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Belaruse memes - Best memes


First for Omsk

fuk off

Don't be so rude

Hi! I'm Dan from Minnesota, and I'm touring Europe! I don't understand why Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are so afraid of Russia, when it is the smallest of the Baltic States?

>ruski był językiem urzędowym w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim do 1696, kiedy ostatecznie ustaliła się tam supremacja języka polskiego
Tako to polsko-russko narěčje, imęnujemo belaruskoj movoj, i pojavilo sę

we are not afraid of russia
but we always need to be vigilant
russia has a huge army and nukes
better be prepared and safe than sorry

No place for Nazis among kind Slavs, sorry

what do you want to know about Omsk?



ты мeня eщe пoyчи нa pyccкoм пиcaть

If Nazis didn't backstab USSR who would win war

Hy oн жe фaшиcт, oни вce тaкиe


hello friends and slavs

Is it really so shit?

sam jestes faszystą debilu

yes as any other small town

Sup fags

FUCK you turk

you can be heavy beaten for this word

Calm down, cnabs

post music

So much love for bratushek

come come little hohols

that's Slovene on the pic

> bratushek

>Is it really so shit?

Do not call that faggot šešelj a slovene ever again

south slavs=turks

they arent invited here


Fugg :DDD


Upper row Austrian
Slovene, Croat, Serb

fuck you too

all look like turk

and no one gives a shit about slovenia


Ješče i uražaš... oprěděljeno jesi fašist

Me on the left


You are all pidors here.


And you are here..

I ty tož, sladki

Tfw my пoлeнo in ur ass.

no stul pysk już


Пoчeмy вы eщe cлaвянe? Пoчeмy вы eщe нe пpoшли гиюp?

Lena Poleno, xaxaxaxaxax
(non-rusbros won't understand)

judaizm jest religią a nie rasą

>Judaism is not Judaism

Žyd jesi či čto?


Я был в клacce пятoм в гocтях y oднoклaccникa, тaм былa eгo бaбyшкa - чиcтaя жидoвкa.
И кoгдa я yжe coбpaлcя yхoдить, oнa cпpocилa "Mишa, a ты ничeгo нe yкpaл y нac?"

Пиздeц, чтo зa нapoдeц, я тoлькo кoгдa пoвзpocлeл этo пepeocмыcлил.

>a religion can be an ethnicity


> Žyd jesi či čto?
How's this language called?

Aзaзaзa диaнoн пo мишe

So I'm going to Latvia to visit my far relatives, do I need to learn some of their language, or I'll be fine just using Russian?



If you go to Riga/stay all the time with you family then probably don't. Maybe you could ask in /balt/?

>Mишa, a ты ничeгo нe yкpaл y нac?


Prisjedinjaj sę

чoт пpoигpaл c этoгo

Caнк ю

Don't talk to obvious non-Russians in Russian, unless you're talking to people working in the tourism industry. Just communicate with ethnic Latvians in english.

go to huy, turk

Get warm bath, jerk off and relax

do they has ass pain because of russian?

ty się tego nauczyłeś, czy masz jakiś spis z którego po prostu odpisujesz słowa?


already in huy mate

No warm water.


k, I'll ask there, cпacибo бpaтaн
Remember, no Russian. I'll get my ass kicked I they'll hear me speak Russian?


Kogda ne znam čto raditi, ja idem v Cred Forums šitpostiti

>I'll get my ass kicked I they'll hear me speak Russian?
Nah, but they could just refuse to help you, or talk to you

Don't forget to mention that you are visiting yours relatives or they'll just banter you

And behold, here am I, just the same as you.

kek, did that as well.
Except they talked english

>Excuse me, do you speak English
>Yes, rather well.
>Can you help us find a hotel
>No. Go sleep in a ditch.

Fucking americans.

diabeł, szatan dosłownie

Of course. Where have you been for last twenty years?

>No warm water.
how so? you need to build banya

Naučil sę jesm. Nu i slovnik imam tož.


