Are there actually Hillary supporters or just anti Trump people?

Are there actually Hillary supporters or just anti Trump people?

All of her rallies have like 100 people at max and all of her online videos are downed voted by the thousands

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im not pro hilary..... FUCK TRUMP...... my grand mother came here from mexico....FUCK TRUMP.......

The question really is "was it legal travel/immigration?"

>Are there actually Hillary supporters
Yeah, Bilderberg, the news media, the DNC execs, and the Electoral College.
That's all she needs, really. Between the secret ballot and the way the media is pushing her as having already won, everyone will just assume that the vote count is accurate, and in states with electronic voting with no paper trail you have no choice but to assume the announced outcome is legit because there's no paper trail to audit.

non-american here
it seems to me most people who are voting for hillary are only doing so to avoid Trump becoming president. It's understandable and I'd do the same, probably

No. She rode over on the back of a boar and miscarried

Extreme feminists and liberal fags.

I'm pro Hillary.
Yes I'm away that she's a criminal- I'm OK with this.

I'm from Scotland, and we generally think Trump is awful (yes, I know his mother is Scottish). It's like he's some sort of secret joke that the rest of us aren't part of. I keep on expecting him to stop and go "haha, had you going there!"

The general politics in Scotland is probably closer to Bernie than to Hillary, but with him out of the running, eh, Hillary I guess.

Not pro-Hillary, but tbh, only goddamn retards go to political rallies or vote on youtube videos.
So Trump has cornered the retard vote.

I am Anti-trump, because im not american so he probably thinks im a terrorist


The butthurt anti-Trump people were created by his own design and are the very thing that will cause him to win, when people go to vote everyone who isn't a stupid goddamn baby is going to remember the stupid baby people doing their stupid baby whining about what a mean ol' racist he is or whatever.

Like this little fuck. Do you not want to shove Pedro here into a trashcan? Call it hate all you like but if you combine that urge with the fact most people aren't actually SJWs and you have a very probable Trump win scenario.

This guy gets it

being this pathetic


>Are there actually Hillary supporters or just anti Trump people?

I can't stand either one, but Trump will do far more damage. Hillary knows not to shoot the cow. Trump will burn the farm.

hipster fag

Everybody is just anti-Trump and that is fine.

>hipster fag
Quality response
Must be a Trumpette. One of the reasons I can't stand Trump.


Everybody should be in the happening thread.

hurrrr build a wall.
hurrr make mexico pay for it.
durrrr I'm realistic.

She's a moderate and I'm a moderate.

I'm a pro Hillary dude - most scandals and investigations were led by conservatives and most if not all ended up with nothing, plus I mean politics so everyone has some shadiness, realistically she's a moderate so can prob bridge gap between both parties, she's actually been one of the more honest politicians running if do the research, she has a legacy to leave behind so not gonna fuck up, don't want ultra conservative judge appointed, don't care much about the emails, Benghazi trials ended up with nothing and they were trying hard to pin it on her, no stand down order, 8/10 people that scream Benghazi and 4 American deaths can't even name them, others have done way worse, uhh what else oh I really fucking hate trump

>Aware she's a criminal
>Willing to re-elect Clinton dynasty and live with another 4-8 years of constant scandal
>Is ok with her constant lying
>Is ok with her past miserable mistakes while in office
>Is ok with her miserable health
>Is ok with her current political stance regardless of above.

No clue why anyone is a "supporter".

Squat barefoot, and comfortable on the toilet. You can even undress your pants and make yourself very comfortable.
Sthraighten up your back, relax your anus. Sense the full bowel, the pressure of it inside you, and the desire and the need to get rid of it. Feel the pressure of the thighs on the abdomen,
And think: I am shitting! I am shitting! The shit is rolling out of me in huge quantities! An unending turd sliding through my anus! AAAH I can feel it! Its' comming out! Its going! I can shit! I can shit! I can not stop shitting! And so on... find your own expressions. You have to feel the shit actually coming out of you. Relax and open your anus, sigh with relief, immagining and feeling over and again the sensation of the stool passing through the hole and falling out. You have to see it, live it.You have to be absolutely positive that the shit will come out.

And rape is bad...unless it's the 14 or whatever women that filed against her husband.

wow, in a city of 8 million, impressed

Dude go fix your own country fucking wet back.

That shows a massive lack of support to me.

Trump was in Baltimore relatively recently and there was almost no one there. He was there for something else and didn't really call it a rally, but it looked sad like this. Basically because Maryland...Baltimore specifically is about 78% Democrat on average.

He knew enough to not throw a sad little party in Baltimore though.

fuck hillary go trump!!

Idiot....why did Europeans leave Europe and not fix it? Easier to steal from the natives here. I am looking forward to the take back of America by authentic Americans...brownskins

>I can't stand either one, but Trump will do far more damage.
What are you even basing this on? Clinton is the one with a bunch of wars on her belt and is already threatening with more.

All you did was parrot hollow, meaningless platitudes. Your post was no better, it was just pseudo-intellectual drivel.

Which is probably why you got called a hipster, because that's all they spout.

