What's the appeal?

what's the appeal?

Every hardcore girl owns a Nails shirt, so guys assume they have to like Nails to get with the girls.

What they don't know is that all hardcore girls suck and dating them is fucking awful lol

Don't bother.

You will never be one of us.

>What they don't know is that all hardcore girls suck and dating them is fucking awful lol

In my experience this has been true of girls in any of the subgenres of punks scenes.

A husky metal gal though, top notch

op, if you want a good version of that genre, try insect warfare, wormrot, or dropdead


Was gonna post this.

Fuck outta here OP, you dont belong here.

edgy faggot lol

That's a great little record though. It brings a lot of visceral intensity in moments that are both very fast and very slow, too.

Say what you want about the far more macho/tough guy stuff of their latter two releases, but Unsilent Death is a fantastic soundtrack of frustration and powerlessness.

>not getting the meme

Just further proving that you will never be one of us

go back to i


Unsilent Death>Abandon All Life>You Will Never Be One Of Us

It's good grindcore. What's the problem?

Ayyyy lmao represent

The vocals ruin it. Same as any metal.

No Comment is the only good powerviolence band


>not Siege


I don't remember Trent releasing this.

its for people who never listened to a single PV/grind/punk band before

you gotta imagine your all your orifices are being fucked blast beat fast by black dudes, including your stigmata

It took some balls to name the band Nails when NIN was a household name for almost two decades.

Did Nails breakup?