conscription
HAHAHAHA enjoy dying for the jews

Its the very first thing you see when you type 'consription' in wikipedia

>by law, not in practice
But that's untrue.

Italy should be yellow, the conscription law still exists, it was only suspended

>Strayans would bend over to please the conquerors

I expected Japan to be higher

>you have to serve in the military but we won't actually cover your medical expenses if you get injured during training
Why would you ever.

but that's wrong

USA has a conscription law, but probably won't hold a draft again unless we're attacked by an army on the homeland

Sweden's moving towards selective conscription afaik. I'm not sure on the details.


I think all blue countries could be replaced by yellow.

>selective conscription

That's probably realistically what we have in Norway

More like
>muh evil government forcing me to die at the front lines whenever they want to for whatever cause they pursue even if I disagree with it
I refused and did civil service when conscription was still in place which means they can never draft me for a war unless I revoke my refusal and volunteer after individually deciding that the cause is worth it. Feels good, man.

It must suck to be a NATO country. I wouldn't wanna fight for american wars either.

>Colour usage on this one
The eternal cuckness of the western mind.

This is the best way to do it

We have to bring back national service here.

Do you even have enemies?

This, since we have far more than enough volunteers and Vietnam kinda ruined the draft for us.