Name a better Beck album

Name a better Beck album
pro tip- you can't


Anyone who doesn't rank Odelay as the best Beck album is either memeing or has totally shit opinions.

I actually agree with you OP

>Best album


but every Beck album is great up to Modern Guilt

Fiiiiiight meeeeee

Midnite Vultures
Sea change is pretty close tho

One foot

Midnite Vultures is objectively his best work


If only he was not a believer of Scientology.

>Not preferring this gem

no. just no.
a tribute album stuck in one genre can't be considered this artist's objective best.

What does that matter?

>a tribute album stuck in one genre
Like Sea Change?

Aside from the opening and closing songs Midnite Vultures has always sort of annoyed the fuck out of me.

Mellow Gold, Mutations, Odelay, and Sea Change are my favorites.

>a tribute album stuck in one genre
What genre are you talking about?

Oh man I haven't listened to Mutations in forever. Beck really got me into music like 7 years ago. Mellow Gold and Midnite Vultures are the only ones I really return to anymore. Odelay grew cornier and cornier with each listen and Sea Change is just too syrupy slow sad for me

>a tribute album stuck in one genre
Why does that matter when it's a sound he nails and gets his most fun and most sexy music from?

The songs span Funk, R&B, Hip Hop and Kraut/Synth-Pop and folk-rock. Are you retarded?

Why does everyone overlook this entire album aside from Loser? It's a genuinely great listen. I especially love Beercan and Mutherfucker. Stoner Beck is underrated.

Midnite Vultures is hands down Beck's best album. No bad songs on it, just pure, well written fun.

My once complaint is that the little 'Intro to..' songs exist, they should just be part of the main song.

I'm fond of Guero