I c u

i c u

post a pic holding a spoon

dogs > cats

Kids come running for the great taste of dubs




good b8 user

I want to know if you're real

dogs are for people who care about their animals and enjoy being loved back

cats are for cucks

I sleepy

can i do it tomorrow
i'm sleepy
you misunderstand katie

rate my cade, Cred Forums



baby kitties

Humans are social creatures, we understand respect, connection and hierarchy. Cats don't care about any of these things, they don't love you, they don't even possess the ability to do that. All you are to them is a source of food, science even shows that they don't have any bonds to an 'owner' no matter how you treat them, whatever affection they give is learned behavior that leads to shelter and more food.

light to decent 6
id probably fuck


what music do u listen to kt


Hey Sal


