How am I supposed to get laid as a fat white nationalist xenophobe in a world full of leftist, groomed, fit...

How am I supposed to get laid as a fat white nationalist xenophobe in a world full of leftist, groomed, fit, social white knights? HOW????

gib snap and find out

Lose weight

You don't

ät inte så mkt bacon danks jävel fetto

Because the world is full of leftist, groomed, fit, social white knights that's all gay.

You'll never get laid
>time to an hero and post ITT

Git fit, git groomed --> git laid and be the autistic whitekinight nazi you already are you stupid cunt.

>time to an hero and post ITT
How can he post after kill?

Change your fucking attitude and get a waxing you skank

Your kind are not fit for breeding.

...Or enjoy to be cucked.

TIts or GTFO

>implying the white knight leftists are fit
Jim Sterling and Moviebob Chipman would say hi, but their mouths are too busy ingesting doughnuts.

fun fact: even gemans think you're retarded


Kys thats the best option. Im pretty right leaning user, but im also a gook in a predominatly white country so I can legitimately say whatever the fuck I want.


Post your face here, and we'll try to help you make it decent.
> best chance you got

Neger snälla. Bacon är gåva från ovan. OP behöver bara lära sig att inte vara så jävla öppen om att han är nationalist

Its easy, just lie, get really good at lying. Make up lies to get da bitches wet then dip.

Obviously trolling but yeah, I'd fuck a Neo Nazi bitch. I'm not white and not black or Mexican either. She'd be cool with me despite her deeply held beliefs.

Be prepared. You'll find yourself raped when you least expect it, mixing in the wrong company like that.

Go to a nice right win country like Iran and get a wife there. You will find your views way more represented in that part of the world.

oke guys here I am please go easy on me

During. Do something like slash wrist or somfing

OP är inte nationell, han försöker bara få nationella att se sämre ut än vad vi själva redan lyckas med.

just fuck ugly girls like in your pic.

You get laid and we (the fit leftist white knights) can keep the pretty girls and continue to feel legitimately superior to you.

Everybody wins

Nationalism är underbart men blandat med fascism blir det bara ett helvete

sounds like a plan


>eat properly
>move around and exercise
>don't go on Cred Forums


Show yourself, fit leftist, with a timestamp. Otherwise your post sounds like the gayest thing that ever was.

so girls will automatically land on my dick as soon as I'm skinny?

wow so much anger from this community of thirsty neckbirds lol just ignore all of the haters OP, they are all insecure little boys that don't know how to talk to a woman. Do me a favor and reject all of the adds that you are receiving now because honestly, it's most likely not going to end well, they will harass you and bully you but I won't let that happen. Add me on skype : jakekrc3992 (i'm 18) you can use my shoulder to cry on or we can just talk about life heh.. :P muah xoxoxoxo

Nationalism och fascism är underbart, blandat med idioter blir det ett helvete. Problemet ligger inte i vilken ideologiskgrund våra med nationalister har utan att en stor del av dom är totalt dumma i huvudet och söker sig till den nationellarörelsen pga en image av att rörelsen som inte stämmer med verkligheten.

Nah but you asked how to lose weight. If you want chicks you have to actually be a decent person and staying the fuck off of here will help


If you are white nationalist, then stop putting white people to shame by being a lazy fat beta. How about that? Besides theres plenty of nazi girls that feel the same, but they keep their mouth shut as they dont want to be doxxed and raped by sandnigger zombies. Be a man


>based faggot

Ja jo du har en poäng. Men samtidigt är det lätt för ett fascistiska samhälle att bli en dystopi, inget man vill ha om man ska styra skiten

Stop being a faggot

that's easier said than done. I'm naturally hateful and girls sense that it seems. They laugh at my jokes and witty remarks all the time but when it comes to relationships they never seem to even consider me as a possibilty.

Then I'd suggest you listen to

I'm rather xenophobic myself. I'm hoping that some day I will meet a qt who is as prejudicial and xenophobic as me

words to live by

kind of.

get muscular.
I was a complete no-one beta loser skinny, shit clothing style.
Started bodybuilding inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger and later a range of other bodybuilders, e.g. Zyzz.

So it changed my life completely. I have scored so much pussy over the years, and so many girls literally stalk me I am kind of getting tired of that shit.

so yeah. It will magically make you get a gf.

Lol. You don't understand chicks, at all.

Inb4 "derp. I AM a woman"... Who clearly doesn't understand chicks, at all.

