Annie Clarky thread

when is St. Vincent's next album coming out?

more like when are those legs coming around my head




Long legs, huge talent. I love Annie.


Loved Actor, loved Strange Mercy, but everything after that felt alien.

What went wrong?

she got BYRNED


Well, she's single right? Aside from all those female groupies she fucks.

oh my

Annie is so obviously a lesbian. The worst hidden secret of the 2010s

think she can still bag her female groupies at her age?

if I could get FFS I could look like her but I don't have ~$50,000

Well duh. She still headlines doesn't she?

how did she snag & bag cara btw


Maybe Cara has bad taste in women?

Besides Cara, what other women has Annie used and discarded away?

that one jewish girl she used to get into acting


Why does she always stand like that