This stuff makes me rage

This stuff makes me rage.

The young generation could be learning. They could grasp the beauty and truth of science. The true nature of the very world around them. The majesty of the fine, visual, and classic arts. All that culture and creativity. Visit the Louvre, not to tweet about it, but to observe what it means to be human.
They could be reading the classics. The wisdom of our species and culture. The true masters of the language which they abuse daily to send meaningless crap back and forth, essentially running down the clock to their eventual deaths.

Instead, they are sending dick pics to each other on cheap smartphones, colouring their hair with toxic, expensive dyes so that they can be special snowflakes, whining that life is too hard, and wasting their time on bullshit political debates.

Eschewing the great, and embracing the mediocre.
What do we do?

Other urls found in this thread:

We raid, we rage, and share knowledge between us.
We laugh of the world because life has no meaning. We don't belong anywhere. And in the end we will die.
Come have some dank memes

Time to warm up the ovens.

>raised in the virtual world

Let's see how well they do in the real world

It took that many sentences to tell us you're ignorant? hur dur spouting nonsense in a poetic format

Kids today, eh? It's definitely only this generation as well. Nobody has ever had the kinds of thoughts you've had about kids today from other days.

Bloody kids today.

I don't see any SJWs, furries etc. In he other generations

If this generation is even the -same- as the boomers, they're already better informed. The most ignorant, uneducated, classless people I know are over 40.

Then you're an idiot.

Kids used to get a fucking education. Write proper English, learn maths and actually remember it, they knew who historical figures were.

They didn't post on twitter and Instagram non-stop while drinking a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte or some other disgusting 3000kJ sugary drink.

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

- Socrates (probably)

Who made this picture ?

OP posted the wrong picture, I think.

"The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth; and prevented others from improving their minds in useful knowledge. Parents take care to feed their children with wholesome diet; and yet how unconcerned about the provision for the mind, whether they are furnished with salutary food, or with trash, chaff, or poison?"

- Enos Hitchcock, 1790

yeah but big fan of dick pics 2bh

They used to have it beaten out of them, or they had no time for it because they were too busy sitting in class, doing work, fighting in war, or otherwise actually being useful.
These days they have so much fucking spare time, no proper enforcement of morals and a decent lifestyle from authority figures in their life (e.g. smacking banned), and so they have the ability to act out, while previous generations did not and were set on a straight path from the beginning.

Dunno, some fag. Seen it posted loads of times and this time I pulled it from a YLYL thread

Don't buy your kid a smartphone and limit his computer usage if he's not in 6th grade?

It's got noticeably worse.
The internet and modern technology is largely to blame, I feel.

"... I find by sad Experience how the Towns and Streets are filled with lewd wicked Children, and many Children as they have played about the Streets have been heard to curse and swear and call one another Nick-names, and it would grieve ones Heart to hear what bawdy and filthy Communications proceeds from the Mouths of such..."

- Robert Russel, 1695

I always love parents who actually try to instil decent values in their children. I see a smartly-dressed kid with a dumbphone these days and I just think "you wonderful, wonderful parents".

"Household luxuries, school-room steam-press systems, and, above all, the mad spirit of the times, have not come to us without a loss more than proportionate...[a young man] rushes headlong, with an impetuosity which strikes fire from the sharp flints under his tread...Occasionally, one of this class...amasses an estate, but at the expense of his peace, and often of his health. The lunatic asylum or the premature grave too frequently winds up his career...We expect each succeeding generation will grow "beautifully less.""

- Thrace Talmon, 1856

>whining that life is too hard, and wasting their time on bullshit political debates
>being on Cred Forums
irony much?

top kek

we live and let live. who gives a fuck what these people do, oh wait, you do. because you're a self centered dick that apparently doesn't realize the rest of the world doesn't have to live up to your standard.


I don't agree with the specifics of OP's picture, but I agree with the general message. There's a giant gap between the generation who grew up with the ability to communicate with complete strangers half way across the world about their shared interests, and the generation who was limited to people who lived near them.

Like no troll but what do you think the world could be like if Hitler got what he wanted?

Like could it really be any worse than the cancer we have now?


Only insofar as their experience in their youth. It's worth bearing in mind that people in their 50s today have access to the same technology.

And Cred Forums taught me to not be such a vagina all the time. . .
Watch this user

I'm certain most are learning
I'm certain most grasp science
I'm certain most are aware of the world around them
I'm certain some enjoy classical art and literature.
If you're referring to 14-16 yearolds on the
language bit, they're at a development stage.
Implying they can't do all of the above and send dick pics and experiment with hair dye.

iit: disillusioned

itt: fedora

My nigga you expect me to watch all of that shit?


to be fair, the first generation of internet users were here a long time ago, now its just idiots who think they are anonydumbs with their sthitty ddos tools

sad times...

lol is this cringe?? or are you serious?

