If you constantly ego death on substances Like DMT, Psilocybin, Salvia or whatever...

If you constantly ego death on substances Like DMT, Psilocybin, Salvia or whatever....Do you think it would completely eradicate fear of death?

Death is something I've not yet come to terms with, I've ego deathed once before.... But once wasn't enough.... So, Thoughts anyone?

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keep on trying ego death and you will literally drive yourself insane

I think you have to train it by periodically beinh on these substances. The times i did it, it helped me for some time and then it fades away. But if you keep doing it consistently dor about 4 times a year, ill think you will eradicate the fear.

Not really.

If you force it with substances, then you're just going to come into contact with that fear more heavily than ever before. You'll still need to figure out how you want to handle those emotions once the substance put you into contact with that aspect of your mind. If you're feeling brave, try mixing like 10~20 of those lil' pink 25mg Benedryls with your hallucinogen of choice.

You actually will not be able to distinguish reality from your imagination while in this state, and you might die of a heart attack.

But it will definitely put you "into contact" with whatever emotions you haven't dealt with before, that much is certain.

I'm already driving myself insane, you know, what with all the existential crisis' and shiz

Yeah, It helped for a while... I remember clearly at one point during my trip thinking "I am totally content with dying right now"

Maybe if i just inject myself with heroin or something close to my 80's and fall asleep in a warm bath... Go out quietly and peacefully

I know people don't like talking about death, but it's inevitable

Refer to the 2nd last line of my last post, Thoughts?


death alone will erase the fear of it.

Death erases all problems... Unfortunately we've been taught to fear it

Ego death is something I've experienced, through contemplation of knowledge gained through those experiences, not directly as a result though.

I've lost fear of death, and I hate to say it, but I also have a lot of suicidal thoughts. I look at the stars and they beg me to fill the voids between them. I consider what or who in this world can help me and the only viable thing is whatever lies beyond our physical forms.

OP, what is the ego, to you?

Well, the ego is just my consciousness and all it's actions.

I feel like we're polar opposites

Knowledge and experience has taught me only 1 thing... The universe is a chaotic place and everything is subject to change

There is no solidarity

And that has only exacerbated my fear... I don't know... sometimes i'm alright thinking about it in the larger sense... but when i think about what i'm going to experience first person.. it's quite terrifying

the ego is the remainder. everything except your bare consciousness.

ego is the part of you that attributes the name your parents gave you to "you", that attributes your experiences to "you", that attributes anything that originated in this physical realm to what you include as "you".

anything that dies when you do, is the ego.
there is something left. something that feels in another world.

What is relative to your pattern of thought is not relative to mine....

There's basically two ways to deal with death, either denial or distraction.

Denial is when you believe there's life after death. Distraction is working to keep your mind busy so you don't think about it too much. And look man, if you do accept death as an absolute end you can still logically stay a hedonist and die happy.

If you focus on your awareness during an ego death trip, you'll make it out ok. I seem to arrive at the conclusion that birth and death are opposites and is merely how the soul (awareness) enters and exits the body vehicle, but I could be wrong. All I know is that death SHOULD BE the greatest trip we ever had, and I'm almost entirely certain that once we die, this reality will feel like a mere dream compared to how 'real' the 'afterlife' is, even if it is complete nonexistence.

A couple hints: it's relatively easy to transmute fear into curiosity or anticipation of excitement.

>Denial is when you believe there's life after death.

Isn't that sentence itself a form of denial? I could just as easily baselessly accuse you of being "afraid" of living forever, because it would mean that there's no escape. That's too easy though.

That's like saying a rock falls, because it's afraid of defying gravity. So it's in denial of it's possibility to stay floating. Like... okay.


no, but we share one reality. what happens to us when we die is the same regardless of what either of us thinks, so why not contemplate it together?

do you really want to be the person you are now in the grander scheme of our destinies?

sure, i'm (name) who lives at (place) and thinks (things). but none of those things are what I am outside of this reality, or will carry on after my physcial form dies.

also, as a continuation of my last post, your existential despair is due to spiritual misunderstanding. It is also what many philosophers consider "the start of your existential/philosophical journey" because despair is so horrible that it prompts you to reconsider all of your faith. Nothing scares anyone more than the idea of nothingness for eternity.

And also, the ego and awareness are separate. YOU EXPERIENCE THE EGO. YOU DO NOT FEAR DEATH. THE EGO DOES. THE EGO DIES.
Anyway, hope that pounded it into your head. You experience all of the thoughts your ego produces since your ego learned language as a kid, but you 'think' without words. Your thoughts (which stem from the soul or awareness) are simply translated into language. When in doubt trip low dose to maintain philosophical composure. Don't do DMT. It doesn't help with these questions, it just lets you feel what death is like. Mushrooms are your answer. LSD is for fun.

I've always wanted to try shrooms but none of my friends can get their hands on it, any tips?
also, whats a decent amount for a beginner?