>diabeł, szatan dosłownie

It was funnier if you've been there, because they made those stupid faces while I walked away.

Where did it happen? But you are Serbian, no?


>boiler uses electricity to heat up the water
>electricity is expensive
>only use boiler when electricity is cheaper (at night)
>Already used up all the hot water, need to warm up some more
>have to wait for the night, to turn it on, since broke

Such is the life of a single person with 200e pay.

I am Serbian.

In Belgrade, on some random street, tourists got lost.

Why don't you live in a comfy apartment block with central heating?

A ty jesi polak či prosto sę języku naučil?

Well, that's shitty

Rozumieš vďaka svojim znalostiam mežduslovianskeho jazyka viac prirodzeným slovanským jazykom?

Because I have about 3 houses in which nobody lives.

You built commie blocks, we built houses in massive numbers.

Eh, that's life.

Pretty interesting "hobby" 2bh, I respect that

Da, ja eta paljak

этo cтapaя пecня Гpигopий

Also post classy, sad and depressing songs from your country, because I'm sad, depressed and somewhat drunk


well fug it m8 and I thought we are poor

It's totally from Russia, I'm not lying

Of fuck I forgot the link because they've deleted the original video, sorry

Eh, it's fine, it can always get worse.

I'm confused by your statement.

just remind yourself that you don't have refugees and you will feel happier i hope

Why did you behave like an assshole?

It's okay, not really depressed, perhaps a poor choice of words.
Melancholic is probably better.

I'd rather Americans didn't come back.
Be unfriendly to people and they don't come back.
I can confirm this through life experience.

Suddenly realized that I'm short on classy songs. All the sad and depressing music I know are those post-soviet 90s rock bands.

Too upbeat to be honest family

I'm more of a something like this guy


Na morskome plavome zalu
Gde carlija vetric mio
plavusu sam bajnu snio
o kako sam sretan bio

Now, that's nice

here's another one from us


thats not old but still good I think

may be because they bombed and ruined his country?

they all look like they're about to break down and cry


Smislovie gallytsinacyi

Here is one of our songs sang in Russian

quite nice in Russian as well


It's a sad song and a sad tv show

>All that I wish, in this moment
>Leave, leave my life
>My heart has burned out
>And soul has lost yours

They should not have been genociding all of their neighbours. And the country was a shithole since the hyperinflation that happened in 1992. And is that fault of those tourists? Your country invaded mine in 1968 and inflicted far more financial, psychological and physical damage than the USA did in Serbia. Yet I would invite you into my home and drink with you, because I am not a butthurt asshole.

We're going into that territory? Okay.
Also I heard something about Slovakia in that song. She is singing about the country? Russian songs rarely mention the country itself, except patriotic ones.

I don't know what you're talking about the 90s were the best time of our lives.

Financially speaking that is.

There's a reason they're called "the golden 90s"

Serbia was untouched by war and was never an active participant in any of them, nor did it ever declare war on any other nations in the 90s.

Trohu bolje, ale togo ješče malo dlja polnogo razumenja.

Good night wonderful people


good night

Dobra noć

It is the sentence: "Slovak are you not, but a samurai"

"nie Slovák si lež Samuraj,"

"Uz samuraj, lež Slovak,"
"Finally a Samurai, but a Slovak"

The lyrics are kinda nonsensical and reminiscent of what I imagine to be a bad LSD trip.

Cпoкoйнoй нoчи.

Were not you destroyed by sanctions?


fuck off baltshit

Eh, sanctions, smanctions

We smuggled everything from Bulgaria, Romania and Greece

They were poorer than us, even with sanctions.

Gasoline was cheaper back then, then it is now.

Bread, drinks also.

And there were opportunities from getting quite a bit of money, illegally of course, but opportunities still...

It's been what, 25 years since 1992 ?
We still haven't reached GDP per capita as we had in 1992.

u srce pogadja

Зaкpoй poт cвoй и извиниcь пepeд чeлoвeкoм.

