Holy fucking shit

holy fucking shit

holy fucking shit indeed

I know right


doo doo do do do

when will the viralling end

>it's this crap

Is this Cred Forumscore already?

>urrr this life urrr bleeding aahhhhh currant buns

Insta Cred Forumscore?

Partly saying this because it's really good and partly saying it because it pisses off the anti-fantano autists who's can't think for themselves)

holy fucking shit this is so unbearable to listen to. I even gave it a couple of listens and I can't stand any song on this album, especially the vocals which make me puke. I know that people can have diferent opinions but I am having a hard time trying to accept someone actually likes this. Hopefully, this album will be forgotten just so I don't have the vomit on my desk everytime someone posts this

It's ok

is that the cough syrup guy?

[spoiler]it's literally just Xiu Xiu + NIИ + Marilyn Manson's vocals[/spoiler]

oh is that all, i can't walk 2 feet without bumping in to an album that sounds like that

yeah. that's pretty much all it is. that and cluttered samples everywhere.

Dubs are truthful. It's NIN's song structure, Xiu Xiu's instrumentation style and Manson's voice on top

Still pretty good though desu

literally how

fourD, the only thing I've seen you post about on here is this album. Are you with the label?


Of course! I never said it was bad or anything; just nothing new.

you have to turn your keyboard upside down and press N from the bottom. doesn't work on laptops, unfortunately ;(

I wish people could have done this for wildflower

I know it's shit

Answer this

this is literally an odd mix of marilyn manson, dubstep, and late 2000s screamo

>late 2000s screamo
oh sick i have to check this out now