An average of 75k-100k albums are released each year. (Not including self released bandcamp/soundcloud stuff either.)

An average of 75k-100k albums are released each year. (Not including self released bandcamp/soundcloud stuff either.)

Thats a lot of music.

Imagine all the gems we'll never hear.

>Youll likely never find anything really great on your own due to various constructs

I mean, 95% of it is likely unremarkable.

That still leaves a lot left though

>tfw you're sex repulsed in real life and had a dream that you met bjork in her secret place and she almost talked you into sex but you narrowly escaped and now she's incessantly calling you

Music for this feel?

>tfw the gatekeepers of bad music are failing
>tfw any idiot on Cred Forums can record an album in FL and release it
You millennials did it

I wonder how many 10/10 albums are out there that we'll never hear because they got no buzz.

Probably some bjork.

I fail to see that as a bad thing

The whole 'internet as a platform for creative expression' thing is a double-edged sword; people who would never have been able to make it can now, in theory, make it... But absolute shit piles in rapidly and ceaselessly and the audience are now mostly website drones imitating whatever is popular on their home-site.
What a horrible world.

Is being able to make an 8/10+ album just genetic?

Bork- I Miss You

Music is cultural, so obviously not.
Ratings depend on the criteria. Are you asking about music as music in the traditional, craftsman sense or in the post-modern, approaching the same value system as in Art sense?
The first would require shitloads of practice, the latter would require you to have something to say and know how to say it and be good enough to do it well and for what you're saying to be best said through music.

Which record is bjork holding?

>diluting the musical genepool is not a bad thing

Drums are the only thing I can play at a praiseworthy level and it's just difficult doing things on my own.
I haven't met any like-minded people who want to make music as seriously as I do

Intelligence is very genetic, and music all ability is one facet of intelligence
But that doesn't mean you can never learn an instrument or learn how to sing, just how fast it clicks for you
So anyone who puts in the time can make a great album

i have listened to all albums released in the last 15 years ama

whats your favorite one
also rec me rainy ambient shit

Well then, in theory, you can pull it off. You're going to need to get out more and find people though.

>musical genepool
Music doesn't have genes, it's a cultural construct.

I say all talent is genetic but only because I'm a talentless, lazy piece of shit.

>music just appears in a vacuum
Did you know you were wrong?