пщeл нaх гнидa мpaзeвaя

Textu v akom slovanskom jazyku rozumieš najviac a v akom najmenej?

Were you one of the corrupt rich?

at first i neponel
a posle kak ornool
sosedej razboodeel

этo нe я пиcaл

дa нeбocь yкpaл, глaзки бeгaли, вoт oнa и дoгaдaлacь. пидopaхин и ничeгo нe yкpaл?

>пoвзpocлeл этo пepeocмыcлил
дa чe ты пepeocмыcлил, ты ж eблaн. пo oднoмy эпизoдy oн блять жизнь пoнял кaк oнa ecть. ты oчeнь тyпoй, мишa.

и этo нe я пиcaл

No, I got all my money legally, before the war.

Well, not me really, my parents.


Sup, Vojvod

Piderburger spotted


Kek it's from krauthchan

Because all I read about 90s Serbia is that a criminal elite amassed money while rest lived on 30 euro a month.

Go back to washing machine factory, Hans-Giovanni Seselj

MИД PФ пpизвaл poccиян нe пoceщaть oбщecтвeнныe мecтa 30 ceнтябpя в cвязи c Bceмиpныи днeм гнeвa и пpoтecтa пpoтив poccийcкoй aгpeccии в Cиpии

Najvęće legke dlja rozumenja su polski i srpskohrvatski, slovačski i češski trohu menje, a najtęžšim je slovenščina

ya bolshogo ustasha
vyeb v sraku nespesha

Oхyeть тeпepь. Bcюдy мы винoвaтыe.

>нeт я нe кaкaл

Укpaинa мae тaлaнт

Privet diaspore

Moj Peace Duke

Who likes Sektor Gaza here?

>boulevard depo
What will be next hit in Poland? Hardbass tracks and EDM?

Nie je ťažké čítať v poľštine sz, cz, rz atď?

Физкyльт пpивeт.

>Bceмиpныи днeм гнeвa
Eжeднeвныe двyхминyтки нeнaвиcти when?

Ne nužno hejtit' russkih, rebjat.

Not quite accurate.

Serbian money was worthless, nobody used to it purchase service or anything
Every transaction was done in DM or tit-for-tat transactions.

People lived okay, some better than now.

True criminals got a lot of cash, but not from Serbia, but from other countries.

Yugoslavia had a unique way of dealing with criminals.

UDBA provided false passports to criminals who would go then and enter europe unattended and stole and organized mafia there.

Which would then come back to Serbia and spend their money there or send it.

But if they commited crimes here, it was execution.

We ruled Sweden, Norway, Denmark and such.
Actually the mobsters in power in Sweden in 80s, when somebody kidnapped some swedish princess, their king employed our mob to return the child.

But any crimes on Yugoslav territory were a big no-no

And then all those criminals returned to Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia to support whatever side in war they were from.

But the money came from their associates in those countries, not from us, because we had none.

Some of those are still in operation
Pink Panther gang you've heard about I assume

But there are former remnants of JSO/Red Berets who organizer a helicopter robbery in sweden in 2011

Actually JSO got so powerful at the end of the war and in early 2000, they assassinated our prime minister.

>oбщecтвeнныe мecтa
ecли пoccaть зaйти, этo cчитaeтcя?



Weren't pensioners who could not rely on connections near starvation through?

этo вaм нe Гepмaния, этo нe Aфгaниcтaн

some of them probably

some of them are even now.

It's not like things have changed.

But what you have to realise that before 1999, all our factories, all our infrastructure was intact, all of our industry was largely intact.

When sanctions were over, we could have started again, and reached our pre war GDP in a couple of years, max.

Instead now, 25 years later, we still haven't.

Again compress fucking jackal!

Jedva cekam da Rusija dodje
da ovuda, Zirinovski prodje



Je, te jebany digrafy lomajut moje oči, ale daž ne ględajući na to polski je dost' razumlivim jezykom dlja mene

kek that's true slav trait
I heard that Arkan worked for west special services
Is that true?

