Are you inside her, Cred Forums?

Are you inside her, Cred Forums?

No joke, those braces make me diamonds.

I have no words and I must shitpost

Bet it would look a little bit less sexy on the old-lady version of Hillary though.

Well sure, but I Think I've discovered a fetish.

I own that prop.

I too browse Voat.

I only like a few pictures from Shadman such as his Raven one, as most of it is just this shit.

Except I can't look away

My first proper girlfriend (both of us were 14) had bracers, and she was also super flexible due to being a ballet dancer for most of her life, and turned out to be very interested in anal stuff. Even though our relationship did not make it to the one-year-mark, and I felt very little for her romantically when I broke up with her, I feel like she somehow helped define some of my largest fetishes - And I didn't realize that until many years later. She often wore her hair in pigtails or braids too and I got really into that as well.

Got to give the man some credit for daring to do something like this though, considering how eager Hillary is to secretly murder anyone who opposes her. But maybe she feels that all publicity is good publicity, hmm?

Next thing you know she transfers her conscience into a loli body for votes

Wtf i'm #WithHer now

Truth be told, I'm pretty much an Asexual Trap. I want people to get off on me, but I'm not really cock hungry. But damn, I'd love a guy/Girl with braces.

My current girlfriend is 27 and just got her bracers removed earlier this year. It was really difficult for me, even though she was super happy about it having had them for many many years. They looked super cute on her though. At least her teeth are perfect now, I guess..

You're an involuntarily celibate metrosexual cucked white boy like every other "asexual" or "trap"

Get a life, increase your testosterone and get a girlfriend

At least she isn't covered in tattoos.


>Implying pussy is better than dick
Just because I'm a closeted fag doesn't mean I can't get laid.

Ahhh good old shad. His artwork awakened my inner faggot.

He has one good Raven one

This one might actually hitting quite close to home. There's no way she didn't use her female traits in her youth to get into a better position (pun unintended) and broaden her contact network.

Ohhhh he has more than "one good one"

Lmao is that leafy in the missing child posters?

It's from the iDubbbz Leafy video, he put up posters of Leafy that said "Missing Chin" referring to Leafy's weak chin and jawline.