I think you're really just misunderstanding what I said.


educate yourself. denial of death means death does not end life. denial of death is the denial that life ceases. I have no idea what other shit you're talking about, I never spoke of being afraid.

Just because you share one reality doesn't mean you don't not share other realities.

Funny you mention that...Suicide has always been appealing just to know what it feels like and to do away with the anxiety... Curiosity kills the user.

I've been employing the distraction method lately... But im constantly reminded so I try dealing with it head on and reaching my own conclusions... but i'm only left with more uncertainty and questions

Mushrooms are the substance that made me content with death BTW

Honestly you shouldn't need drugs to do it. It's a change of mind-set, yes, shrooms, lsd, etc. all make you more willing to accept new ideas/think more freely, but as I said, if you're serious about it simply thinking to yourself:
"I'm going to die;
I have no fear of death. It's natural, and inevitable." should do it for you.
That's just my two cents.

OP Here

I found and identified my own shrooms the first time i tripped them.. .Which lead to me questioning my decision making and thinking I had eaten deadly mushrooms... Which lead to my ego death

So, Learn from my experience?.. Or not... Up to you

No. I understood what you're saying.

You're assuming that there is there is no life after death. Then you're rationalizing others behaviors based on that assumption, supposing that they must be denial of a truth that you "know" to be true, even though they don't know it to be true. In other words, you're not differentiating between your set of information and others' sets of information.

I see it a lot. This time, what you're doing actually *is* a form of denial, because you're denying any reality that doesn't conform to your version of it.

It could be that death is an illusion. But since that's an answer you chose to be believe was not possible, then you deny that any person who believed otherwise could in fact be correct, from within their perspective.

What you're doing is similar to saying that a rock falls because it's "in denial" of it's potential to stay floating.

I mean. Sure. I guess.

That's a really weird way to use the word, though.

The sober mind will never have as full of a grasp of the uncertanties of death as an 'altered' mind under psychoactive substances

Distraction is how you curb existential despair, because denial is the only true way to overcome the fear of death. Religion is a form of denial, for example, and so is the spiritual notion that "we're all one and a part of the big picture" or whatever. Lots of religions have good ideas, especially faith. You gotta have faith man, that when you die, you'll go where you need to go. It's about feeling grounded in this world, knowing that when it's time to die, you'll be in the right hands. Hard to explain. You just gotta make your peace with "God" or your highest power or whatever, if it so happens to be yourself, then fine.

The senses are measuring instruments. How do you purport to study the structure of an instrument without introducing changes into the instrument, and measuring how those changes affect the instrument's ability to measure?

I mean, I guess you could do it surgically... but that sounds a whole lot less safe than simply ingesting some temporary hallucinogens.

"Drugs are bad" is a meme. If that's the extent of your argument, then I think we're done here.

I mean are you accusing me of denial because I really don't get why you're talking to me about this and not in 2nd person. I feel as if your contemplation is directed towards me and I sense animosity, my bad if I'm wrong.

I'm not incorrect about my use of the term denial. Your problem can be taken up with whoever coined the term, this is stupid. Your rock falling analogy fails because rocks are not sentient and cannot question their own existence. Fucking moron

That wasn't my argument at all.
I've done lsd before, and meditated on our place in the universe/what is life etc. I just don't think THAT is the way to come to terms with death, at least in my experience.


Making peace with yourself still seems just like a well balanced distraction

It's still masking you from questioning what's beyond our 3D world after death

Nothing? ... Maybe a shift into the 4th dimension?

I'm rambling

Drugs kind of are bad though, there's a reason a lot of people who trip end up either in the loony bin or in the hospital. Or even getting off the other drugs they were on because trips can really show people their addictions. Trips help but it's all in your head man. You can access a trip any time when you're sober because your head creates the original trip in the first place

Hey, I'm aware this is Cred Forums

But we're trying to maintain a discussion.. Let's not hurl insults

we're working towards ideas that may be a reality to us one day... Try and work together

Well, it should have been your argument. Your current argument is that you couldn't figure out how to calibrate your senses, you thought LSD was a toy or a game, not a tool, and therefor others should follow your trend.

My argument is that hallucinogens are exactly what they are, can be used in one of many ways, and one of those ways is to calibrate the mind, something that cannot be done without introducing a change into the mind, as per the usual rules of physical reality; the only way to know a thing is to introduce a change into that thing, and observe how it changes in relation to the rest of the universe.

Used in this manner, hallucinogens can put a person into contact with their sensory instrument, the mind, and discover the core principles which lead to the emotions they're feeling, such as fear, or more specifically fear of a thing. (In this particular case, that thing is death.)

No, I abused the shit out of psychedelics and had an intense fear of dead. Stopped doing it, years later I was on a car crash. I was never afraid, when the moment comes fear will go away.

