Ok, round 5 of the Hillary Clinton is dead hoax

Ok, round 5 of the Hillary Clinton is dead hoax

I'll go over the key points once more just to make sure you fags get it.

When are we posting?
>12 pm EST

What time do we make the fake documents be?
>Anything after and around 12 pm EST

Why did she die?
>Epileptic Seizure

What is the hashtag?
>#RIPHillary or #IMissHer

How do I contribute?
>Use your Inspect Element in your browser and edit away
>Or if you are really good at photoshop, have at it

Other urls found in this thread:




>search twitter for riphillary
>see all the tweets on time
>barely any repsponses
>half way down the page
>posted an hour ago

fuck you john garvey

ITT: CTR shill tries to drum up social media attack against Hillary, then runs to media with story. Discredits the opposition, and gives Hillary a valid victim narrative.

Fuck off.


You keep posting. I'll keep tweeting pic related. You kids have fun.

nice edited pic you got there

Lets get this shit trending #riphillary

this one, i dont know if it is convincing tho


Lurker here. What you guys are doing is truly awesome!

Can't talk, eating popcorn and refreshing my twit feed every 10 seconds....

Badjudgmentin5words is trending. How about #actinglikeyourenotsick

"she would've turned 69 this October"

which self respecting news/tabloid channel would write those cringy hastags?!

She's reported to have died but it unconfirmed so no Rip or anything like that

I was saying for twitter feeds not for the pictures faggot.

>self respecting news/tabloid channel
Sick meme

wtf is a pictures faggot



