Anyone knows about this math shit? Teacher gave us this today (pdf file). What the fuck is that?

Anyone knows about this math shit? Teacher gave us this today (pdf file). What the fuck is that?

looks like an infinite summation.

yeah? ok I'll check that out
but then what do?
what are these fucking P about ?

Is this for a stats class?

>probability of A is the summation of etc etc...
it's probability

cant really say. only got through calc 2. whats the class?

Yeah I know what that is

Those P's are probabilities of an event happening.

P(A|Ai) is the probability that event A happens given that Ai already happened.

for a statistics class
teacher is a lunatic
is that any useful or can I just avoid Cred Forumsros? any of you used that shit in real life?

Whats the fucking question?

Bayes theorem; this is some 101 stats shit

OP here I don't fucking know

its called Bayes' partition

one of the most basic and important formula in probabilities, so if you want to do math at a higher level, I would say yes, otherwise, no

Its plenty useful for basic statistics, but 99% of math isnt useful in the real world. You dont take any sort of advanced math in the hope that it will be useful in the real world.

Its Bayes probability.

Theres no question here though. So nothing to answer

Why aren't you asking your study buddies at school? You must join forces to defend yourselves against your university prof's.
Seriously you need to participate in study groups

for me, it's more highschool than university

Statistics is used extensively in 'real life' and these are the building blocks of basic statistics. Its easy stuff and is worth learning

thx /b
OP signing out

OP you want an example?

Simple and easy math... ask away, fingers'n'thumbs...

Basic example. If candidate A is elected president, the probability of WW3 is 90%. If candidate B is elected, Probability of WW3 is 100%.

Candidate A has a 50.83% chance of winning, Cand B has a 49.17% chance. What is the probability of WW3 happening?

P(WW3) = P(A)*P(WW3|A)+P(B)*P(WW3|B)
=0.5083*0.9 + 0.4917*1
P(WW3) = 0.94917
>P(WW3) = 94.92%

you've been trumped

I guess I will ask my buddies thanks
I've just been amazed by the complicated formula
didn't even have a clue of what it means but you helped

Stats is plenty useful, even though often times you can get away with intuitive understanding rather than understanding all of the equations.

This means that you are looking at probability of event A occurring in conjunction with event Ai combined with the probability of even Ai actually happening. Basically Bayes rule

An example would be you come to the doctor with cough. He will tell you 60 % (P(A|A1)) of people who have pneumonia, and 50 % (P(A|A2)) of people who have a common cold. The chance that you have pneumonia however isn't higher than having cold because you need to take into account the actual occurrence of pneumonia (A1) which can be 10 % and common cold (A2) which can be 80 %. In the end you are more likely to have cold than pneumonia.

Bayesian stats are used plenty in online A/B testing (online businesses testing which wordings / designs have higher conversions..

Dont be intimidated by notation. Maths can look a lot more complicated than it is.

Just make a note of what each thing means (theres a wiki page of mathematical notation) and try read it out. It will become a lot clearer.

This equation/definition should come with the note that it is true only if all A_i are mutually exclusive conditions.

Fucking gold

why is that gold?

Pretty sure you could infer that from context but yeah, I guess so.

Probability theroy.

Learn to math you nigger

Sometimes the most obvious things elude us, especially with new or difficult subject matters.