1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Are you alone?


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no i have anime

No, I have lots of friends and a gf. And I suggest you make some too

1. Mexico
2. kinda...

I have a child and a wife. You guys are still my bros.

Yes, nobody needs me

>No, I have lots of friends and a gf. And I suggest you make some too
I have friends but I am existentially alone

We're all alone in that sense.

You have to learn to be self-sufficient and not depend on other people

lonelines is my only friend.......

i have an ugly gf who doesn't give a shir about her look (her soles are always dry and flaky for example, and i'm into feet)
we deslike each other but it's better than being single
i am poor and ugly too. none of us has any friends and we both hate our family

>You have to learn to be self-sufficient and not depend on other people

I don't have the energy for this:

>her soles are always dry and flaky
Фy блядь, фy нaхyй


lol actually it doesn't look as severe as you probably imagine it

This Guy isn't self sufficient or live in the woods though, he just demonstrates primitive technology.

Also that's not what I meant by self sufficient

alone but not lonely.
i hate being around people, especially the sounds people make.

1. Germoney
2. Yes, I tend to push away those who like to come close to me.


And I don't care, the more you spend time with yourself, the more you get used to it.

So, so lonely

Yeah and women would rather be alone than with me. Fuckers.

I have no need of friends or gf.

Maybe you're just an unpleasant person to be around and should work on your flaws because that's a symptom which has a root cause?

At a glance i read "man flies to calais", even though i've seen that picture before.

I am alone

Nah I'm good.

Do you want to be friends?

>ye but it's not like I lacked chances to get a gf, it's just that I have inflated standards from attractive drunk girls who never would've looked twice at me sober

Also why the fuck would he wait in the airport? Atleast go out and see the city or something, maybe even find a gf there.

>she probably assumed he just wanted to show her he knows how to flush the toilet


1. Australia
2. Yes
wish I could have a close friendship if some sorts, but I'd fuck it up. At least I've got you guys, for now...


> Northern Territory
> Extremely

we are your friends

1.The khanate of fingolia
2.Not completaly alone as I get contacted by a friend or acquaintance other than my parents monthly but still I am a little lonely at times.

Only relationship is with Allah. Human are just too complicated for me.

1. US expat
2. tons of friends and acquaintances but I feel like most of them are not true friends and considering spending significantly more time alone these days

I used to be extremely introverted before moving

Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man


no, i have my wife and my wife's son

I have some friends but tfw no gf. From time to time I develop attraction for some grill and I get kind of obsessed with her for a couple of months but it goes away

I have two friends on the internet, other than that I'm completely alone

I love my tulpa too


Yes, I've sort of gotten used to it over the years. But you lose your sense of reality and time and it can drive you mad.

I have only one true freind but he hates some of my favourite anime like milky holmes and watches capeshit instead
other than that I have some "freinds" at college but I doubt I'll ever see tem again once I graduate.
no gf, too autistic and Im blind to girls since overly forward guy always surround them, and they're smarter than the average street pervert.
and I dont want to get arrange married to a girl I dont even know. what if she hates whatever I like and has a terrible personality?