I'm firmly in the anti-trump camp. But I know at least 3 people who actually like Hillary Clinton. None of them have good reasons, but they like her.

You should probably not vote. Don't vote.

>why did Europeans leave Europe and not fix it?

It was called exploration for potential gain and manifest destiny/Imperialism. They didn't leave because Europe was broken, they expanded their territory because they could.

Dumbass taco nigger.

Fucks your illegal grandma and everything that came our of her nacho cheese filled vagina

I'm anti Trump. I'd vote for almost anyone over him.

>trump or Hillary
>3rd party

She's a progressive you dumbfuck

Democratic run and also a shithole. What a coincidence

Sure she is...

"You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center," Clinton told the audience at a Women for Hillary event in Ohio. "I plead guilty." -Hillary Clinton

Bernie pushed the DNC platform in a progressive direction. Not that it means anything.


stay in school

me personally, i'm not pro-hillary, but i am anti-trump.

all memeing aside for a second, i know it's "hilarious" to imagine an incompetent racist troll flailing around the white house for 4 years, and it makes anti-sjws dicks hard to imagine hillary losing to him, but trump and his ideas will be bad for this country and its perception on the world's political stage.

Im voting Trump for the lulz, can you fucking imagine the news the days after? All the SJW crying and puking, colleges shutting down for weeks due to safe spaces bein blown the fuck out? Glorious!

>muh racism
he's got better policies in every way from hillary, who LITERALLY can only bash trump and not actually give any policy whatsoever

>Seats in the Senate 0/100
>Seats in the House 0/435
>Governorships 0/50
>State Upper House Seats 2/1,972
>State Lower House Seats 2/5,411
>Territorial Governorships 0/6
>Territorial Upper Chamber Seats 0/97
>Territorial Lower Chamber Seats 0/91
>only 145 elected offices in the entire country
>have never been even remotely close to holding the seats of President/Vice President

You could save 15 minutes and just not vote at all.

>B-but if everyone got out and voted for who they really want it would happen. It's people who think like you that stop them!

No. What stops them is that they aren't viable candidates. And they aren't viable candidates because not enough people actually want them. If every single eligible voter who genuinely wants Johnson went out and voted, be still wouldn't win.

It is a delusion.

There are over 500,000 elected offices in the US. You have 149 of them.

That's funny because when you ask Trump supporters why they're voting for Trump, they always refer back to Hillary.


Don't know why I had a brain fart and said Johnson.

trump is 3rd party

Ya, this whole if your born on US soil you are an american citizen is bullshit and this is exhibit A

get the fuck out of our country

Yes because newspapers are never in need of headlines.

No one reads the Post anymore and BS reporting and opinion paces like this are the reason

>Taco nigger
Yasss. I'll be using that in the future

what did she offer for free? more welfare?

THIS. what's her plan???

Fuck! Americans really are stupid!!

Less aid to mexico = money to build a wall. Must be a hard life being offended at all turns

War is good business fag, what's your point?

Are you really this stupid? Do you even know how international politics work? No wonder you'll be voting for Trump.

more free stuff

Math must be hard for you

Trump's rallies are not really as big as he wants people to believe.

He pays actors to attend, he uses green screen video technology to duplicate the crowds and make them look much bigger.

All of this has been confirmed by fact checkers, so don't buy into the lies that Trump's rallies are some big deal.

Doesn't really matter. The president is elected by Electors. The electors usually go by who the majority of the citizens voted for, but they are not obligated to vote for that person. Then, most states give all their votes to who ever won the majority of that state, further making your vote worthless. The only reason an Elector might listen to the majority in their region id's so that they can be re-elected.

This is not true. I've been to a couple myself and my cousin works on the road crew. The crowds are fucking yuge.

protip: Bill Clinton is an elector

as a non american its funny to think that USa is considered a democratic country
Muh freedom

I don't like a single thing about Hillary but I hate trump more so I'll be forced to vote for her just so Trump doesn't win.

True. Been to one in North Houston, crowd was crazy big and line down the street ppl that wanted in. Maybe 10 mexifags protesting

Hillary may have some scandals surrounding her, and personally I don't care for that, even though most have not ever been confirmed nor denied.

But Trump is terrible as a person, and the racism that he pushes is reminiscent of something dating back to the 1800s. There is no way in fuck that I would support this bullshit, so yes, Hillary will get my vote.

They both suck. Hillary is an annoying lying cunt, and Trump is the PT Barnum of our time: a con man always looking for his next mark. This country is doomed.

Yes, there are Hillary supporters, millions of them. I saw them all over the web trying to tear down Bernie Sanders with lies and bullshit for months. Well, they got what they wanted and now we have a close race.

It's actually "Hillary supporters" that would make it the hardest for me to vote for her. But Trump is such a grossly unqualified candidate whose policy plans are either stupid, evil or nonexistent, you'd have to be a reactionary neanderthal retard to actually think that guy belongs anywhere near the WH.

All pretty much the defacto-standard of how most Americans feel, and why Hillary Clinton is going to win.

I'm just anti-trump. The democrats could have nominated a sack of potatoes and I would still vote against trump