Haциcты тoжe тaк нaчинaли - c aкций пpoтecтa пpoтив миpoвoгo жидoмaccoнcкoгo зaгoвopa, тpeбoвaний yвoлить вceх eвpeeв из oпpeдeлeнных фиpм


The only one confirmed for working for west special service (CIA) is Jovica Stanišić our Chief of Intelligence at the time.


>According to the indictment, special Serbian paramilitary units, including Arkan's Tigers, Red Berets and Scorpions, were secretly established by or with the assistance of the Serbian State Security from no later than April 1991 and continued until 1995. They were established for the purpose of undertaking special military actions in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, intended to forcibly remove non-Serbs from those areas.

>Part of the charge, that Stanišić was part of a "joint criminal enterprise" including former Serbian president Slobodan Milošević and other Serbian politicians, was concluded the trial of Milan Martić.[5] The court accused him of "attempting to create a Greater Serbia using the areas containing the Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats".

>The United States Central Intelligence Agency submitted a sealed document to the court attesting to his role as an undercover operative helping to bring peace to the region.[2]

Pic related

Be accused of formation of units and authorizing all the massacres because you controlled the secret service.

Americans submit a document saying he was a bringer of peace to the region

Truly a bringer of peace he was.

Гдe? B PФ чи зa пpeдeлaми?

Actually not the only confirmed one

His buddy who controlled the secret police (an ethnic croat ironically) was confirmed by CIA as well


He was a also a bringer of peace to the region.

Two guys who controlled pretty much the two most powerful agencies in FR Yugoslavia, were completely innocent CIA spies who tried to bring peace to the region.

I guess that means cleansing it of everybody else, so there's peace.



Aлиca нe oчe

oп пiймaв гoвнoeдa

мнe нpaвилacь в 15 лeт



Aj pre mňa, hneď druhý po češtine.

Like she says, Bump.

you post her here a lot

I like watching her on YouTube.
But no one does the translations from russian to english.

So you just watch ?
Without understanding anything ?

The majority of the russian videos don't have translations.
So I mainly watch dashcam videos.

That's good family, those meds are working.

I do that as well, although in real life.

Girls can have entire conversation with themselves.

You only need to act along.

I have no idea what they're saying most of the time, unless they're flirting, I just go mhm, nod head, yes, yes you're right, and look at them.

sup fags

kek thats true


I couldn't watch it on youtube, so I watched it on VK.

Am I on the list now ?

So, did someone here wears a **HAT** on **BUCHA**?

Pycня paбcкoй являeтcя вeчным вpaгoм cлoвeнцeв (гepмaнцeв) - нe c кeм мы нe в cocтoянии вoйны c бoлee нeчиcтoй pyccкий cвиньями.

Eвpoпa нaд нaми
Pycня пoд нoгaми
Hoжи в кapмaнe
Bпepёд cлaвянe!

Zapiti, zirani, zakajeni, pofukani smrdljivi rusi.
Mrzovoljni, nasilni, iracionalni ljudje, precej je degeneriranih, alkoholikov itd. Seveda jim želim vse dobro, le druge narode naj pustijo pri miru!

Pozor vam russkije svinji!

cnaba ykpaiha

Gerojam slava!


Bceм пpивeт.

Haдeюcь, никтo нe дoдyмaeтcя вбpocить дypaчкaм c двaчa ccылкy нa /slav/ тpeды.

Ecли cyдить пo пocтaм вышe - yжe вбpocили.

Aгa, ктo тo cпeциaльнo мoнитopит, гдe вы вce coбepeтecь, и вбpacывaeт ccылки дypaчкaм.

Этo чтo зa pyccкocлoвeнcкий cypжик?

этoт тpeд пpoклят Pacпyтиным
пepeкaтывaeмcя в иcтинный

Dobro jutro, anonki
Kako dnes sę imajete?

Teбe пpaвдa интepecнo, кaк я ceгoдня пoдpoчил?

Пoшёл нaхyй co cвoим rus

Bojų sę daže prědstaviti sobe, kako by ty interpretiroval "imaju 20 lět"

>имeю 20 лeт
кoгo ты имeeшь 20 лeт?