Why would you want it? You realize that if you have no clue what you're doing and you kill your ego you run the risk of waking up one day and going "who the hell am I?" We have an eternity of death beyond us, why the hell would you rush the short amount of time we have in this realm of either existence or just consciousness and uniqueness? It's nothingness or consciousness beyond. You fear nothingness I'm sure as you've probably cemented yourself into the idea. What on this earth should it matter to you if this is the case? How do you escape the fear? It's too easy, you won't know when it happens anyway. You know that we are hardwired to survive, even in those bad trips where you're like, "I'm going to die, I'm dead" you still knew you where alive because of your conscious thoughts or visions. My point is until we die there will always be a small process in the back of the head that says this isn't it, not this time. You won't know when it happens and you can grasp to hope if you want to but it's just easier to accept that this may or may not be it (even though it will be) and I'm A. Going to be OK or B. Passing that milestone that no living man has. How exciting is that? Our brains will release chems and we'll see the idea we have worked on believing in our entire lives. Like i said, we're conscious until further notice, thats all you need to know and all you've known. The best thing you can do is not pursue these negative thoughts that bring fear. I'm not saying you need to believe in any human model or metaphor I'm just saying that for the sake of what life is, killing your consciousness is pointless as well may be a mistake you aren't strong enough to undo. Your only job is to live while you're alive, you can't fuck that up. And yes post drug related psychosis exists, that a major reason for not pursuing. That shit will sneak you if you're not careful.

let me ask you this, did your grandma die? Did your dog die? death is natural. did you ask to be born? no. did you ask to die? no. but existence is a gift, and the "distraction" is simply reveling in the beauty of this reality until your time is up. You never know when your time is up either, cause by the time you think "I'm dead," it's too late! Bwa ha. Stop worrying too much man. If grandma can die with a smile on her face without a glimpse of worry then so can you

"everything" is in our head

Everything is also perception

When people on drugs try to talk to people who have never used drugs there is just a misalignment of consciousness ?.... I guess is a good way to describe it... and there is prejudice

Doesn't mean drugs are bad... means they may be perceived bad

Once you experience ego death you no longer fear death anyhow, you do enough psychedelics and you understand that only your physical body dies and it's totally natural, you have nothing to fear.

hold your horses, this was never a discussion. I simply informed you the two psychological terms used in practice to define how a human handles death. You started spouting all this shit about me being in denial so I hurled an insult. Just because you word your prejudiced argument with big words doesn't mean you didn't insult me faggot. Get off Cred Forums if you don't like it pussy

yeah yeah everything's in our head but don't start zooming in too far or you'll think everything is just atoms. There's yin too. Yang is the dark universal force that is cold and lifeless, the atoms, the reason gravity is real. Yin is the awareness that bends yang into its will, the unique feature of life–creation

Just for the record i'd like to maintain that i wasn't the user you were 'arguing' with... I was just interjecting that this should be kept civil if we want to convey thoughts without emotion

the answer is yes, I did it. but there's lots of other side effects to overdoing the chemical ego death thing... I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Knowledge always has the price of the actions necessary to acquire that knowledge.

>You can access a trip any time when you're sober because your head creates the original trip in the first place

No. If you don't know the relationship between your own mind and your own body, you can't just enter a state of "tripping" whenever you want. One requires experience or imagination in order to enter a desired state of mind; neither can be achieved if a person doesn't know where experience of reality ends and imagination begins.

>Trips help but it's all in your head man.
The fact that you even brought that up indicates that you're not following what I'm saying. It's possible that repeated exposure to narcotics has damaged your brain. I was specifically about one's mind. Hallucinogens assist in learning one's own mind. By introducing a change, while knowing that such changes were introduced by hallucinogen, one begins to learn how their mind's ability to perceive information works, in respect their metabolism, as their body digests the hallucinogen.

Are things that you digest in your body "all just in ur head brraaah" too?

Yeah I quit paying attention to this reply chain the moment you made it about ego, instead of correct use of terminology.

Have fun with that.

>Implying the scientific method this hard
What other variables do you deem to be dependent/independent o wise guru?
Or are they just the ones you a lone experimenter, thought were relevant?

True enlightenment comes from the gradual illumination of the mind, and it follows that science is the greatest source of light. Substances create the illusion of epiphany. The illusion of inner peace. The illusion of happiness. But the only thing you can rely on to save you from your horrible life is hard work and critical thinking.

No body asked to be given the power of reasoning and memory but unfortunately we do.... Until we're dead we're all stuck with it.. some anons curiosity and reasoning simply run more rampant than others....

They shouldn't be taught to distract themselves... They should be supported... Who knows...

Maybe they're the thinkers we need to help unravel the mystery of death and spirituality

have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? you really know how to twist my words around

You will come to recognize every use of a substance as a loss. Unfortunately, this realization will come too late.

