This album understands me better than I understand myself

This album understands me better than I understand myself.

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>hmmm boards of canada?

>*puts on headphones*

>*presses play*

>*vanishes into thin air*

>*the only trace of my existence is a faded photograph of me as a young child that some backpacker finds years later under a pile of leaves at an abandoned playground in the middle of a forest in Europe*

I feel like these guys are fucking with forces beyond my understanding when they make this music

It scares me

Does anyone else watch films from the board of Canada? They are actually pretty comfy

yeah that's right

My dad actually grew up watching "Boards of Canada", it was a film board that made educational videos for students

He remembers there were really cheesy special effects that made him laugh at the time. Like there's a guy canoeing in slave lake and it shows how it shrunk over 1000 years and it just shows him falling out of the sky

It's a pretty fitting band name

lmao this is the best BoC description i've heard

every Canadian born at earlier than 1995 probably remembers the film boards movies

some of them were animated songs like these

>tfw I'll be listening to BoC in my uber ride from the bar later tonight.

There's a lot of music that gets me, there's a lot of music that I enjoy, but there's also music that understands what it's doing way more than I can perceive it. Boards fall into this third category.

there are just so many things that go exactly as they seem they should
like An Eagle In Your Mind

postan extras from Geogaddi

Right. We might give up our... decision making I guess to decide what's right and what isn't with the bands or artists we truly enjoy, which might be rephrased as almost a sort of confirmation bias, but they do honestly hit all the right buttons, literally and figuratively.

Everything You Do is a Balloon and Dawn Chorus are two of my favorites.

mmm yeah Dawn Chorus
You Could Feel the Sky is always one of my favorites for driving home at night

Totally. Actually, I find Boards to be great morning driving. I listen to anything else at night, but Boards is a morning group to me, for some reason.
Give Tomorrow's Harvest or IABPOITC or however it goes a listen when it's like fifty or so with the windows down. Great experience.

The color of the Fire really freaked me out the first time I heard the children saying "I Love You"

This is stoner music isn't it.

Fucking checked. It's not stoner music, because that implies it was made by stoners and only appropriate for stoners, but it can wear the hat, yeah.

Its definitely not stoner's music. And you're a pleb.

You mean you guys listen to this sober?

Yes? Not MHTRTC so much, but other BoC stuff, yeah.

I'm sober, halfway through listening to it and I must say it's more straightforward structurally compared to BoC's later stuff, especially Tomorrow's Harvest.. If that's the best word to describe it. Liking it so far man.

get a hold of your life please
your parents are worried about you

I've listened to been listening to boc for years. Started smoking weed just over a year ago. That should answer your question.


So I just read that Pete Standing Alone was arranged and played by an orchestral.. Anyone have a recording of that?

literally the best album to listen to on acid

Last time I listened to it, I had this creepy sensation that my dog that got put to sleep last year is the one that says "I ruv you" in the An Eagle in Your Mind