Anyone else having problems with Clover?

Anyone else having problems with Clover?

been using it for the past hour, no problems so far. Reboot your phone?

No chanu?

Rebooted it now and it's the same. Doesn't load anything, or loads the threads missing their pictures in the catalog view after a few tries. Threads are the same, if it loads it does so only for certain pictures.
And this is only for Cred Forums, other boards don't load at all. Non Cred Forums threads that I'm watching also can't be loaded and only have the E by their title.

delete cache and try again

is clover back from the dead?

Zero dots. That means you have no signal.


It's the same, except now I can't even add Cred Forums to my boards and so nothing loads.

Does the web version load?

This is normal
It hides NSFW boards
just enter b and hit ok


what, almost trips though

Try loading it trough your browser

Dude, i am replying using my browser

Using your phone?

i dont know, IS someone having problems with clover?

Using my Computer, WinX 64bit, Firefox(added a few lines)

Try it with your phones web browser

Not sharing the code though

I'm currently replacing the screen lcd/digitizer

Yeah, I'm using Chrome on my Nexus. Which was always slow for Cred Forums and liked to freeze on 200+ replies threads. Exactly why I'm using Clover.
Don't have a PC here, so can't test it. But it's the same for wifi and mobile data and I've never had these problems before here.

Ah cool. Don't remember having to do that when I first start using it.
Also fun fact, if you remove all boards then Clover crashes each time you start it

WTF is Clover?

An APK(android app) for browsing Cred Forums, as i remember it was pulled off from the store, it is in FDroid though

btw. clover is the site's logo

Thank you.


are you that guy that i called "a dick" the other day?

Na, I mostly lurk.

That's cool, fellow oldfag

Right on.

I did last night.

Bump because I still have 1 hour left to kill and I'm bored without muh Cred Forums.
And it got worse, now it doesn't even partially load Cred Forums anymore