Whats Cred Forums’s drug of choice? I’ll start

Whats Cred Forums’s drug of choice? I’ll start.


Weed and rejection.
>I just can't fucking stop

LSD and shrooms

Heroin. It's been proven that it's harmless if used correctly.

>LSD and shrooms

two of my favorite fucking things

>proven harmless
>if used correctly

yea ok pal.


Oxy is the love of my life, or at least it became when the actual love of my life left me.


Ketamine and dxm to a lesser extent

Oxy without a doubt I just wish I was able to still get it.


MDMA, but I also love 2cb


Alcohol with tramadol, marijuana with alcohol, diphenhydramine with marijuan and 3 shots of alcohol.
Alcohol is the love of my life because despite other drugs, I still can function properly while somewhat intoxicated off it. That is, until I od'ed on seizure medicine and it doesn't feel right drinking any more, now I just get dizzy and slight dementia and a horrible hangover hte next day. :(

Weed because everything is better while being high


No question pure MDMA is the best recreational drug anbody who says otherwise is a dumb nigger and can't be trusted

MDMA and cannabis, best there is

Alcohol. Tried weed/hash over 20times. Makes me too lazy.



You know nothing apparently user. Purity test kits, clean rigs, drug testing kits, Narcan, etc. If you are smart about it, you are fine.

Muscle relaxers?

no silly the mandy


Try going for a long run until you litterally cant stand anymore then sitting down, nothing better then that feeling.

I guess just weed.

I'm done with alcohol and hangovers.

Just a bowl after work and I have the right mood for the rest of the day. Nothing hard.

my nigger

Weed and mescaline with ketamine as a close 3rd

Ran 2 half marathons. Feels good but nah dawg, MDMA is on another level, particularly with close friends or a loved one.

so you ran a whole marathon?

Adderall every few months or so.
MDMA twice on holiday seasons.
I don't even drink alcohol or smoke weed.

Methoxetamin. But on a daily base just LSD and Weed. Why ?


Sleep is my drug

ecstasy/shrooms in festival

>I huff water

Im high on life xD

Go to Switzerland for your next holiday, you might learn something

fucking kill yourself.


You in the 440? I got 15mg oxies.

>Because I'm not a brainless retard

We all know whats best...

Crack OFC

not the guy you're replying to and i admit i don't know much about drugs, but is pharmaceutical grade morphine about the same high as heroin?


Oh you


gERmAN oPeN mInD. I se you SImON !!!

Not him but I follow his channel^^ I also recommend Psyched Substances

Literally this, Whole reason why I loved it, slowed down/stopped doing it because the empathy isn't really there anymore.

just mdma, got last week bout a quarter kilo from my lab of trust

Alcohol, opiates (oxy mainly) weed.

I rarely do opiates, I smoke usually at least a few times a week, and I drink often.


Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).
Psychedelics masterrace in general

Acid, shrooms and weed.

Heroin I'm so high right now :)

non alcoholic beer and little chocolate donuts

Colombia cocaine

KEK. i am thisalso thanks for the recommendation.

weed, acid, mushrooms, maymays

well what have you got?

i don't go broke and i do it a lot


Xanax or heroin.

weed for casual use

all psychedelics here and there, dmt being my fav

Shrooms ftw

i like anything made from the thebaine plant. im not picky

15mg? Thats not even enough to get high.

that almost became me with dissos, shitty breakup included. If I tried opiates it would probably suck me in so I'm just gonna stick to feeling like shit until it doesn't, and stick my head in autistic fandoms and fantasies to keep myself distracted. Only thing that seems to work in the long run so far tbh

i wish i could be like you, i like being high but it also makes me ultra sad and paranoid :( after 2-3 hours i always wish for the effects to wear off


i usually switch between nutmeg and datura

And the mix of them in any order

Keep telling yourself this. Withdrawals are just around the corner you fucking junkie

withdrawals aren't deadly you stupid fuck

Are you a household pet with very limited access to anything?

Weed and alcohol

definitely mdma

or alcohol..

Yeah, heroin is technically harmless... but it still fucks up your life.

You're going to wish they were, man. They're bad


can you pimp me out in return for food water and molly for the rest of my life? I'll live in your closet.

Lmao. Wish I could have proved that. Used it for over a decade. Not harmless.

no sometimes i find U47700

You can litteraly say that about ANY drug no matter what it is. It's extremely physically addictive and it always ends in self destuctive behavior, keep telling yourself that it's fine because of what you read on the inter net you junkie.

Weed. Hybrids. And Opiates. Prefer long acting.

psyilocybin because I can then telepathically talk to aliens


You are all beginners

is the

Srsly Cocain is overated and so is DMpta
and DDTcps
Listen kiddos
DMT is your best friend


That looks like sugar. Ketaset was the shit. Never crystallized that much, never air dried it though.


Speed is what I do the most. I really fucking love me some oxy though. And Klonopins.

Miss TTokyo. Why oh why oh, did they have to get nailed?

>tramadol my favorite

Holy shit! Ultram, really? Never thought I'd see it in so much use.

probably acid except it lasts so goddamn long
if i didn't value my job/relationships and social norms as much then I'd probably do acid constantly

been waiting for my cocaine for 2/12 hours now.... need to get high so I can ram cucumbers in my cunt and ass in the shower... fucking taking so long so horny.

those withdrawls are fucking hell. it's SSRI withdrawl + opiate withdrawal shit.

0/10 find another opiate.

xans and DMT is really cool only if you break thru then your eyes become kaleidoscopes. Everyone should try dmt and break thru


Weed its so good when snorted especially snorting shatter

Weekdays: Adderall Xr and instant release Adderall

Weekends: Weed

Every few months: LSD

I prefer shooting it, much more effective and better high

5-meo-mipt every few months with my girlfriend. Insane sex and some trippiness

My buddies and I used to snort 30mg adderall on the bus on the way to high school. Needless to say we aced our first 3 periods and failed everything else.


>psych circlejerk channel

> #1 Weed
> #2 Molly
> #3 Shrooms

If you keep doing that, you could get temporary psychosis for a little while.
Adderall isn't good for everyday.

Fucking love Speed-

30 bucks for speed 5 for Alk and then i play all Fucking night guitar .

sorry for my bad English
Germanfag hier ;)

You should both try shoving it up your ass, and then finding some real goddamn drugs.


LSD is my favorite by far and Shrooms are also nice. Weed is #3

Haven't touched LSD since my profound life changing experience. I'm thinking about having another trip to reflect on the things I have achieved since. Aside from the I love being with friends on MDMA and smoking a joint, nothing better...

That psychosis is what makes it so great. You just feel so unstoppable. Like a fucking god.




LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline.

first post, poignant post. are you me?

weed, coke, mdma, lsd

I don't do any drugs

>ANY drug
Psychedelics aren't addictive and fucks up your life

Prefibin 8ng sublingual tablets
crushed and snorted
with a big bag of weed n some porn



High on life swag yolo cocaine

Hillary supporter here - My drug of choice is: self-disillusionment