You're right. Just an image I found a while back but the last part is what it's about.

Most of the modern millennial dumbfucks just text their friends who live down the street though.

See ? It caused the downfall of Ancient Greece.

yeah I saw it a year ago as well, just wanted to post it but you were faster.

Cicada's stuff always disgusts me and gets me hard at the same time

Absolutely brilliant

>Cred Forums: taught me to be a hebephile, watersports fetishist, and overall fucked up human being

You're retarded


That's pretty gay

>has nothing to do with juden

>young generation could be better
>lurking on


I feel ya user. I've been making the same argument for years. Anyone with more than a casual grasp of history will see the same patterns repeat throughout the cycle of the human story.
Some people get it. Some people don't.

Everyone under 40 thinks that at least once in their life.

Dear historyanon,

You are my fucking hero.

> the generation

Yep. There's only 1 generation. Just this one. I didn't have instantaneous communication with email, instant messenger, etc with people around the world 20 years ago. Nope.
1996 was a technological wasteland. There was no internet.
GeoCities wasn't a thing.
Yahoo! sprang into existence in 2012. never happened.
Napster and Kazaa are fairytales.

Youre the biggest faggot I've ever seen

Actually no. Overextending their empire in foolish conquest was the cause.

Much like Rome afterward.

Fuck you. The real world sucks ass. I'd rather drown myself out doing pointless shit and have people ridicule me as a failure rather than be a part of this "functioning" society.

What a fucking joke. Once you realize how pointless life is, once you realize that all the bullshit you were fed when you were a kid is a lie, once you realize that everyone is just working themselves into the ground for no reason, you will really want to fucking die.

I didn't believe my grandfather when he said "ignorance is bliss". Now that my eyes have been opened, I wish I could close them.

>*tips fedora*
>*buttons up trenchcoat*

Congrats, OP, you won the today's biggest faggot on Cred Forums award.

If I ever went to the louvre It'd be to fucking blow it up.

The past only exists to show us a better way to the future than those proceeding us.


i don't even give a fuck OP just stfu

Lead by example you faggit, what are you doing here?

I don't see how you can blame the internet for this shit. Inb4 internetz was the tv, did tv make all of you into worthless, autistic, shits?
(Well this is Cred Forums so..)
It's parenting, people are afraid to slap some sense into kids these days, so now they turn into these, things.

Ow the edge

Different user, but agree with first post. Cousin has made loads of cash in his lifetime, should of been able to retire at 40, he's in his 50s almost flat broke because his generation have as a group not saved enough to retire. I mean this man has made easily 4 million in 10years. A lot more than I'll ever earn. He is going to be broke by next year since he spends crazy, his wife spends like crazy, and his job is no longer available due to his old age.

>Waaaahh, people don't like what i dooooooo, and when i tell them that only the stuff i like is good they call me a faaaaagot, moooom make them stop calling me a faaaagot. Mom, why do you call me a faggot aswell???? Fuck you mom. I fucking hate you!

Internet and TV are a bit different. Internet is a two way street of interacting. Kids now days if they have a phone know about porn even hard core porn by 8-9. So by 12 they have some of the most vulgar language I've ever heard from a squeak toy. It's not just Internet, it's the fake bullshit spouted across it, and the no parental guidance

The "us" and "my generation" shit just grinds my gears.

What is the point of this? Seriously, the late 1800s was a crazy time (honestly since way before that), so the point was true then as it is now.

>I'd rather drown myself out doing pointless shit and have people ridicule me as a failure rather than be a part of this "functioning" society.

Your wish shall be granted.

>What a fucking joke. Once you realize how pointless life is, once you realize that all the bullshit you were fed when you were a kid is a lie, once you realize that everyone is just working themselves into the ground for no reason, you will really want to fucking die.

Want a tissue? Everyone knows this and still celebrates life, what now crybaby?

>I didn't believe my grandfather when he said "ignorance is bliss". Now that my eyes have been opened, I wish I could close them.

He was talking about not knowing what his daughter was up to at night you son of a whore.

jesus dude...

