Daily reminder that she's going to win

Daily reminder that she's going to win.

At this point, it's only a matter of who's already butthurt about it, and who's already welcoming our new Madam President.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for Correcting the Record!

>not realizing she's already dead



I keep seeing this retarded "yall can't do it like Hillary can" phrase on here. Where does it come from, and wtf does it even mean? Can't do what exactly?


I don't want her to win but it looks inevitable. Only thing to look forward to now is Cred Forums and Cred Forums's epic bitching when the election results are announced.


Lie, murder, steal, break laws, commit treason, and not go to jail. Among other things

It means no one else can lead this country to true greatness, user

Accept your new Madam President with open arms.....it's happening

whether she wins or loses the reaction on this site is gonna be CRAZY


I have more respect for someone who votes Clinton because they find Trump repulsive, than someone who actually believes Clinton is a good candidate. Time to wake up and see reality. A liar under oath who magically gets a pass on everything because of her political connections.

I can't believe you people are trying to spread false rumors about her dying. It's so desperate and immature. This woman only wants to help make your America and your world better, and this is how you treat her after everything she's done and has been through? Shame on you

lmao faggot

She will defeat the Orange Menace!!!

Y'all can't do it like Hillary can!!!

Daily reminder that FL, PA, and MI are all going with Trump, and even though Ohio is going with the cunt, that will be enough to swing the elctoral college in Trump's favor and he will win.

So sorry, fuckface. But you lose.

can't do what?
climb stairs?
get in a plane or car?
they going to build her a sedan chair and carry her into the white house?

>5 shekels have been deposited into your account

Look, everyone knows your a paid shill. Just give up with the act

I mean, do they read what you post? How does it work? Seriously I'd love to know
Couldn't you just show a log saying you lurked Cred Forums all day? You don't have to actually shill for her

>that will be enough to swing the elctoral college in Trump's favor and he will win

I know you probably don't have school today but at least use this valuable time to read a book, little one

>falling for the bait like a niggerfaggit

You are going to be so mad when Donald wins by a landslide :^)

She is about to be crushed in the debates

Daily reminder that ANYONE using ciurrent polls to predict an election result less than 2 months away is a dumbass. Especially considering the fact that we've had several examples of candidates doing very well/very bad in states early on then doing a complete 180 later on.

Nobody "knows" who's gonna win at this point so all of you can kindly STFU

Trump will win

Keep in mind she is barely tied in the polls with Donald Trump of all people.

This is someone who was a former First Lady, a state Senator, and served on Obama's administration, and she can barely stay ahead in the polls with someone that hosted a fucking reality show on TV.

Any other candidate would have double digit leads the whole year through, and the fact that Hillary with her entire record can barely stay ahead shows just how much she fucking sucks.

I hate Trump but I'd hope he wins just to show Democrats they can't win by just nominating someone with a uterus

>She is about to be crushed in the debates

Hillary hater here.

The debates are what legit worries me. I have a gut feeling that Trump will have a major fail/faux pas there. He's a great talker in terms of confidence and charisma, but if he doesn't learn to pick his words more carefully on the fly.....

She is dying.

>mfw I wipe myself with all the butthurt
>mfw I make sure it seeps into my pores because it sustains me

He might do that, but Trump can rebound better than Rodman.

It's from one of Mr. Beta's songs

Yeah go ahead and keep repeating that.
That'll totally make it come true, lel

I'm gonna be trolling on here so hard come November.........

There's no way she's losing

That speech from Michelle Obama alone put her over in a major way

Yall can't do it like the Hilldog can

Wrong thread shill


>Daily reminder that she's going to win.

Well, yeah.

Obviously the tight polling means Trumpfags aren't watching Michelle Obama or listening to anti-Trump criticism.

The only intelligent post in here so far.

What will Cred Forums be after a Trump defeat?

Could be the end.

It will be the same because it's never been good and that's not going to happen.

