Literally the only thing to eat in my house. Think it'll taste alright if I just combine it all in a pot?

Literally the only thing to eat in my house. Think it'll taste alright if I just combine it all in a pot?

Do you not have veggies or seasoning?

that canned stuff looks fucking good!!!

slow down their chef boyardee

Aw shit nigga just found frozen chopped onions

Just dont put the chicken seasoning from the ramen in. Shit's just msg, tastes like ass.

Was debating whether or not to add it. The lentil soup might add enough of its own flavour. Maybe just one packet? Idk

If you can get some eggs and wheat flour mexican things you can make jailhouse burritos

Well depends how much you like it I guess. Personally I hate it, tastes so fake and makes your piss stink.

Put some mayo, actually everything else you have you have in your fridge.katsup and pickles. A sprinkle of basil. Maybe some croutons.

Nah, no packet at all. Just use the lentils and broth to flavor the soup.
It isn't really chicken flavoring as much as it is just salt.

>literally the only thing to eat in my house
This nigga can't read

Gross. Even if I had mayo, wouldn't that completely ruin this five star meal?

>cook noodles, set aside
>sauté onions(1/4 cup)
>combine with soup
> pour over noodles
> serve flavor packets on the side to taste.

>frozen onions

When eggs are a common household food

Mah nigga

Make sure to drain the liquid from the noodles

This, OP. Don't water down the soup

This guy knows what's up.

Fellow chef here, this sounds like your best bet. The flavor in the soup is not gunna be as strong with extra noodles anyhow

nah separate that shit fam. dont waste good meals.

I have bumps on my weiner, can you help?

Should probably kill ur parents

Nah id rather shoot up my school

Update. Just went ahead and threw it all in, minus the flavour packets. Looks almost edible.

You blew it faggot

Why not just eat a pack of ramen?

I know it's pretty bad for you, but I love the taste of chicken ramen. Not sure why, as I've noticed most people hate it. But I usually have 1-2 bowls of it per week.

Sometimes I'll even crush the ramen until it's in tiny bits, add a cup of rice and nuke it for four minutes. Add a packet to a packet and a half of the flavoring, stir, cover for 5 minutes and eat. That method was learned in jail, $1 bags of rice in commissary and a 12 pack box of ramen for I think $3 made for some pretty filling "meals".

Yeah, I only have one pot.

Here's the finished product, gonna sit down to watch some GoT while I enjoy this feast fit for the Gods. Thanks Cred Forumsros!

I like to add frozen broccoli to my ramen.
Otherwise the closest thing I get to vegetables in my diet is pizza sauce or salsa.

same. and then i feel like shit for not eating vegetables.

Its too late now but you should have drained the noodles and transferred them to a plate while you cooked the onion and soup in the pot.

Checked and this