You will come to realize there is no such thing as loss.... only relativity

you don't need to think about death. no one does. death cannot be processed nor understood. only experienced. Tripping is totally like dying. And before the existential rock fellow comes and tells me I think digesting food is in my head again, the sympathetic nervous system CAN BE fully aroused by psychedelics, meaning that you can experience an artificial near death experience on a high dose. why is this important, well because it prepares you for complete ego death.

I missed your reply until now

You make good points... And i'm honestly at a loss of words

Woah Woah Woah. You can't just make a bold statement and not back it up. What are you talking about by "substance" because we need substances to survive. Are you talking about drugs? If that's the case it sounds as if you believe the forced nature of altered thought patterns will ultimately take away from who you are and what your true intention was. I don't disagree in every case but I also don't agree in every case. This may happen if you went about usage the wrong way, which there are many. Loss of self and or health comes with abuse. There's a differenice in use and abuse. And having proper knowledge of what to expect and experience as to not fall victim to self delusion. If I'm way off then do explain because what I got from your comment is a feeling, a feeling that made me think my reply should be I hate sobernaughts almost as much as I hate people who take any drug too seriously and or not seriously enough if you get what I'm saying.

>I look at the stars and they beg me to fill the voids between them.

Kinda poetic

u literally have nothing to be afraid of.
you will not know you are dead.

people who cant get over death make no sense to me.


>Maybe if i just inject myself with heroin or something close to my 80's and fall asleep in a warm bath... Go out quietly and peacefully

You can't escape your fear this way. Whatever emotions you have buried, will all snap forward at the moment of death. It's emotional potential energy. At every moment during your life you put some in, and you take some out, and whatever's left at the end gets released in a snap of energy that's absolutely one hell of an experience. If you want to escape your fear, the way to do that is to release the built up pressure while you're still alive, so that by the time you die, it's not so much.

In other words, do fear inducing activities, until you're numb to the emotion. You'll still be "afraid of dying," or whatever. But the fear won't phase you, because you've already risked your life so many times. And one way to release *ton* of fear based energy all at once is mixing your hallucinogen of choice, with like 10~20 of those lil' pink 25mg Benedryls.

It will put you in contact with a similar experience as your mind experiences upon death, because it activates / blocks the neurons that are activated / blocked during death.

It's a dangerous risky thing to do, that might actually give you a heart attack due to the raw emotional energy released with this experience. Most people report that it was "the most terrifying experience of their life," even without the hallucinogens.

Yeah after it's happened

But there's still the anxiety in the lead up... I presume you've just done a good job at distracting yourself all these years as to not consider how very real and inevitable it is

can you not imagine one day, Laying in a hospital bed.. people staring at you as the lights slowly dim, and you feel your heart quivering... trying so desperately to beat... and you panic... realizing the gravity of what is happening... and you can't stop it no matter how much you want it to.... you no longer have the freedom of choice.... and then... Nothing

Does that not affect you?... Can you not relate to that at all? because if you don't die of un natural causes before hand that's more than likely how you'll go

It's because I'm holding you to the concepts of reality, something your mind is struggling to escape.

I am down to explore the idea that "drugs are bad, m'kay." But if we're going to do that, we're going to figure out what exactly ingesting narcotics does positively, what it does negatively, and investigate what processes exactly can be utilized instead that has all of those positives, but not necessarily all of those negatives.

That's how that's done. Anything less than that is not a rigorous examination of the pros and cons of narcotic ingestion.

about 3 years ago i tried acid for the first time. i did not experience ego death but for a short while i was convinced i was about to die. yeah it scared the shit out of me. i lived for like a year suffering from some pretty bad existential bullshit. including a really bad fear of death.

yes i can relate to what you are saying. but i got over it. i just realized its stupid always worrying about death. the simple fact that its inevitable makes it not scary. it happens to everyone. its something that is supposed to happen. its not bad. its not good. it just is. questioning it is a waste of time. spending all my hours thinking about it is a waste of time. id rather enjoy life while i can instead of cowering in the corner about something that will most definitely happen no matter what.

its only "scary" cuz its not understood.

You can refuse to go to the hospital. You're overthinking. I know, I do it all the time. If you really fear that scene so much (which will not be as dramatic at the time as it would be any other time) then refuse to be taken to a hospital. Then you can grasp to hope while you lie on the floor and die that way you can at least think that maybe you'll wake up instead of having a doctor tell you you WILL die and or be under the circumstances to be on life support. It's a silly little bandage but at least you won't have the fear of seeing it coming.

Substance induced fear of death isn't comparable to the terrors of sober feelings of helplessness

Because in the back of your mind there will always be a voice no matter how tiny or loud saying, it's just Acid... You're not really dying

However at the moment of death... There will be no voices telling you everything is going to be okay... Only voices of contrasting opinion and chaos

And you'll have to decide which one to grasp to as you fade out

I honestly find that terrifying

i once heard a paramedic speak of death.
the just of his speech was when he told people they had no chance of living they would accept it and calmly slip away.
if they where not told that they had no chance then they would fight it, tire themselves out and die in a panic.

