During 2014 Buckethead continued releasing albums at an even faster pace...

>During 2014 Buckethead continued releasing albums at an even faster pace. Sixty albums were released throughout the year (a rough average of one every six days). On June 26, the sixty-fifth installment in the series entitled Hold Me Forever (In memory of my mom Nancy York Carroll) was released to honor the death of Buckethead's mother.

>uckethead's release schedule increased in speed again over 2015. One hundred and eighteen albums were released throughout the year (a rough average of one every three days). His 180th release and 150th album in the series, Heaven is your Home (For my Father, Thomas Manley Carroll), was released for free on Father's Day and in dedication to his late father.

>On February 17, 2016, Buckethead released Pike #226 in the series marking his 256th studio CD to date (titled in honor of Michael Jordan's birthday).[49] As of July 25, 2016, Buckethead had released 234 Pikes.

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is he the viper of our generation?

viper just releases the same songs over and over. i don't think buckethead does that

imagine if they collaborated

they would shit out an album in 2 hours

you've got that backwards

viper is the buckethead of our generation

thats a lot of guitar arpeggios

buckethead doesn't even write songs, he just puts on "Standard Rock Backing Beat #21" and then starts wailing

Seems like everything is just one big solo

and yet none of the songs sound the same, weird huh?

They could probably make music faster than time itself passed. Think about it, an album that is 2 hours of music made in 1 hour.

arguably they do because its just >thats a lot of guitar arpeggios

how many more does he need to release before they let him take that smelly bucket off his head?

>implying he ever will


All those albums, too bad none of them are good

why did you bother linking his music?

Is there any buckethead flowchart?

no reason

I started making one once.

It couldn't be done.

Just take some Adderall and set your player to 1.5x speed. You can do it, user. I believe in you.

What if they recorded music at double the speed, i.e. Buckethead plays twice as fast, Viper raps twice as fast, and they record with a backing beat twice as fast as they usually would. Then when it's all recorded, they slow everything down to .5 speed. They could actually make music faster than time itself. They would be unstoppable

Buckethead's music is essentially a decent
quality floor with certain songs being memorable
from a pike here and there.

Here is a song I really like from The Boiling Pond
that comes to mind when I think of great Buckethead.
That intro riff boy

There's also the stuff considered essential by fans,
such as the albums Colma, Electric Tears,
Way Up There, and Lebrontron (probably the best
song to listen to if you've never heard Buckethead before)


why do you write like that? you're not writing poetry you fucking idiot

that's my problem with him.
he's got a few really outstanding albums, but i feel like he's gotten so comfortable playing the stuff he enjoys he doesn't experiment or try new things anymore.

I haven't bothered with his new releases at all because i know they probably all sound the same.

I believe in you my man, hope to see it some day.