>shows up
>promptly falls over


except we do
except for FL, Ohio and PA, all the other states are falling in line with fixed traditional voting patterns.

yall cant do it like ctr can

unless the dude figures out a way to make money with this site, yes it will

Trump has got to be the most Cred Forums-ish and Cred Forums-ish major US presidential candidate in decades (meaning candidates who actually got the nom)

For someone like him to lose in the end to not only a woman, but to Hillary Clinton of all women, would be a punch to these fags' guts

this website and reddit really do seem to be at the center of it


could someone pls post the image with hillary on the trash hill of her scandals ? cant find it via google

I'm assuming it means we can't rig an election like she can....in which case I agree.

>Hillary winning Az when obama lost it twice


No its 9gag you dumb faggot

It was the only map I could find that had Trump winning FL

>Daily reminder that she's going to win.





lel'd and kek'd

>first point- will attract investment in America if Trump gets in, will scare investment away if Clinton

>second point- nothing we can do unless you want us to live in da woods

>third point- get a better job you dimwit

>fourth- where did trump say this, citation need nigger

>fifth- welfare for old people


>7th- who the fuck cares?

did mommy cut off your world of warcraft account again?

What the fuck are you fools talking about

Most media sources right now are calling an overall tight race...but somehow we got faggots left and right acting like either Trump or Clinton are somehow way ahead, or have an upcoming guaranteed win

It's one thing to side with one of them but stop acting like you know shit or like you can prove that someone will win. It's too early.

ya, shaking and contracting like an fucking autist... she do it gud

>The DNC screwed over the candidate everyone loved and polled significantly better against Trump than Hillary did

This is some highschool level bullshit. They may have fucked over the whole election just to give the nomination to their popular friend.

What is the Electoral College?

Tell me why California or New York would vote for Trump. Go.

What really gets me is when they ignore Sanders' endorsement of Clinton. They can't even follow their own leader's advice.


Nah but seriously though.....yeah. We all know deep down she's the chosen puppet. Just a matter of time now.

commiefornia wont, if Hitler was alive and became the democratic nominee California would still go blue

Newyork Trump might have a chance since he singlehandedly pulled that shithole out of its depression

we don't vote for a leader, we vote for ideas, projects and future.

No way Trump is going to pull off a victory in Clinton's Senatoral home state.


>ideas, projects and future.
Yeah but those things are now a big part of the DNC platform because of Sanders.

You're willing to throw that away too because of some shit you believe about Clinton.

As a transgender I really hope she wins

> $0.02 has been deposited to your account.
>Thanks for correcting the record!

Shillarycucks got it from this nigger
at 0:58

just like how Trump stood no chance against Jeb Bush in his home state, or against Rubio in his heavily immigrant home state

Hillary can't do it

oh boy, keks

you know you're gonna die young and go to hell, right?


post more

what the fuck I'm 54

>54yo tranny

Well you're most definitely going to hell. I am quite certain of that.


Jeb Bush might have been a popular as governor, but unlike Clinton, his family name put him out of the race pretty early and you knew that faggot.


>Jeb Bush might have been a popular as governor, but unlike Clinton, his family name put him out of the race pretty early and you knew that faggot.

his family name was the one thing that propelled him atleast for the first bit of the race

if you ever heard him talk youd realize that hes a meek little mouse.

how dis trump outdo Rubio in an immigrant state when Rubio not only was going to go dull amnesty on all of them but was also from a immigrant family


was a pussy
that's why he didn't win

which is too bad because we need younger people running for office
maybe next time?

>and who's already welcoming our new Madam President.

