What is the secret to stop wasting time on meaningless things and start being a productive member of society?

What is the secret to stop wasting time on meaningless things and start being a productive member of society?

If I knew I wouldn't be here



come to terms with the fact that hobbies and free time are concepts that were created by the jews

Just be yourself :)

Why would you want to be a productive member of society?

I could tell you but it would probably be of little use to you at this point. So just embrace it like everyone else has.

Society is a construction of capitalistic systems of resource organization. The 'productive', that is to say the production, does not exist as a function of the 'society; rather it is the converse, the 'society exists to ensure that capitalistic production continues to expand both its means and its hegemony over alternative systems of social and resource organization. We need to replace the 'society' with the 'community' and the 'productive' with the 'fulfilled'. Only then will we even begin to catch a glimpse of our full potential as a nation. Cred Forums exists as one such 'community' where the 'productive imperative' has been discarded. However an alternative means of organization has yet to emerge.

In summation: it can be said the "productive member of society" is merely the means of production in the context of capitalistic resource organization. A mere tool.

being productive very slightly increases your odds of getting your pic

rape does too

stop browsing Cred Forums

gtfo frankfurt kuk

Surround yourself with decent people who have goals and ambition.

They will motivate you and look out for you and influence you.

At the same time if you hang around no hoper neets, bogans and people who waste all their momey and opportunities in life they will drag you down.

It all had to do with the company you keep.

Yeah yeah, that's all very interesting, Engels. Now get back to work; this mouth won't feed itself.

A mere tool.

that's just mean

I surround myself with high school dropout cocaine addicts so I appear relatively successful and normal within my social circle.

Well f you can hang around thse people and not be dragged down by them in someway more power to you.

Nah the jokes on me my life is rapidly deteriorating.