Why do non-whites get angry when I say I voted for Pauline Hanson in the senate?

Why do non-whites get angry when I say I voted for Pauline Hanson in the senate?

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I read that as Pauline Harambe. I'm on this site too often.

she is as competent as a gorilla


Who's that


I googled her. She's the Australian Trump...a RAAACIST....ISLAAAAMOPHOBE. kek

Why don't people from melbourne vote for Pauline Hanson in the senate?


Me in the background

Me taking the pic

At least your version of trump is infact white and of european descendant
our version of trump on the otherhand is a filthy maori who tries way too hard to be white

Are you Australian?



Wow, you really do love cock, huh?

>this is every Western country's future, and in many cases their present


Why do non-whites squeal at the merest mention of Pauline Hanson?

you'll be surprised, some of the people I've met did vote for her in smelbourne





Cause even if her opinions on paper aren't that extreme, the impression is that people who vote for her actually hold much more extremeist beliefs.
The darkies get upset because they probably think you want them killed.



>Cause even if her opinions on paper aren't that extreme
Does she still wanna kick out non-whites or nah?

Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)00:03:17 No.65708424▶
Everyone but bogans get angry when you say you voted for pauline hanson.

I am anti regugee myself and its idiots like her why I feel dumb for saying I am anti refugee in public...

She doesnt back her opinions up with factsmand statistics, a lot of what the says doesnt even make sense...
She just sounds like an angry bogan..

This only makes the vegan social justice warrior radical left wingers look more intelligent by comparison.

She is just an angry ranga bogan from ipswich who makes no sense.

Ipswich is like the blacktown of queensland btw..

I don't even know, she definitely wants to stop muslim immigration but reading her policy paper isn't worth my time.

Why do whites get angry when I say Im voting for Jill Stein?

nobody cares

A vote casted in favour of Pauline Hanson, perhaps?