Life sucks ass and admit if there were suicide booths you'd use them too...

Life sucks ass and admit if there were suicide booths you'd use them too. What do you Cred Forumsros do to make things less miserable?

toke myself into oblivion. Weed helps a little, honestly right now I only continue on due to my dog. Gotta take care of him. I may or may not wait till my mother passes away to kill myself I haven't figured that part out yet. My dog is 3 I hope he makes it to at least 12 being a pitty, and once he goes I'll figure out if I'm gonna go a on and do it then or wait and not put my mom through that. I'm not religious so as far as I'm concerned after I'm dead its w/e but I'd really rather not have to make my mother bury her only child and have to live out her days knowing that even if after we die theres nothing. Any way in short fuck my life I'd really like to off myself today more so today actually was a shit day......fml

smoke, sleep, jack it, eat, interact with humans, work, vidya, literally whatever

depression only really shows up when im alone bored and sober, so it's just a matter of staying busy and high

i totally fuckin relate

try to be curious about something, There is personal growth somewhere. I am a work in progress. I am a snowflke.... you are too. Malcolm X had a quote about replacing the i in illness with we to make wellness. Try meditating and allowing god to work with you . Turn into yourself.

Pretty much. I have a cat, only reason I've gone this far. She's turning 2 this year. My other cat passed away being 13 or so a few years back. Poppy and I in picture

Life doesn't suck ass, just our lives; life is pretty good if you're rich as fuck.

Had a cat myself, animals are amazing they have something humans have lost. My pitty Thor saved my life when my life fell apart two years ago, had it not been for him I'd be long gone by now. Which is both a good and bad thing, he was a rescue and he'd be probably dead had it not been for us saving him but I'd be dead and shit would not hurt any more so that would be nice. Obviously I wouldn't change that part I love that damn dog and I'm proud I get to make his life better. So I have that.


Beautiful doggo.

Tits you retard. Nice trips though. But for real. Tits or gtfo

Lots of weed and occasionally acid.

Hes come a long ways, this was him the night we got him. Almost no hair, mange was so bad and bloated with worms. Hes easily repaid the favor and so much more though.

Stop acting like everyone is a whore


You require Tits or GTFO when they are acting whoreish not posting with a pic of their god damn cat dumb ass.

How? Usually the upper-class is the most depressed. What kind of new money are you?

I get very drunk every night, and have started taking shots in the morning to help me get through the day. I've started losing a shitton of weight, and I'm always tired. I'm pretty sure my liver is shot, but I don't give a fuck.

Nothing. I've been depressed with everything for the longest time. I played starcraft to force my attention on something outside of this "world" but just like anything else it died out. Many people have said that "love" fixes this. I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years until today. This relationship helped a bit and there was real love between us but at the end of the day I still felt shitty. Over the last 5 years I've lost a 2 friends to suicide, totaled my car, potentially facing federal charges for something, and today a break up. If there was a suicide booth I wouldn't be typing right now. Why I keep myself alive, I don't know.

You look real familiar, a girl I once liked in HS but apparently ended up being a lesbian in her older teen years/after school. Not going to put your name out there for the whole world to know or anything but does your name start with a J? should be between 24-26 right now.

I study a lot, fuck my gf, work, get a lot of money, eat good food and exercise regularly and it makes it slightly more bearable

I joined a choir, singing helps a bunch. just creating some form of art/music is fantastic

I killed myself a while ago, not all it's cracked up to be. Can't use my dick anymore. Can't take shits. The neighborhood kids don't see me giving them the middle finger. Those reasons alone make me wish i stuck around. Plus i can't vote for giant douche in the upcoming election

Kinda sucks to respond twice and everyone else lurks or doesn't say anything.

Life sucks, that's true. I wanna live though because I have reasons to live for. When you've got goals then life starts to suck less and you're too occupied with other stuff to worry about killing yourself. Try it.

mac demarco! great musician