I'm having me a fucken calzone tonight for dinner. What about you, Cred Forumsros?

I'm having me a fucken calzone tonight for dinner. What about you, Cred Forumsros?

Got that pork shoulder slow roasting son.

I don't know. Whatever we can find.

that looks beautiful, i just got 2 eggs and some ketchup and a cup of milk, the usual

I'm going to have a lamb doner kebab, fish and chips, and some chicken tenders.

I have never had a calzone.
I am loaded baked potato and some maple/brown sugar oatmeal.

Pizza cause I'm a lazy cunt

calzones are amazing

as a fat fuck on a diet that doesnt let me eat carbs, i am in love with your meal now

Had a calzone with extra cheese earlier today.

Howzabout I just stack 2 pizza slices on each other?

Not a damn clue. Leftover pasta and roast beef, most likely.

Is it like a pizza folded in half?

What are you having for your dinner user?

how can I make one?

...Actually, yeah. That's a pretty apt description, folded then sealed.


Form an oval of dough sprinkled with flower, layer one half with cheese and whatever toppings you may put on a pizza (excluding sauce, the calzone is dipped in it as a side). Fold over the other side, pinch shut, bake.

I wanna stick my dick in there

that looks disgusting and processed

My girlfriend is making me tendies and macncheesey

I don't do processed my friend.


point out to your girlfriend that it's mac and cheese anal friday

I just casually asked my gf who is on the couch watching tv, did she know it is "mac and cheese anal friday".

She replied, "no. Who are you going out with?"

Bitches huh...

kek. Don't give her the option.

Glaat Kosher ribeye is the plan.
