What's the best music for smoking 5 bowls to your face and contemplating life?

What's the best music for smoking 5 bowls to your face and contemplating life?

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Dude weed lmao

Weed is great dude


better yet, the Rock Dream version

I was really high the first time I watched this. It's Amon Tobin's 'El Wraith' to a video of a creepy atmospheric claymation movie.


deep bass shit

the rock smokes with you

Here Comes the Indian

or any kind of freak folk really

thanks for the great rec dog, loving it

>5 bowls

Might as well just smoke a blunt at that point.

Innerspeaker/Lonerism and Loveless are good while high.



Gonna drop a few albums reccs that have blown me away while smokin

What, is this a new album from CC?! Or pre-Ceres

true, but personally I like pacing my smoke over the course of the music



Its pre Ceres and calypso

If you haven't heard yet they released a new album under the name sound of Ceres


i always listen to wrap when i light up. Cred Forums hates most modern hip hop, but i think most people agree this is one of the better albums of the last decade. madlib on production is an instant classic

My other recs, enjoy.

Nice, I didn't know that. Will check out


Come to Grief-Grief, Eyehategod-S/t, My Bloody Valentine-Loveless, Weedeater-God Luck and Good Speed, Burzum-Filosofem