That would be the equivalent of seeing someone about to shoot you and holding a piece of glass infront and thinking... I know it's coming... but maybe this will stop it

But thankyou for your input regardless

the whole point of this thread was to get people talking and debating

>it's just Acid... You're not really dying
have you ever tripped before dude?
shit gets real as fuck. especially for a first timer like i was. i was 100% sure i was sober and about to die.

>However at the moment of death... There will be no voices telling you everything is going to be okay
you dont know this. you are just guessing what it will be like and for some reason you are being negative about it.
why cant you think something along the lines of
"however at the moment of death... there will be loving family and friends around you. you will think of your life and all your accomplishments and be proud of the legacy you are leaving behind. and then you will calmly fade out and die happy."

its all in the attitude bro. if you want to fear it, then that is a choice you are making.

Meditation practice over a few yeqrs yields far better results

>doesnt even meditate

>there's a reason a lot of people who trip end up either in the loony bin or in the hospital
uh, you got sauce on that kiddo?

I have.. I ego deathed on shrooms... seeEven when i thought i had ingested deadly shrooms there was a voice in my head that said trust your intuition.. It was tiny... but it was there...

See again, Relativity... My thoughts and opinions are based upon my experiences

as are yours... There's no right or wrong

Which, tells me even more of the chaos of existence...

I feel like i'm not making sense, But i'm trying my best to convey thoughts on a topic with words where words simply do no justice

Also given you said you can access a trip (psychedelic trip) anytime in a sober state of mind goes to show your inexperience with any hallucinogenic drug.

That makes sense but I'm saying that you have accepted that you might very well die. You have to be at peace with that and for some people being at peace with death could come by leaving your fate to itself, calming their mind by flipping the scroll and saying OK I'm probably going to die but this may not be it. That little hope of life is what I count on to calm me into death however I don't fully rely on it, i know i cannot be uneasy about death and expect those thoughts to stay at bay for the grand finale. So yes I suppose you'd have to have accepted death at that point. But what I was picturing was a guy who's I'll and layed up, been sick and hasn't bothered to get it checked who has arrived at this moment and simply doesn't know. More or less a hope to live unbeknownst to the level of severity, not a fight to live.

dude how recent was your trip?
sounds like you are still coming down man. lol


My trip was 3 years ago user...

Oh, and facebook just decided to kick me in the balls

>what I was picturing was a guy who's I'll and layed up, been sick and hasn't bothered to get it checked who has arrived at this moment and simply doesn't know. More or less a hope to live unbeknownst to the level of severity, not a fight to live.
this is your problem
you picture worst case scenarios when you dont have to bruh.

stop being a debbie downer about it.
people who have "died" and "come back" are always talking about how peaceful it is and how they actually dont want to come back.

lol u srs?

With what authority can you claim what can "save" people from their lives, implying people need saving anyway?
And on what greater authority can you claim that hard work is one of two saving graces for the game of life?

thats called targeted advertising bro.
aka facebook collecting info and hitting you with relevant advertisements based on your info.


have you had any recent trips?
smoking a lot of weed maybe?

it sounds like you just need a break from it all.

OP here... Perhaps I'm just permafried from drug use?

Perhaps we're all just permafried

"muh evidence"

The important thing is that you're even considering the possibility. Some people are perma-fried from birth, but they'd never admit it. The result is a special kind of stupid, where they know they can't make mistakes.

yo dawg life is a trip.
drugs just give you a different perspective / aka a different trip.

everythings illusory anyway. the name of objects like a tree is made up. math is concepts everything is fake. nothing is real. nothing really matters.

just try and enjoy positive emotions bro. find love, laugh a lot. be happy. its a gift of life to be able to feel at all.

I can't smoke weed because i'm in the applicant pool for the Army

I RoboTrip sometimes though, that's DXM if you haven't heard of it... A disso

I smoked weed occasionally up until about 3 months ago... but every time i smoked it it only exacerbated my already over thinking nature... and i felt like i was falling into the whole psychosis thing... so i feel like maybe i'm one of the few people pre disposed to cannabis psychosis?

I think LSD is much better for dissolving ego.

Two nights ago i went on Journey with 2100ug of LSD.

After all I've known people who thought they were having heart attacks and it was a gas bubble. Thowing up blood, blood in the stool, turns out to be menial stomach problems. People freak and think they're dying everyday and theyre just overreacting. That thought alone could ease a mind if you let it. It sounds to me like OP should've stated that the pretense was that you knew FOR SURE you are dying. In that case then what are you going to do? All the worrying in the world won't do you any good. You're unprepared, not ready, who gives a shit? I won't see this ever again, oh no, I won't ever be able to talk to my loved ones, I won't know the sensation of breathing, I won't know anything, wait I won't know anything, wait I won't know anything, why am I so worried I can't change it, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, OK this is it I'm just going to slow my breathing and calm do-...It's done you're gone, no more worrying. You're fear is equivalent to walking the stage at graduation.

i feel like this is dangerous

Everyone who has ever done psychs realizes it's all a facade...