I coudln't agree more. youth spoiled by culture

20 yo in case anyone thinks I'm bullshit, wanting to finish with medicine college so I start a PhD in biomedical science

that existential crisis ;.;

What if they enjoy doing those things? Who are you to say? People shouldn't have to dedicate there lives to things they don't enjoy. And that's only in the hypothetical situation your statement was even remotely true, since there's 100,000s of kids and young adults in highschool/university getting an education and probably dwell into all sort of different extra cirricular activities, not limited to smart phones

I will sometimes act like a grumpy curmudgeon, but when it comes to all the wacky insane tumblr-tards and special snowflake kids, I am kind of interested to see how far they can take it. Just how deluded and ridiculous the otherkin, tulpas, or the people who identify as plants can get. Like, society and technology has gotten all fucked up and this is their desperate attempt to assert any kind of individuality or self-identity, and it's totally misguided because they spend all their time online.
Then there's the Slenderman stabber girl who believes Harry Potter characters live with her and shit. Kinda fascinating actually.

All of those sites made me fat lmao

The cancer and autism one is more accurate.

All of those things are shadows of what kids have today.

As cringe'y as that is, the Internet has changed even in the past 10 years.




34 fag reporting

It's always been this way. Get over it or kys

Take out the middle part and the cringe will be gone

This has always been the case.

It's the feeling that when you were a kid things were more difficult, so you were actually learning things.

When in reality the younger generations have statistically been more educated, since Mesopotamia the youth have been seen as worse than people remember when they were a kid.

What they fail to realize is that they were really no different, the only difference is that access to technology has given everybody more options to make an ass out of themselves. They are no more immature or uneducated.

Most teachers that have been working in schools for their entire career would attest to this.

bumb. I want to hear more from bitter autistics who are:
- 40 and think everyone who's 25 is dumb.
- 25 and think everyone who's 18 is dumb.
- 18 and think everyone who's 14 is dumb.
- 14 and just enjoying their pointless lives.


But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
- Corinthians, 1:27-29

Uh-huh, sure
>Raised by the internet
Wait until real life comes a knockin'

Most teachers who have been working in schools for over 30 years don't follow your idealistic reply. Many of them are quitting because they're not allowed to teach anything more than allows for good marks on the next test.

The illiteracy rate of school leavers in the US and Europe firmly show the modern educational systems failings.

Hate this generation

Kids don't even know how to pull up their damn pants

That school issue is because of governmental changes caring about test scores rather than education. Which has nothing really to do with the kids being kids.

Germanfag reporting in, can confirm. The level is dropping fast here, but the worst part is that it's still higher than in Murica.

Lets be honest, do you feel better now?
I suppose you are some master race, or probability say's you are a cynical up tight cunt with little to no hope. That rope won't tie itself

The generation after these pussy millennials, will be hard fucking core.

Kids always rebel against there parents ideologies.

So were gonna have the 4th Reich. Hope you're happy pussies

>it's gotten noticeably worse
>my personal experience from living for the past 300 years tells me this
You are just exposed to it more because you chug media dick. If you understand the bell curve, you'll realize that there literally always was faggots, and there will ever be an increasing number of faggots, because they 'breed' and pass on their values to their children. Go make statements about your personal perception somewhere else. You aren't even self-aware, yet.

>youtube taught me to be myself

>is a site based on pretending for views

Did you bother to read what I replied to or did you just decide a pat answer was appropriate?


This is even gayer than OPs pic

They are the foundations of what "kids have today" (what literally everyone has).
Don't tell me a shadow doesn't come from whatever cast it.

Your response to that post was off topic, I was simply telling you this.

Everybody knows that the school boards care about test results over education, and this has been to the detriment of the student body as a whole.

This has nothing to do with kids being immature brats, which has been true of every generation.

The point of what I stated in the post you replied to was that teachers would tell you that students were generally getting smarter, the point of what I replied to you with was that you missed the point entirely.

So in other words, you existing in this thread is meaningless, since you brought up something completely off topic just for the sake of argument.

This asshole gets it.
This is just a fact of getting older.

>pretending for views
is what it has evolved into.
If you look up tutorial videos, it's awfully hard to maintain a viewer base if you're fucking around for half of the tutorial.

- 40 and think everyone who's younger than 35 is dumb.
- 25 and think everyone who's younger than 30 is dumb.
- 18 and think everyone is dumb.
- 14 and just enjoying their hairless genitals.


Generation z 1995-2010 will be conservative pepe lovers curve stomping sjws.

...and Cred Forums told me to go guck myself

Real life is not allowed to enter my home unless real life has a warrant.
Real life gave me a gun to make sure real life doesn't get in uninvited.

What's about generation y 1980 - 1995?


Generation Z is called iGeneration
Generation Y is called Millennials

Gen X is the only generation that didn't really get a name, and kept it's letter.