Svagt ledarskap skapar svaga fasciststater. Allt handlar om vilka som leder nationen, jämför till exempel Tyskland med Italien, Tyskland var en lyckad fasciststat medans Italien var en misslyckad, allt för att ledarskapet var bra i den ena och dåligt i den andra. Tyvärr så är det ju så att vi i den nationella/fascistiska-rörelsen har svårt att få bra ärliga ledare att söka sig till oss.

You don't

I don't mean decent as in you'll buy her flowers on the daily I mean that you just don't go to a site full of retarded faggots

>Tysklands var bra
Njae. Han var en sjukt bra ledare och styrde landet ordentligt men hans åsikter var kanske inte något man håller med om

Nu talar vi om landet som en fungerande stat med höglevnadsstandard och ett samhälle som fungerar. Men rent sådär, vad i hans åsikter är det du inte håller med om?

There is always someone for someone... But you limited yourself by those personal weight and political choices, goodluck bro.

the only thing actually preventing you here is your fatness

why not you guys seem like a nice bunch?

Folkmord känns inte så jävla bra you know. Och ja som en fungerande stat var det sjukt bra

oh these gemans are mean...

Vilket folkmord? Den så kallade förintelsen är inte på något sätt trovärdig, men om du menar det faktum att många människor dog i arbetsläger pga sjukdom som ett folkmord, så ja det är ju inte något bra.

did she spell denmark wrong?

Precis vad jag menar. Men om man skulle kunna ha Tysklands framgång utan det så skulle det vara fucking äsome

Nice bait

just vote trump and fuck your inbred cousin

That's how you spell it in Danish.

Arbetslägren i sig var det ju inget fel på, det var till och med en bra idé skulle jag säga. Det var ju tyvärr kriget och att dom allierade bombade sönder infrastrukturen som gjorde att mat och medicin inte kunde skickas till lägren och detta ledde ju till dom höga dödssiffrorna. Att sätta folk som är kriminella eller direkt oönskade av olika anledningar i läger där dom får arbeta för att lära sig ordning och hur man är en del i ett fungerande samhälle är ju inte fel, det är ju mycket mer effektivt än dagens fängelsesystem. Dock så var ju rashygienspolitiken i Tyskland under Hitler lite väl överdriven, men vet inga nationella som stödjer avlivandet av utvecklingsstörda idag så det är ju en avvecklad idé.

I'm 12.5% Hawaiin, 12.5% Filipino, and 75% various white races. Would you fuck me? My skin is brown.

9/10 stoned whore here, wanna skype op?

all of Denmark will probably vote Hillary...

I'd fuck you but that's all

I think you'd be surprised by my mental acumen and white culture. My great grandfather was a Jesuit and his son was a Freemason (not joking, he still has the ring). I know the whole German national anthem in German. I don't know much about my brown heritage.

Nationalism means something different to Americans. To us, nationalism doesn't involve isolating ourselves from genetic minorities. Our nationalism is purely patriotic.

Easy.. go fuck a donkey just like your daddy did.. your piece of shit racist fucktard

You are definitely hitler's aryan dream.

>calls someone racist
>anti donkey kin

>Lose weight
>Get muscled (use steroids if needed)
>Buy a fast car or Suportsport bike
>Use autism's aloofness and coldness to lure in women

I am on my way to becoming the douchebag stereotype for 2017, are you?

OP's answer

Hopefully you dont.

And thats why you're nationalism is a joke.

id hit that tough

id fuck you
idc if youre a nazi or what you believe. just be a decent person and not a hate monger or dbag. w/e.
People can believe what they want. Just dont be an asshat to people

post tits

You don't.
Drop the first three things and just be a normal right-winger, like every sane person.
Stormfags and lefties are both shit and should be destroyed tbqh.
It just more often than not tends to be lefties who can come over to the right side rather than stormfags who are too busy sucking eachothers cocks to see actual reason.

Stop being such a terrible person.

it's the question everyone edgy on Cred Forums seems to ask themselves

How you do it?
1. Date a cute leftist chick. Be sure not to discuss politics or sensitive subjects.
2. Get laid.
3. After a while subtly point out the hypocricy in leftist rhetoric.
4. Get laid some more.
5. Teach her the ways of the right side.
6. Get laid even more
7. Maybe put a ring on it.

Try working out and taking care of yourself, you untermensch fuck.
If you're not going to be a credit to your nation then just get the fuck out and go back to being a leftist.

hey hvor er du, jeg har bil :)

find a fat white xenophobic to date/fuck yourself.

Who is she? Clearly Danish and super hot.

Jeg ku' godt...

The strongest survive is not working out for you eh?


Thankfully, you won't spread your flawed DNA.