However we're trying to take it a step further with scientific analysis of psychology and the universe to form opinions of death

And in a world where there is no solidarity, it's hard to ground a scientific opinion

The best we've got so far... It's a complete utter chaotic mess and the best thing you can do is distract yourself and ride it out


I've been having a lot of fixations and anxiety around death too. I constantly feel like the world is going to explode and have an irrational fear that the city I live in is going to be bombed by ISIS or some shit, or that something else catastrophic and severe-pain inducing could happen at any minute.

They've gotten better now that I've started university again and can keep myself busy, but my biggest issue stems from what I'm doing with my life.

How do I balance what I need to do for survival (school, work, etc.) versus my freedom as a human being knowing that death is inevitable and could, in theory, happen at any time?

I constantly think of the billions of life forms - human and non-human (insects, animals, etc.) who've never had these trials and tribulations and have rather lived their lives with the intent of enjoying themselves, surviving, and reproducing. It's as if they all have this instinct to just let go and be themselves, something I feel I lack for a wide variety of reasons.

I realize that the world is my oyster, yet I'm too afraid to do anything about it.

Sort of just rambling at this point, I could talk about this for days, but hopefully some user here understands at least parts of what I've said.

dude i think maybe you are just a dumbass lol.

take a course in philosophy and put all this shit to rest. just pick a belief system that works for you.

religion helps too.

Valar Morghulis

Should also add that I've smoked a pretty good deal of weed the past two years. I had my first panic attack, if you will, on it about six months ago and genuinely felt like I was going to die, which is when most of my death fixations started. I will say that marijuana has allowed me to get to know myself better as a person and let go of a lot of the anxieties I face on a daily basis.

Never done shrooms, LSD, or any other hard drugs/hallucinogens.

Dude it sounds like you've tripped like 3 times max. And not high doses, at that.
What it sounds like is that you caused yourself a bad trip by rolling the dice and eating hand picked shrooms in the wild. I reckon the shrooms amplified your fear of uncertainty and you tumbled down the thought hole.
And with good reason. You didn't respect the mushroom. Why in the hell would you dare to eat shrooms you yourself identified for your first time?
These demand respect.

And you keep referring back to some sort of chaos. Chaos of the universe and chaos of existence? What do you mean by these, exactly?

Find something usefull to follow.

Triviumeducation.com start from here. Trust me it will get clearer with time.

Dude what? The guy, or you, said that people who know they won't live slip calmly away where as people who don't struggle and fight.

I simply said that this guy doesn't want to know he's dying cause he fears it so he decides to die in his home completely ignorant to how sever his illness or situation is. How is that not the most positive pretense? This is about being OK with death. I was saying you can be OK with it by accepting that it may happen, (never fully admitting it will) and you may live (never fully expecting it) if you didn't pay too muth attention to it it wouldn't bother you so I'm saying that the little hope in life being in balance with the thought of death all while knowing for a fact that you haven't any true idea whether youre just freaking out or dying may be what sets you free.

>Chaos of the universe and chaos of existence? What do you mean by these, exactly?
hes just a dumb nigger and will eventually normalize like the rest of the world that has tripped before.

he just has no goals at the moment cuz he keeps thinking about shit in the past.

op, get a damn job and set yourself some goals. get busy

>never fully admitting it will
how can someone just lie to themselves and think this? of course it will happen.

im sorry bro i cant really understand what you are getting at. use more punctuation.

My roomate has dmt out the ass, have done it three times nows, trting to go over the edge tomorrow. I wont mind my ego going down a peg.

yall niggas need religion.
believe in an afterlife and all fears go away.

This is at the time of fmdeath when it IS happening. I'm not telling you to think it won't happen, I'm saying to think it's probably not this time. Worst case scenerio is you die and no one knows how stupid you where for thinking you'd live because, well, you're dead.

Fucking goddamn piece of shit phone keyboard. Every single one of my posts has had some idiotic spelling error.

I'm going to assume you both have more experience in the subject and that I am the one acting like a kid drinking daddy's beer for the first time just for my own sanity and the fact that this is what learning is....

How do I go about "normalizing"

because by all definitions I am "normal"... I've worked, I've had girlfriends, I have friends, I graduated, I have ambitions, I dress normally, I workout

so do pray tell... what more must I do?

I, unwillingly and unconsciously, started believing in God, but not in the personified, deity most religions do. Rather, I see God as the force or being that connects me to all other life forms, past, present, and future.

I believe that there is a single, collective consciousness that recursively experiences all possible combinations and outcomes of life. For instance, I will reincarnate as myself at some point, only my life will be lead with the possible outcomes of say, me deciding not to get a sandwich for lunch today, or choosing to go to a different college, and repeating for all possible outcomes of all decisions of all beings.