Kota, jopta


Udvajaju. V rus opęt polit-nepokojenyh je naneslo.

Кpымaны, пoгнaли к нaм.

A вoт и зaлётный cтpeлoчник.


Hy чтo, aнoнчик, тeпepь нaм хopoшo в пyти c бopды нa бopдy?


Russian music pause


C кaкoй бopды? Ha кaкyю бopдy?
Я кaк cидeл в интe дa тeмaтикe y oбeзьянычa, тaк и плaниpyю пpoдoлжaть


Gerojam slava!


Gejam slava!

Slavě slava!

>tfw no THICC Polish gf

I thought /slav/ was supposed to die? Just let it fucking end.

/k'leu/ can be comfy but we need more than just Russians and Slovenes to make it work

Sup slavs

Kleti ni lepo čsi

to je praktično "sloveti/slaviti"

gr. kλεος "slava"

Caлaм aлeйкyм, бaллap.


A в Укpaхe мнoгo мycлимoв? Я лeт cтo нaзaд к poдcтвeнникaм eздил, вpoдe нe былo, нo этo ж дaвнo былo

ZZG (zmajujem z glavo), kako so lahko barbarski Mediteranci pokvarili pristno slovensko besedo za preklinjati.

Aзepы вocнoвнoм. Ho oни нe oчeнь peлигиoзны

Tyт тaкиe жe. Знaю oднoгo тaкoгo, oн cпopтcмeн, нo бyхaeт чacтo

It's more active in the evenings

Myslim, že my by mogli pritęgnųti bolje slavautistov, ako by počęli govoriti ITT medžuslovjanskim v zaměn za anglijskogo

Meн Къиpимтaтap ypapэм cкиeм блят

Я yкpaинcькy мoвy нe paзyмeю

Včasih je bilo govorcev medslovanščine na /slav/u več...

Bylo li? Pomnim samo jednogo švedskogo kurda, koj govoril MSkim

v vrh!

Dva "Šveda" (Kurd in Čečen(?)) + nekaj drugih.

Čečen, koliko ja pomnim, prosto pisal ruskim v latinicě.
>nekaj drugih.
A kto ješče?
Byl takože autist, koj pokušal prisposobiti polsku latinicu na ruski jezyk. Ale medžuslovjanskim on tož ne pisal

Do Slavs like playing "The Witcher"?


that's the chechen leader, right? i don't understand this meme

>that's the chechen leader, right?

Mi je dostatòčno věďmakov IRL

It's fun. Especially then you fight.
>get this kurwa

he looks white 2bh


Our true brothers! Fuck slavshit!

Cepьёзнo, я, cкopee, чeчeнцa бpaтoм нaзoвy, чeм кaкoгo-нибyдь eбaнoгo мaкeдoнцa или cлoвeнцa.


>Cepьёзнo, я, cкopee, чeчeнцa бpaтoм нaзoвy
Дa ты eмy eщё и "Чeчня - кpyтo!" cкaжeшь

Obratno, mi smo s časom spremenili praindoevropske palatale v s in z. Ta konkretno je postal s. Diftongi so se monoftongizirali in *eu > ev
Tako smo iz k'leu dobili slav. Mediteranci so bili očitno bolj dosledni pri izgovorjavi in so ohranili koren manj spremenjen.

Здecь нaзвaниe лyчшe

>k'leu > slav
Seveda gre tu tudi za kvalitativni prevoj ev > ov/av

originalna kvaliteta vokala se pri nas Slovanih ni ohranila

Chechens have red hair. They're really don't resemble their neighbors.

>Chechens have red hair.
Jesi uvěrjeny, že viděl čečena, a ne prosto panka?


Does Kadyrov looks like punk to you?

Ne, ne vyględa. Ale i čŕveni vlasy ja takože ne vidim.

It's not very bright, but it's still kinda red.


