Bill Clinton Swag

Guess personalities, ages
I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

virgin, 90s kid

1997 but as a person

very nostalgic

your emotions change very easily

18 Year old, somewhat social
22, an all round good guy
16, Female, any girl from my High School photography class.



Mid 20s, black hoodie that's faded to various shades of brown

19, you smoke a lot of weed
26, cries a lot

I just imagine that you're on a 90s kick right now.

Love the Doldrums.

Wow that Beyonce album cover is awful.

These are my latest 9/10s

19, likes nostalgia
25, either female or gay dude
21, probably doesnt really talk to anyone
23, does drugs
20, gets depressed but still looks on the bright side


I'm bad at guessing personalities but i like your taste

Probably very bored with your life

You use the phrase "faggot" all the time

You're not as funny as you think you are

You have multiple personalities

fucking yuppie, die in hell

>die in hell
How does that work?

your taste shows u´re narrow minded, avoiding evrey possible alternative outside, having a comfortable job and a stupid family too- dont want to imagine the books in the house in case there are some---is a living hell, and dying?in hell? you will see- fuck yr taste in music

chill guy but avoids showers-has a bad odor

Love retro games. Is nostalgic for a time period he never actually lived in/remembered.
Asunder was a great album, shame it's nearly forgotten.

You get angry often, however it doesn't last long and you feel remorse for it afterwards.


Cred Forums

Best one yet in this thread

Totally incorrect. I shower too often, actually. I've wasted a lot of water with my hygiene regiment. I brush my teeth after every meal and wash my hands constantly. It's a sickness.


goes to art school

watches theneedledrop too much

idk but i would smoke pot with you

ma dud!

This is just what I've been digging recently.

24, you have good taste so you bust be alone a lot.

20 and you just found Cred Forums

machine gun

u r a cool dude of the proper age.

you're a good 7 years older then me
advanced darkness


I'm Close, I study media.

What's the original one of this? I've seen the edits for ages but never the original.

Everyone does it on here

nice dubs also good for you. medias good to get into

No i mean I'm interested in what the original vinyl he's holding

It was a photoshopped picture of him for The Onion in 1998 holding Joan Jett albums. It was called "Clinton Writes Fan Letter To Joan Jett".

It's fake and from the onion I guess. according to knowyourmeme

I love this website. Thank you

Just a few album's ive been listening to lately

You are binging her

Last played 5/5 albums


in yr 20s, shaping a future good taste



almost 30, study something related to psychology. Likes lots of chips


Doesn't buy into the whole "accessibility is bad" mantra of Cred Forums



Here's me OP

those are some very different albums. guess your comment fits for you too.

Smokes and wears bomber jackets

wants to go to parties but never has the opportunity to do so
enjoys nature but doesn't go outside often

Don't know if pleb or ascended
Meme man
Emo phase
watches a lot of porn
Neon demon