Choices thread

Choices thread
Post the ones you've got and choose your fate. In particular, I'm looking for that dragon one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wish, disease immune, and painproof

You don't need the money or sex appeal pills if you have the future pill. Wish pill is a no-brainer. If I can't wish for flying, I'll take that one. I could always wish around the need for an xray ability. I'd take a fourth pill in case I need to kill myself since I can wish myself invulnerability or whatever weasel words to get around what the other pills can do.

Fly, wish and disease immune pills

I've taken all of those pills and they don't work

Id go with
Future , Wish , Sex appeal.

Foresee the future and wish something so you could alter it. While you help curing the world hahaha



do shit, die, repeat

Final 3 numbers determine my pills,
arranged in this order>>>

Flying, money, and sex appeal

Tony Stark, is that you?


Future. Death. Wish. I will be a hitman and my wish n death will be my save me in trouble cards

>Take the yellow one
>Eat them all


Painproof pill


But the one ring is useless unless you're a wizard

what does the one ring even do except for let you go invisible

Drug Pill. Activate any of the other effects at any time.

The Construct.

Sex Appeal, Money, Wish

I'd take Great Observer

Eternal Paradise


>take wish pill
>wish that taking more than 3 pills wouldn't cause combustion
>take every pill

Wish, Painproof, Disease Immune

if you had the wish you dont need the money cos you could just wish for anything you wanted. or wish for like a huge box full of gold and diamonds and sell them

all you faggots not choosing robot wars is why it got cancelled






Disease. Fly. Wish.
Never get sick. Finally able to fly. And I'd just wish for a billion dollars whenever I need money. Wish is OP as fuck


Sloth is literally unbeatable

sex appeal
eternal paradise

But also has little power compared to the others.


All the others are shit

Xray, disease, and wish. Any others and life would be come too easy.

Cola. I need more energy.


Great observer sounds cool

Lemon-lime or cream BUT NOT CHERRY. NEVER CHERRY.

The fucking money pill it is.
I am a student of humanities and not planning on becoming rich, but being able to buy a CD when I like it and get drunk whenever I want would be awesome.

The road eternal, for sure.

escape is just a better version of the road eternal

Road eternal would be fun but maybe a bit too easy
Healer sounds good


Three times the black one.

Too much people to kill.


>every gf you meet
>have to find gf first
>well that choice is fucking useless
dad beans fucking get me everytime



Wish pill - wish for a few thousand dollars every week

painproof pill - to go around kicking people's ass

Fly pill - cause its ballin as fuck nigga

Fly, Sex Appeal, and Money



Money pill> all
With money would can o whatever the fuck u want plus be happy.



>no one picking wisedom toilet

this made me lose my shit

Anyone got the skeleton gang rape one?

Hell with it. Necron.

Does anyone have the one with the 8 multicoulored buttons?

fly, drug, sex appeal

>tfw Robot Wars is already back on the telly

Also, wisdom toilet.

scooby sounds okee but is also really lame.
i don't care for being the worlds strongest man so fuck rippetoe
seid sounds like way to much work and low results

zyzz here i come!

root beer! easy

Future, fly, painproof
>become an hero to us all

The programmer's ring seems so good !

The ring so brave sounds almost too perfect.

Great observer. I would pick eternal paradise but life isn't fun without pain


There is a virtue version to this, but I can't post it due to file size limits. So settle for this link.

It's back. It just ran a new series. Someone obviously picked it.

First the future pill, to see how bad my life will be in ten years.
Then the pain pill to try to stop the feels.
Then the death pill.