I, for one, welcome our new criminal cunt overlord

Jeb had so much fucking money to campaign with too. I feel sorry for all those rich donors.

you could use some time in a re-education camp js

age signifies experience. Its why most countries in the world arent run by children

Jeb Bush and Rubio were merely two examples. Trump beat the living shit out of 16 opponents. Mayors, Congressman, senators, Governors, brothers/sons of former Presidents

i think he stands a good chance

yeah but they were all shit-tier choices

Trump won in the land of the retards

i think he spent half a billion by all accounts

at the beginning of this electoral process all the news outlets had Jeb Bush versus Hillary clinton as the final showdown

by the end Jeb Bush had to go to a drive thru and greet customers

a half billion dollar supported candidate with a previous two presidential family name behind him and he was reduced to talking to people in a Dunkin Donuts drive thru

thats the power of Trump

Actually no the President should be around 40-50 years old, tops. Otherwise it would continue to send the message that the old withered oligarchy is actually what's in command.

How long do you think that kind of tyranny would be sustainable?

Fuck, I lost hard

I don't know if I'd give Trump that much credit.

The thought of a Bush/Clinton rematch made a lot of us puke. Jeb was literally in the right place/wrong time.

>how long

as long as people have food in their bellies and TV to distract them; forever

>REVOLUTION BROTHERS AND SISTERS! REVOLUTION! just as soon as i watch the latest Survivor and big brother! look at them doing those obstacle courses! wow! that must be what surviving on a deserted island is like!

yep creature comforts
brought to you through slave labor

I didn't even know he made other songs

this is kinda catchy

it works in North Korea

>we have 6 beans to survive on this week, thank you KIM! now we watch DRPK news! oooh it says the americans have been reduced to eating snow and grass! thank god we live in Bountiful North Korea!


Hey guys,

B here....thanks for the new house and retirement money

all hail madam president





ah Bernie, all he ever wanted was a red sportscar, a house on a lake, and half a million from donations from retarded college kids

this election made his dream come true!

>Bernie: no refunds!

It works here too, actually

You're really not lying when you say daily reminder huh?



Not on Pepe's watch.

>being this petty and retarded

pretty sad huh? a weak old man with some good ideas or a weak old corrupt with no brain

frogfag meme is kill

that hole in her tongue....lulz

samefagging this hard


Two people agree on a popular idea...must be a samefag

This exact same thread is posted at least 3 or 4 times a day from my estimation. Same pic and everything

And half the time, it hits the fucking post limit

There's no way this is just one user. CTR is fucking here, and they're in full force

how much did you donate?

theres screenshots of retarded kids giving their student loan money to bernie

>popular idea
>butthurt conspiracy

hits the post limit with like 80% of the content being Pro trump

>tfw she should be in jail but isn't because the Director of the FBI didn't want to set a precedent for rule of law



Well it is Cred Forums after all.....

>80% of the content being

retarded frogfag memes

>welcoming our new Cuckmander in Chief
ftfy, faggot


>tfw you're a conspiracy faggot

>Hillary did nothing wrong! her emails werent confidential! butthurt conspiracy!
>FBI: uh, yeah, some were confidential

>uh...ummm, well Hillaries fine! she IS!!! Watch her open this pickle jar on Jimmy Kimmel!!! BTFO!!!
>Clinton collapses at 9/11 memorial and is thrown like a sack of potatoes into a van by secret serice


tfw you call everything you dont like a conspiracy

Pepe is now considered a symbol of racism. You do realize this? How is this going to help your chances with Trump?

>tfw too blind to see the dagger in front of your eyes

Where is the conspiracy in being criminally negligent with classified material? Thats what they proved her of being right before they dropped the charges because she was a presidential candidate

I'll have warm my gas chambers up just for you.


*falls over*


people dont trust the news anymore

look at the rating over the past 10 years of CNN, they have been plummeting

>triggered this hard

show me one instance of any government official recommending Clinton be charged with a crime, or actually charging Clinton with criminal activity

I'll wait.

Topkek ya' shill.

omfg hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>believing hearsay, disinfo

are you sure you can't see it?

>group claims ownership of a meme. that means everyone who uses the meme now thinks like that group
top notch shilling there, hildog

Don't be afraid of the light.