I'm not a huge fan of organized religion. I believe an individual's relationship with a higher power and the universe is unique and sacred, and can't be bound or defined by a strict set of written, moral guidelines that *everyone else* should follow.

I'll definitely give the site a good read though. Looks very interesting.

what if you just got your god damn lower half of your body cut off?
or you are locked in a cage about to be lit on fire?

you cant go and think "oh maybe this wont be it."


You can start by answering my questions listed at the bottom of my post here plx thx

serious, what do you mean by the chaos you mention?

>what more must I do?

find something you want.
go for it.
dont be a lazyfag
lay off shit that makes you think.

>what do you mean by the chaos you mention?
hes talking about the randomness of the universe dude how do you not know what he means?
"chaos of the universe" its like a phase people go through.

i be hes in his early 20's


I'm in my early 20s! It sounds like he's still in hs.

I used of kind of ramble like he did but I was a little more coherent.

By chaos, I mean the uncertainty of what's ahead...

the uncertainty of what is right and wrong... By universal definition, there is no such thing as right or wrong...

(I mean there's moral right and wrongs which dictate how we live, But beyond that)

Everything is meaningless

we're all just processes interacting with each other with no discernible outcome ... Does that not seem like chaos to you?

hes existential and will grow up soon.
dont worry about death op.
its a waste of time.

one day your gonna be like "fuck i just spent 5 years of my life thinking about teh same shit"

This is kinda what I wanted to hear...

Yes, early 20's

When did the phase end for you?

Well that's just a stupid Fucking statement. There is no sane person out there who doesn't fear a gruesome death. You will more than likely not die peacefully if it's suddenly and or violently. That's common sense across the board and an insult you'd think I was that dim. He even said in an earlier comment he fears that image of having everyone staring down on you in your death bed and seeing it coming. There are so many factors to consider if you want to talk about death but in this instance he is worried about knowing it's coming. I gave him a way in which if everything worked in his favor, which is never a guarantee, he could die unknowingly and avoid his hospital drama. My comment was literally just a reply for his one instance in that one comment and you want to start an argument like I can't perceive or empathize from and for thousands of situations at any given moment.

look man. you are freaked out about your mortality.

happens to everyone. with or without the aid of substances.

you just need to occupy your mind with other things. like a career, education, fitness ect...

life is scary and unpredictable. but thats also a really good thing too. having a safe life where you know everything, the who what where when and why sounds pretty damn boring. unpredictable events can be things like death sure, but you could also win the lottery and shit dude.

you are stuck thinking about the what ifs. which causes a lot of anxiety. what if my death is painful? or what if theres nothing on the other side? shit like that. its extremely pointless to think about these things man. just accept your mortality and try to live life! live today, not tomorrow, or in the past.
life is great.

Wait, how'd god know I was a homo?

Not really.
I could say that our existence was the result of natural and physical processes that may be chaotic short term but evidently, in the long term, just the contrary; here we are, contemplating the purpose of our existence when many years ago we were but atoms.

And what "uncertainty of what is right and wrong"
And uncertainty of morals? What do you mean?
Did you just come to the realization that morals are baseless and hold no true authority?

>Taught to fear it
Biology. Please biology so you don't stupid again.

Maybe this is a moment where we agree to disagree because we both have different opinions

That being the essence of what i was talking about, "right or wrong" ... We both have different opinions on the same subject, neither of us are right nor wrong....

And no I've known that for a long while, I think i'm just rambling a lot without realizing

i guess you're right.... Like I mentioned earlier... I have days worse than others where all I think about is this crap... i guess this is just one of those days

What does biology teach us?

>I have days worse than others where all I think about is this crap
yeah man took me 3 years to snap out of it.
but for real dude its just a phase.
we never stop growing up, even into our 60's
always learning. just keep moving forward
dont stagnate and fall into thought patterns or else faggots in white coats will give it a name.

just find something that you like that also pays good. cuz money is more important than anything lol. without it, you cant survive.

Agree to disagree about what, dude? I'm asking a question and you keep evading.
How is anyone supposed to take you serious when you promote discussion on interesting topics but can't back up your claims, or at the very least, elaborate on your supposed opinions?

>What does biology teach us?
dont die
fuck bitches

Death itself - whatever lies in the After it's not to be feared. It's the pain of transition, actually dying, that I worry about.

Doing drugs in the meantime is just doing drugs.

Here's how you eradicate your fear of death: stop.

Death means nothing. No matter how much you love the people around you, your own life, or any other factor in our reality, it will not change death. Death is the one guaranteed thing we have. We have to face it. No matter what we choose to do. In some ways I'm very afraid of death but in a general sense, nothing will change it and I have to accept it.

I don't expect everyone to take me seriously.... there's been a break down in communication between us two where you feel the need to pry further and deeper into what i mean when i say something and not forming your own opinion to reply

So, I guess i'm evading in the hope you'll drop it so i can focus on other anons concepts?

