She likes em real young

She likes em real young


Holy fuck
You've been posting her for 3 years now...



what the fuck are you saying?

Let me see her dirty butthole

She fucks real lil boys


any name?

Post her whore tits!

women can't be pedos you idiot

I take it you've never seen a news story about a female teacher fucking their students.

i've read a few but they were always high school students or at least 14 so i dont consider it pedo

Explain my childhood then, please.

They were all just very attractive men!

you're lying

Are you for real? Hello?

im here and yes im forreal nigga

No, one of my second cousin treated me like a meat puppet when I was just 7 (she was 22 or 23), from disgust and fear it became a source of fantasy and it planted the seeds of my fucked up sexual life.

Also : got 'teached' (some would call this raped) by the wife of my grand-mother's neighbor when I was 14.

When I went to highschool I became a toyboy, I got paid (not at first but one day I just grabbed the money she offered) to fulfil frustrated women's kinks.

sounds... interesting. did you roleplay for the women as their son or something?

how little?

Never, but one would always call me "mon petit" that somehow you can translate to "my child", doesn't really count as I didn't get into it and never called her mommy or anything.

I was just roleplaying my innocence and ... fragility I'd say ?

Also, I always lied about how I got all of this money, and I had to convince my 'clients' that they were the one and only 'kinky woman fucking a boy' (I'm still very young looking, I'd post a picture if I could but I know a lot of people that are luking Cred Forums ).

I know regret doing this with those who had kids, my mom cucked my dad and I heard about it just yesterday, although I just hate the guy it feels bad, somehow.

I now*
Fuck, I'm hungover