Which method would you choose if you were to be executed:

which method would you choose if you were to be executed:
1) firing squad
2) lethal injection
3) electric chair
4) gas chamber

tip: add, if you wish, any other method you think would be more painless if it was used in practice

i would choose being fired. why? because it's instant af.

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Stormtrooper firing squad

electric chair's the worst

Firing squad or old sparky

exit bag

Does lethal injection hurt? Can anyone tell me from experience?

firing squad is the quickest, least painful, and most fun way to die.

guillotine's pain in ass

I would go just as my National Socialist Grandfather's brother went; firing squad (he was killed by Soviets though)

I hope he died a painfull death

maybe my grandfather's brother was one of those Soviets. and we suddenly met on b. hello. sup?

Yea dude, people have experience with lethal injections

I would want to be executed like this

go to 1hr 21 min in this movie

the needle
seems painless


Firing squad or gunshot to the back of the head.

fucked to death

I'd like to get shot, but not in the head, so i can feel death coming as i bleed. You can only experience death once. Don't waste it.

dubs means i get lethal shot

Firing squad or hanging, both let you go out like a sir.

Electric chair let's you ride the lightning and go out with some hate.

I couldn't do gas chamber, I just couldn't deal with Zyklon B like a fucking verminous kike.


How stupid is this question? It's just a needle, and no one can tell you about it , cause it's lethal

found the niggerjew

Probably lethal injection. Just drift off to sleep, forever.

Smothered by large breasted women or breastfed to death...

hope he's kidding

Shot or hanged.
Shot because fuck it, it's more epic.
Hanged because it's old-fashioned, and I know song that would keep me from going nuts before my neck snapped.
Not injection. Knowing how it's coming would just be shit all around for me

I was kidding... IT WAS A MEME YOU DIP!

I will say hanging or firing squad. As long as I didnt get gut shot and have to bleed out in lots of pain.

Typically, three drugs are used in lethal injection. Sodium thiopental is used to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart.

I hate the idea my heart should be stopped. I think it's like feeling needle sticks in my heart


Razor wire noose, hands glued to face

you are nigger

I would simply seppuku myself and transfer my soul into a small voodoo doll before they could catch me

Just shoot me in the face a couple times. Doesn't really matter in the end though cause I'm dead anyway you kill me.

Firing squad, and hope for an mlg headshot

Drug overdose while getting my dick sucked.

sounds pretty good actually

Firing line

Whatever I did to deserve it must've been worthy of bullets inside of me

firing squad sounds fast. no slow death you better fucking shoot me.

newfags kill yourselves holy shit


>You know what the gas chamber smells like? Pine oil. Ima send you to pine oil heaven.

Nice trips m888


At the epicenter of a nuclear bomb.


Your soul would be probably ripped apart as well. No heaven for you.

5) I would choose to bleed to death.

all the rest is just weird asf i want to feel the life leaving my body until i finally pass on.

Like a real warriors death

Heroine overdose.

Is the check'd meme even a real person? Or is it just the machine?

Why oh why... ??

You fags ever overdosed ?

Didnt think so.

i wanna be dry humped and licked to death by a thousand beautiful nymphos. /thread

Shotgun to the back of my head.

instant loss of brain usage, you are "dead" like 2 seconds after.

It's added automatically with a Gold Pass


>there's a heaven guys i swaer

If you're being executed, chances are you did something fucked up, already no going to "heaven"

Can I be lethally injected with a fetal dose of heroin.


>implying the figures of authority/executioners are the good guys

Heroin overdose, club27, for stylez.

Firing squad

Best option
Feeling amazing for a minute then passing out and never waking up.


strap a big ass bomb to myself and go boom thats instant af OP. or just fall from a plane as high as possible because i have a feeling the fall wouyld be such a rush

May he rest in peace.

beheading, wanna know how it feels like

Zyclon B

Firing squad or beheading by sword/axe.

lethal injections includes a drug that gives a euphoric and relaxing sensation. That is by far the best way to go. No pain and you are happy and feeling good when it happens. Which other choice can match that?


sky diving naked

No ones gonna do that, faggot

Gladiatorial: every year, everyone on death row is placed in an arena and the fight, last man standing gets their freedom

We're trying to kill people here fucker

I don't care if I can get some sleep pills before

Old sparky
You must be from Nebraska


Gas Chamber, just because it would be one final "fuck you" to the state.

It's the most expensive of the 4 ways you listed, just the seals on the door cost 40,000 per use. According to something I saw on TV once.

Although, I imagine it is probably the most horrifying way.


Actually Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

>amped up super murderer gets released
>the police van stops , they get out and release his chains
>there's a kindergarden nearby


As of 2015 , the only places in the world which still reserve the electric chair as an option for execution are the U.S. states of Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. (Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should lethal injection ever be held to be unconstitutional.)

Now *that's* a level of pettiness I can respect!

I'd go with firing squad. It seems the manliest somehow.

Although I like the way thinks.

Exit bag. Go to sleep, dead in minutes.

Nah, it's a pain in the neck

By Snu SNU

You know it!

Gotta get 1 last punch in before you go down.

I'd choose the lethal injection... as a recovering heroin addict, I can't even look at a needle without getting a boner.

>mfw I'm pinching a tent on the gurney
>mfw placebo effect and I'm noddin' hard
>mfw I always expected to die with a needle in my arm anyway


Trial by combat


nitrogen asphyxiation.


Blood eagle is the way to go

Well done

what about drowning in water?

Bubba-bob likes.

Sounds terrifying to me.


Dubs = free from death row on parole

I'd like to be sniped mid-sentence and have my brains sprayed all over the person I'm talking to.

Not firing squad or injection, becouse im not a dog.
Not a gas chamber becouse im not a jew
Not electric chair, becouse i wouldnt want to die tied up.
>Id just ask them to let me dive off a huge tower, so i could fly for a while

Firing squad made out of stormtroopers

i request to be executed by being strapped to a nuclear bomb.

i'd want people to set up camp a few dozen miles from ground zero and admire the fireworks while my body gets obliterated in a massive nuclear explosion.
it'd be awesome and i'd feel absolutely fucking nothing since i'd be dead in nanoseconds.

one could also execute many thousand convicts this way at the same time.
saves money and gets rid of dangerous nuclear bombs, plus people could pay to watch a nuclear explosion live.

the mushroom cloud would be my gravestone.

>they run out of ammo


pure heroin IV drip is how I'm going out m9
I'll be doing heroin once only in my life time

SUCCed to death

not good. overdoses may cause seizures.

>you're missing the....point

The lethal injection drug (pentobarbitone) they use to put down dogs is fast, effective and painless but the companies who make it refuse to sell it to states who carry out capital punishment.

So humans who are put down by lethal injection have to make do with a cocktail of less effective drugs.

do you really want to go out shaking uncontrollably while possibly choking on your own tounge?

So, shot. Why do you have to be such a special snowflake?