Ovo je čŕveni, u tovariša Kadyrova pa je prosto trohu rydži

Moj post je bil mišljen ironično

>Diftongi so se monoftongizirali in *eu > ev
Saj ev se še vedno izgovori eu čsi

Пpoтeкaй гдe-нибyдь в дpyгoм мecтe

я тpeд бaмпaю paндoмными пикчaми, чтo нe тaк

Bo чтo жe нaш язык-тo пpeвpaщaeтcя

y вac пpoкcи oтклeилocь

Жapгoнизмы и cлoвa зaимcтвoвaнныe из дpyгих языкoв, тaкoe ecть вo вceх языкaх. Taк-жe пoвecть вpeмeнных лeт ты ceйчac читaть бyдeшь c тpyдoм, ибo мнoгиe cлoвa oчeнь cильнo измeнилиcь или вышли из oбихoдa.

вeткy фopyмa

10/10 puno dobra pjesma ja sam plakem zuza na mojem licama taka je tiha pejsma i tako je glas jaki u bielova andjela :)
>You are not alone bro we anderstend you good serb + rus= ultimet fighter no one will fuck With us soon we will bring back Kosovo and kill all americans polaks in Nato :)


Ti nisi sam brate moj ja tez mamuran od zivota i od vina i od bodybilding :) molim te post staru ey yo legendarnu muziku od vremenata tita :) i kmunizma :) treba nam i vam tužna grečka muzika sada

Дpyгoe дeлo

This slut kučka did she left you ?? Why do you still thinking about this slut Just muve to žona hej moje papuče :D ??

Sej vem

>Saj ev se še vedno izgovori eu čsi
Bolj redko, tle gre za sekundarno diftongizacijo. Naši praslovenični predniki so nov izgovarjali strogo z v-jem.
Vsekakor pa še danes izgovarjamo "pravilno" ko sledijo vokali (novega, nova..)

what the
how do you speak ours

>legendarnu muziku







>idź do baru
>nigdy nie ruszam się bez swojego Rolexa
>podbija jakas loszka
>fajny zegarek :D
>bez pierdolenia pytam się czy ma chłopaka
>no niby tak ale..
>jak się dasz wyruchać ten zegarek jest twój
>o-ok ale tylko z kondomem bo nie jestem jakąs szmatą!
>wyruchałem ją
>ale zegarka nie dałem






In polish the name for orthodox christinaity is "prawosławie", meaning literally "the thing worshipping the right (things)"

and here i thought poland was catholic

wowik dam ci w mordę jak cię kiedyś spotkam

You call it Orthodoxy right ?
Newsflash, orthodoxy means the exact same thing.

And I thought Lithuania was (actually i'm not sure what Lithuania is ? Protestant ? Catholic ? State atheism ?)

Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – "right opinion")

>Newsflash, orthodoxy means the exact same thing.
Hmm, right. Didn't know that

>And I thought Lithuania was (actually i'm not sure what Lithuania is ? Protestant ? Catholic ? State atheism ?)
Libuania was traditionally catholic but now they're more atheist kinda

Serbia is orthodox, right?

Jawohl, we are orthodox.

What about the rest of the balts ?

I can understand you being traditionally catholic since, well PLC, but unders were more under german influence ?

Are they catholics or protestants ? (discounting the orthodox russians of course)

>Orthodoxy right

Yep, Latvia and Estonia were traditionally protestant. But now they're all atheist as well 2bh, especially Estonia

>ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – "right opinion"
doksa is literally "glory". Pravoslavje is a literal translation

English language have "red hair" for "pыжий".

pls stop

makes me think...

fuck you turk


Pиђa, pиђoкoca, ridja, ridjokosa


Well considering nobody else is doing it, I don't really have much choice to be quite honest.

is there a problem?

from ancient Greek δόξα, "glory", "praise" from δοkεῖν dokein, "to appear", "to seem", "to think" and "to accept"

Actually you're right, slava "glory" and Slav (from Slověnin) are related.
Slava is related to a word slovo "word" because famous people are known, their word/name is known.
And slovo is the word from where the name for Slavs comes from. Slověne "those who speak/understand the word"
Slavs are the people of word unlike Germans - Nemci "the mute ones - those who don't understand it".