>says the nigger living before the technological singularity.

its quite possible consciousness gets fully understood within out lifetime and mortality becomes feasible.
like uploading consciousness into robots n shit.

you're about 120 post too late user... That's the most common concept in this thread so far

were all in a matrix and are not given any choice in which pill we get to take.

were stuck in "reality" even if we know the cold truth because society will never collectively agree on anything.

Really making my point for me huh

Here you are again, evading.
I'm simply asking you to elaborate on your opinion, bro.
I've stated my opinions and I can state them again. But that's not the point. The point is to get you to really think about your own opinions, as they don't seem too well formulated and refined in a way that they can be expressed with coherence and clarity.

Ah yeah. Realized that. Forgot how fast Cred Forums moves at times.

sum niggas b real dumb tonight.

not as fast as yo momma chasing the twinkie truck bitch
jk love u user

Alright, I'll go this way since you're persistent

specifically.. One more time please, which opinion would you like me to elaborate on?

he just wants to talk about tripping and ego death and other psychonaut shit cuz its probably fresh to him
hes not looking for any answers or to flesh out any ideas. nigger wants high-talk stoner philosophy

>morals arent real
>shits unpredictable
>universe b big

shit like that.

Even if it's all chaos is this not incredible? I mean you fear being nothing because on many levels you are something. An example of what the universe has to offer. Do we expire? Do we pass on in importance to a whole? No clue but stop and think about it. This isn't about us. If anything on a personal level, it's about our species and our will to thrive as an example of the power of this shit, even when one day it all implodes and collapses it fucking happened, it's happening. I'm at your stage or was or am in between and I feel foolish for talking about it anymore because it's all so cheesy and tired but cmon man you're letting society get to you. They've bloated you up to think you're the one, in a sense. It's not really that way, that's just what comes to mind. It doesn't matter whats right or wrong, what matters is you follow your intention because even though it's senseless, you're robbing yourself of a pure uniqueness for no reason other than it doesn't matter. I can't tell you how to stop the thinking, I say there's nothing wrong with it. The thing is I thought like you and still kind of do uncontrollably at times but it's as honest as everyone says. You can choose to see the negatives of meaninglessness or exploit it and live it up while you can. What's scary is the intuition that pursues a wondering mind. There's nothing quite like seeing how nasty, dumb, "blind", self centered, clincally insane, fake, dishonest, etc. the people are all around us. We all are and Yada Yada. But that's just choosing to see the negative. You can exploit them too. In my experience, this is common place especially with drug use as that's what propelled the mind to wander in most cases. My view may not work for you but the only thing you can do to help yourself is simply put more will into the thought patterns you desire. I know you can't just do it but it's kind of the only option.

OP, you need to take a second to meditate on your fear. You need to come to understand it.

>well user, how do I understand it?
You meditate. Now I know you're instantly going to think of the Buddhist Monk shit where you sit in Indian style and simply "empty your mind." That works for certain people. You know what works for other people? Repetitive activity. Some people exercise, others just take a long drive. In fact, that's how I meditate. I meditate every day because I drive 2 hours on the highway to go to and from work. The brain goes into autopilot mode on its own. And then I start asking myself questions and you won't notice at first, but you will after you snap out of your trance and purposely try to playback in your head what just happened: you're answering your own questions.
>Where do these answers come from?
Well, you were just meditating. You may not realize it but you were tapping into a higher consciousness. One that has access to a Universal knowledge database. I can go deeper but this topic requires an understanding of Quantum Theory and not the point I am trying to make right now.

>Ok, what questions should I be asking.

If you ever want to understand a concept, an idea, or even the universe, break it down with the 5 "W's." So let's say you want to understand fear:
>What is fear?
>Where does fear come from?
>When do we fear?
>How does fear affect us?
>Why do we fear?

Go ahead and reply. I'm curious to what answers you come across.

u a dumb nigga

Believing in the afterlife is cool.
If u were right, good for you, if you weren't, well, you lived your life without the fear of ethernal nothing

>the brain goes into autopilot mode on its own. And then I start asking myself questions

>try to playback in your head what just happened: you're answering your own questions.

This is slightly confusing but maybe? I know what you mean...

Isn't this me asking questions? albeit questions with no real answer?

When I drive I still ask myself these questions in my mind, The fear is the outcome of not finding any real answer to these questions...

Only crude patch jobs from people based heavily on opinion


You're doing a horrible job at derailing this thread user

The questions you need to be asking yourself are simple ones that you understand. The 5 Ws are as simple as they get and they tackle every aspect of the concept/idea/whatever. The point is, you need to hold a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself a question, ponder it, and an answer will come. You have to break it down like what a scientist does to break down a molecule to better understand it.

Well... Thanks to everyone for participating in this thread...

It's been, enlightening

But OP is leaving now

Live well, See you in the next life... Maybe

im pretty sure death is just falling into a dream forever. lsd then dmt. i still kinda fear it but not as much