Fuck all the media about Johnson not knowing about Aleppo...

Fuck all the media about Johnson not knowing about Aleppo. None of you hardly knew about it until the pic of the Aleppo boy came out and stoked your social fury.

All he's guilty of is not being a puppet to buzzwords like the rest.

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Who is Johnson and who is Aleppo?

Aleppo is that little boy in the picture.

lol, I wish we could still live like that but unfortunately we have to talk about these things.

I know we hate the way we seem to have disconnected and think pics of our food and instant messaging is the in thing, so why hate on a guy for not jumping on the band wagon when a pic of a suffering child surfaces? At least he doesn't just care about it because its popular.

Clump only know about it because they either had a hand in it or want to be famous for championing it

And what happened to young Aleppo? Why does he look so fucked up?

Salve Grumio!

Quite wrong, I've been watching combat videos on liveleak since the fighting started in Syria years ago. I don't give a fuck about who wins or loses or the political situation over there, I just enjoy raw videos of combat and explosions.

he got beat up for being gay

Aleppo is the city in Syria no one gave a fuck about until that pics started circulating and everyone got their social rage on.

First world: "its a big deal now"
Syria: "its been a problem for a while...."
First world: "its big NOW because WE are talking about it"

we're not politicians. people who think they can be president are held to a different standard than your typical internet autist fapping in mom's basement.

i wouldn't expect a btard to be able to point out syria on a map, but you better fucking be able to if you claim to be competent enough to be the president.

i hear this every time

And they are those that have, like you, but you have to agree that most didn't know or care about it until this.

Gimme a break. Johnson's the biggest airhead puppet around, he proved it in that interview. He actually manages to be worse than Marco "Realdoll" Rubio.

WTF! That's horrible! Maybe LGBT groups have a point. I will donate to their cause right away that is just disgusting. Im posting this to facebook.

>All he's guilty of is not being a puppet to buzzwords like the rest.

Uhhh wasn't it him who got butthurt when someone used the word "Illegal immigrant"? Plus Johnson supports BLM so...

He had nothing to do with it and had no way of influencing it. I'd rather have the guy who didn't just start shouting about it when everyone else did. The things he talks about matter to him for more reason than polls and stats

WTF? I hate heterosexual white males now!

Same here, i mostly watch the armored divisions going at it, theres quite a few good ones of tanks rolling in and fucking everything up, and when they're hit by RPG's the ammo burning puts on quite a show.

More palatable than Clump though. He wants to legalize and keep the second amendment

they can't all be perfect.

What annoys me is that there are kids being injured and wounded like him all the time every day in urban warfare. But nobody gives a fuck until they see a picture like this.

There is nothing unique about his plight, somebody just happened to get a god picture of him. Now suddenly people care.

he is a crack addict.

Aleppo is a place where Muslims die.
That's everything I need to know.

Yeah the tank drivers usually aren't very well trained. Tanks in an urban environment are sitting ducks without an infantry escort to protect them from RPG fire.

Tanks are meant to help infantry advance, not stand alone. A tank by itself is quite vulnerable. It's meant to be part of a diverse fighting force. But retarded dune coons don't understand that and send tanks right into a kill zone of high rise buildings where each window could have a RPG fired from it.

If IO was on my other PC I could post tons of cool webm of tanks blowing up in syria

lol no shit. You realize humans are empathetic animals and so seeing dramatic pictures like that one sparks their empathy and they think they want to help. I mean they still don't give a shit and won't do anything, but they want someone to.

>None of you hardly knew about it

1) I sure as hell did.

2) I'm not running for president. If you want to be in charge of the USA, you'd better God-damned well know about the biggest foreign policy crisis in the world.

Any recommended places to watch these besides liveleak? or just liveleak?

The only thing a vote for Johnson will amount to is a protest vote. If you're voting based on the second amendment you have these choices:

1. Vote for Hillary = Watch gun rights disappear and none of the actual causes of gun violence disappear so she can continue to say that we need more and more control.

2. Vote Trump = Guns are protected for the most part. Maybe he lets a few retarded things slip by? Maybe not?

3. Vote for Johnson = He isn't going to win so look at options 1&2 and pray that you don't get 1.

YouTube has a lot of good videos as well, its just that all the new shit gets posted to liveleak first.

It's been all over the news for ages now...

That's pathetically stupid.

I'm still voting for johnson simply because I live in Kansas, one of the most conservative states. I would bet my left nut Trump will win Kansas and not even be nervous about my bet. So I feel I can give my vote to the libertarians just to try to help out the libertarian party and maybe get them included in the race more for the next election.

Hillary doesn't have any chance at all to win Kansas.

>Tanks in an urban environment are sitting ducks without an infantry escort to protect them from RPG fire.

Baghdad was captured in 2003 by an armored reconnaissance in force. They defeated the infantry. The RPG-armed infantry. Alone and unexpectedly.

Are you insane? A huge part of Trump's appeal is that he's *not* a mouthpiece for oligarchs. Johnson was a standard machine politics Democrat until he finally figured out where the real money was and had his "Libertarian epiphany".

Abrams tanks operated by our most elite tank drivers and commanders is a little different than old T-72 tanks run by guys who barely know how to drive them.

And the Iraqi army was pretty much on retreat mode anyways. They weren't fiercely holding each inch.

Are you implying facebook likes and shares don't help that kid?

The picture was staged.
just because your dumbass didnt know about doesn't mean some of us give a fuck about world affairs.
Johnson is a fucking joke who's whole platform is "weed lmao"
fuck all media in general.

Trump 2016

Being trained doesn't magically make your vehicle invulnerable to rocket fire.

Also, the elite tank drivers took their vehicles into an urban environment full of rocket armed infantry; hardly something they'd do if that was an obvious road to defeat, right?

>They weren't fiercely holding each inch.

See: Thunder Run.

Anyone who even casually listens to a real news outlet ought to have heard of Aleppo, at least enough to know where it is.

Face it, like most libertarians, Johnson is a somewhat bright but myopic derelict that is perfectly qualified to run his own affairs and lead a good life but completely unprepared and unsuited for leadership of something larger.

>looks like one of those child soldiers from MGS5