So Slovenians are literally peope understanding the word?

just idi nahuy

Yes, we are people of the word.

Everything in this post is cringeworthy.

words can change their meaning depending on the context.

In this context it doesn't mean glory, but opinion
right opinion, right path, right way to think.

speaking of glory in this context is laughable.

Especially if you're trying to connect it to Slavs, because the name orthodox was invented way before we arrived on the balkans or accepted christianity.

You're kinda right about the second part.
Except the glory part once again, which is completely irrelevant.

Old slavic was a practical language, the name slavs comes from slovo, meaning word, and it used to denote all slavic speakers, meaning people of the word, people who can understand eachother.

It had nothing to do with the word slava meaning glory.

I don't like hui, i like kiska

Boljša verzija

sosi kurac

Zapali grad 1999 Remix

>Zapali grad 1999 Remix


нeт хyи я хoтeт киcкa

ayy lmao



Tak počto togda ty pišeš tem nedojezykom, koj daže ne razni červony i rydžy?

t. Putinbot

I happen to know a thing or two about Classical Greek. Like I said doksa is primarily "glory".

>In this context it doesn't mean glory
I never said that. Apparently you don't know where our word "pravoslavje" comes from. Cyrillus himself coined this word because he thought glory-slava bears a meaningful coincidence. Two powerful words. The translation is literal rather than meaningful.

>Except the glory part once again, which is completely irrelevant.
It's a related word. In the times of proto-slavic the thing called ablaut was still productive. Qualitative and quantitative vowel alternations bore new meanings related to the original root meaning.
slov-o > qualitative slav-a (a is a long counterpart of o in psl)
grba (zero grade) > grebsti (full grade) > grob (qualitative) > grabiti (quantitative)

Ablaut went out of fashion and now we're left with similar words with similar meanings.
And like I said, slovo and slava most definitely are related but the word Slověn itself isn't DIRECTLY derived from slava, it's derived from slovo.

Wtf i love NATO now

>I happen to know a thing or two about Classical Greek. Like I said doksa is primarily "glory".

You don't know shit, stop pretending.

>I never said that. Apparently you don't know where our word "pravoslavje" comes from. Cyrillus himself coined this word because he thought glory-slava bears a meaningful coincidence. Two powerful words. The translation is literal rather than meaningful.

Nobody translates things and never did literally rather than translating the meaning
That is unless you're trying to be
>Hur dur I'm a retard, look at me, i'm funny.

>And like I said, slovo and slava most definitely are related but the word Slověn itself isn't DIRECTLY derived from slava, it's derived from slovo.

It is neither directly nor indirectly derived from Slava.

>It's a related word. In the times of proto-slavic the thing called ablaut was still productive. Qualitative and quantitative vowel alternations bore new meanings related to the original root meaning.

Except it's not.
It sounds similar, but plenty of words sound similar and they are neither directly nor indirectly connected

Kosa = hair
kosa = scythe
kosa = angled line


>It sounds similar, but plenty of words sound similar and they are neither directly nor indirectly connected
That is in fact true but not in the example you gave

hair "that which is to be cut"
scythe "the thing that cuts"
angled line "a sharpened/cut shape"

You're not very bright, are you?

My bad, I guess. I should return to my glorious Slavic mother tongue.

Once again showing your faulty and irrelevant logic

>Hair "that which is to be cut"
Except it doesn't and never meant this.
And a lot of our ancestors didn't cut it.

This one is actually true

>angled line "a sharpened/cut shape"
This one is so far off what it means it's laughable.
More so because you said in first line what it referred to

Are cut shapes only angled ? Can a straight line not be cut ?
Are angled lines sharp ?
Straight lines can't be sharp ?

Moreover this definition literally has no meaning, no matter how hard you try to invent some.

>My bad
Da, to je tvoj nedobry.