Why do slavs do this?

Why do slavs do this?

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They are the most memetic race.

Because people on pic are cockholes

this has already been discussed

See that "i" on sign? hohols, sir.
real slavs do this

What was consensus?


or this

I cannot tell if this video is ironic or not.

i'm afraid it's not

To tell the truth, in Rus/Belarus/Ukr, the mad things, that you meet it the Internet about slavs, are very rare IRL.



Yes, but being 99% subhuman is not better than 15%. Also, go back to your own country, you loser.



Yeah, Donetsk and Lugansk are in difficult situation right now. We feel sorry for our brothers there.
Still, Russia sends a bunch of gummunitarny convoys there.

On pic: "The blood of children form Donbass, that were killed by Urkanian soldiers" (Donetsk and Lugansk)

that's not "immigrants" but "foreign born"

Yeah, show us birth population in jap-hole.
In a few years, your authority will invite foreigners to have sex with your women, as your men can't do this by theyself

It's painfully obvious that it's yet another emigrating pole. You know the brits voted to leave the EU just because they couldn't stand having them around? Absolutely filthy creatures.

I don't feel anything to so said brothers, there is nobody but gangs fighting each other, so fuck them

Donbas and Crimea. This is literally the worst subtype Russian lives there.

Man. Some of you neo-Stalino-tsarists fall for some of this shittiest propaganda on the planet.