MFW you are drinking this much of the Hillary kool aid

>Be me
>Be working for Clinton campaign
>Go to work one hot summer day
>See memo about our deer leader stopping by for a visit
>Be told to go purchase the following items from a sporting goods store
>1 camping toilet
>5 ponchos
>20 pairs of ear plugs
>30ft of bungee cord
>Purchase all of the items
>Head back to the HQ
>Arrive to see no one other than Hillary Clinton
>Cry for a few minutes
>She gathers us in the smallest room in our office
>Enter to see the camping gear I just purchased
>Be told to put ponchos on upside down like a v
>Potty in center of room
>Folding chairs in a circle around potty
>Bungee cord hanging from ceiling
>Ear plugs in folding chairs
>Told to sit down with the poncho on ear plugs in nose
>Hillary approaches the toilet and drops her pant suit bottoms
>She steps on the potty and starts climbing the rope
>Meanwhile a putrid smell fills the room
>She's pooping while climbing the rope
>She's got the squirts
>All while saying she's perfectly healthy to be the president
>People are throwing up now on each other
>Chain reaction vomit
>Hillary is done pooping and descends from the rope
>Huma appears from the adjacent room, with TP to wipe Hillary clean and put her pant suit bottoms back on
>Room is still vomiting profusely.
>Hillary heads for the door and says, I'll shit on you more after I'm elected president. See you in November.
>Quit my job
>Vote for Trump
>Become a Millionaire.

Isn't that kinda the point here? She broke the law but nobody will recommend charges as though she were above the law. You can bet that if it was someone not running for president they'd have thrown their ass in jail

k bud.

Trump needs to cool it with the "disarm Hillary's security" comments

It's not a direct threat and I get the point he was making but still...




>criminally negligent

OK so it should be really easy to post a link that explains how someone in the Justice Dept or in government itself charged Clinton with a crime.

Still waiting.

sure dude.


Like with a cloth?

>implying you absolutely know what is real and what isn't
if you're going to create more sheeple, it would help to have a man and woman who think just like you

Clinton = A politic hack who lied her way to the top!

Sorry you think you can handwave that shit away. The alt-right are the "basket of deplorables" Clinton referred to.

Shills reaction when Trump is leading is almost all swing states now

wow this is some damn good bait
look at all the replies already

kek she looks like emperor palpatine

6.5 million Americans are deploriable according to Hillary Clinton

Fuck off Faggot.

Hitlery is a daft cunt.

Ill file that in my *landing under sniper fire* category of things Hillary said

Thats the point here. She was proven to have been criminally negligent but she wasn't charged because the Director of the FBI is a spineless bitch who didn't want to set a precedent and decided to ignore the rule of law on which this country was founded.

Yeah but the story was broken at the Daily Beast, which is a respected political site that's heavily criticized both parties.

Pepe is finished. Thanks to some mouthbreathers who co-opted him as a mascot.

careful not to soil your keyboard

like any democrat or republican?

"I'm healthy I promise." - Hillary Clinton while walking up the stairs with two people helping her.

lol, she's a racist cunt.

I actually listened to a few of his tracks. He needs to work on his singing but he honestly makes some great music/beats.

anyone who disagrees with me is deplorable!! she's truly lost her goddamn mind.

look at Hillaries ratings when she started to attack the alt right and pepe

notice how they went down

she looked like a tinfoil hat wearing lunatic


>quit posting polls i dont like! HILLARY!!!HILLARY!!!HILLARY!!!

hey man take it easy. wouldn't you need help going up all of 5 steps?

Holy fuck so many triggered faggots


>assuming so much

No actually it was spot on.

What's funny is that you would deny the racism and sexism you do here when it's pointed out to you by Clinton.

>go through an entire thread
>pick out a dozen replies

this is you

>Found the faggot!
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

>i'll just be completely vague about my political opinion that way no one can bully me
typical shilldog

that truly makes no sense
is it pro or anti Trump?

Mishandling classified information isn't against the law, retard.
There has to be intent, and having no email precedent in the state department immediately debunks criminal gross negligence.
You are a tool, enjoy your myopic life.

Hillary Clinton is a walking corpse and she has already lost the election.

they were all made TO me faggot

keep up



>mfw I have no face to express how sorry I am you took time to write this

Trump is so sexy

love it

Trump has already won this election.

18 U.S. Code ยง 798 - Disclosure of classified information
Go read!

cant wait to vote for him

That's only 2% of Americans, so to be fair that's a massive underestimate.


that's some tasty tinfoil there



>mfw you don't knowyourmeme.com

since you cannot produce even one government official charging Clinton with violating this, your posts are meaningless

and how many people do you find to be deplorable?




You seem to be quite unaware of where you are pasting.

The threads usually do big numbers because retards eventually argue with one another over stupid political shit

Can Hillary bomb Serbians with depleted Urainium like Bill can?


>mfw your face perfectly illustrate how I was picturing you from the beginning

first sentence
>knowingly and willingly
how stupid are you?

Can you imagine how badly white people will be tested if Clinton wins?

The minorities are going to be so gleeful they'll make your life a living hell.

You can also expect the gay agenda to be pushed hard on your children.

It's not a theory.

If any other government employee got caught treating classified documents like she did they would be in jail.

i don't know where all those phones went. what's an e-mail? servers? i don't know what any of that stuff means, i'm just a dumb twat like everyone suspected.

>hillary's numbers
>notice how they went down
except they didn't lying faggot



There actually doesn't have to be intent in this and many cases. I'll give you an example: I was driving my car at 126 miles per hour while texting and driving and I hit a kid and killed them. It doesn't matter that I didn't INTEND to kill the kid, I still killed them to due what they might call criminal negligence and they'll throw my ass in jail for manslaughter anyways. And the whole "no email precedent" thing is just retarded. They have a saying for people who try to say that and it goes like this "ignorance is no excuse"


>It's not a theory



Those are pretty much all really shitty retorts. I'm not even sure if you're joking.


>mister beta is not a hater
>he knows his role is just a beta

>criminal negligence
also known as, being a deceitful cunt


Whever I see Clinton do an interview or speech she sounds confused and rambling. She also seems agitated. Definitely not presidential material. She definitely has Parkinson's or Alzheimer's

>i'm just a dumb twat

yeah you kind of are
you were asked too many times and you can't deliver

come on

ONE official charging Clinton with a crime.
We are still awaiting your magnanimous response.




you're definitely a faggot


>not a reuters poll


Hillary might be good only cuz i think she'll legalize marijuana



guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others
Are you trying to act retarded or are you just retarded?


Clinton didn't even know what classified markings were. She gave the fucking emails WILLINGLY to non-clearance lawyers. Holy shit, this too: 18 U.S. Code ยง 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Every time I find myself complaining internally about Clinton, I recall the alternative and decide that she's for the best.

>implying you know who you're talking to
if you can't see the writing on the wall, you're either being paid to publicly support her or (and much more possibly) you're just like 99% of the ignorant masses contributing to her eventual demise in office. keep shilling for your zombie though. i'm sure she'll come around


Do you also remind yourself that you're retarded?


Wow a bunch of right-wing polling outfits agree with you! Good work user

educate yourself, anons



That's be ause she's a confused old lady with brain damage

shut up frogfag

>Are you trying to act retarded or are you just retarded?
he says as he looks up the word deceitful. ffs did you think about that before posting? rhetorical question because obviously you didn't think about anything except supreme leaders soggy vagina


Even better she was sending classified info to her blackberry.
>Colin Powells face when.


>MFW you forget that most polls over poll democrats by 10%


Trump gonna win

oh wow Trumpfag is a prophet

when you're all knowing
who needs facts

>a confused old lady with brain damage

>educate yourself

the cry of the Trumptard who can't prove his point

shut up frogfag

Clinton is far worse. Trump says mean shit but Clinton is a war mongering psychopath that wants war with Iran and Russia.

She also supports TPP which will end image chans as we know them

She will also pour gasoline on the PC mania, black lives matters, gay movement. That shit will get out of control

Good thing she won't win