Feels thread

Feels thread

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>Tfw when you realise you're an ugly cunt.




I don't like to feel anymore



Why user?


Just popped 3 tilidin pills and my regular dose of antidepressants, slowly feeling a little high.
This is my favourite song by my favourite band for maximum feels.

She rejected me.

>still using white supremacy frog memes

smh sempai

I can't seem to enjoy most things anymore so if I feel something it's mostly negative.

I don't know, maybe in the future it'll all get better.

>that book


my gf from 2 months long distance relationship broke up with me day after i visited her only saying that it's because of the distance and she needs somebody everyday close to her, feeling kinda suicidal for over 3 weeks now

Sorry about that man.

Here's the obligatory you'll get over her and there's plenty of other girls out there for you.

I had the opposite. Bf of 3 months long distance left me, but because he had baggage. We met like 3 weeks ago now.


what does he mean by he is in the dark?


lmao, there is no way this guy's not trolling.

Yeah it gets better supposedly.

Dont post that white supremacy Mexican frog here faggot.


Well my friend, this is a thing called the day and night cycle that exists on the planet earth due to rotation and angular momentum while it hurdles around a star. The Katrina victims were largely ignored for many days and quite literally died like drowning rats in a century old wooden barrel.

get used to it, there are tons of bitches out there


bruh ...



dont even know why in here but just got dumbed , i dont even feel too sad , kinda knew it was going to happen

>only one crippled cub
i wonder if the rest of her litter and this cub got fucked up by a male lion

is the mother crying?


You were only together for 8 weeks and you've spent 3 weeks suicidal?! Dude get a fucking grip.


>Being sad cause beta


thanks user, love that song

Niggers dont have dads nigger

>Train your brain to get happy

but moooooooom

I've been on a steady decline for a few months now. I've done everything I can think of to try and help me. I don't want to hurt my family but I can't keep going like this either.

If I do decide to sudoku, should I tell my fam first or just leave a note?

pls stop I dont want this kind of feel


I'm homeless and it's cold outside so I'm squatting in a bank's entry hall. Let's hope the night ends quickly.

Also I was fucking a girl for some time and she dumped me.
I saw my other ex yesterday fir the first time in 7 years. We were laughing like pigs talking about the past. I think she likes me. She said to me:

"You will still be the first"

>mfw pic related

This pic always makes me chuckle

experiencing that right now... can't get her out of my head. I just want to stop thinking about her but I physically/mentally cannot. I've lost control of myself multiple times and started crying. I hate it.

If she would just play along for a little, maybe I'd be different

Talk to your family ffs, get help and get better.


It'll get easier. Slowly, but surely. I promise.

But it might not ever go away altogether.

Holy shit ... someone call an art gallery or something

Right in the fucken feels


>a few months

nigger a few months is nothing. wait til you're 40 a few months goes by in a flash. if you HAVE to go, fucking put on your shoes and walk to key west or something. life is long, so long you can't possibly conceive and you're going to miss a ton of lulz if you check out because of ONE FUCKING SUMMER where shit wasn't great.

fuck you, I had a taste.


define "better"

Also, I dont want drugs. I've seen what they do to my dad, who has similar problems to me, maybe not as extreme. I think he's turning alcoholic, and I think I might too. It kind of helps me to forget for a moment why I am so down.

what else will they do? tell me shit'll be alright? Sure, I can believe that.

same shit is happening with me right now.

I don't want to be 40. I don't want to 19. I don't want to exist, you see? It started in December so a little more than a "few" i guess but whatever

fuck off newfag


This is a feel thread, not YLYL

>I don't want to exist

why do you feel that you don't want to exist though?

is there anything in your life that brings you joy, however small, fleeting and instantly crushed?

I feel like I could have her but it's like she doesn't really want a relationship. I don't want to fuck it up but I am going to approach her one last time. maybe I'll get somewhere, I doubt it though. We'll see.

Good luck to you though. This is among the worst I've felt


Better is defined as pleasantly sedated or/and comfortably numb.

The forests are deserts and the ice is melting; your food is unfit to eat and the air is unfit to breathe. You simply cannot expect any kind of real happiness under these conditions. We have the lost the way. This is not on the list of things you can change.

Just fucking deal until you die.

I personally hold my last hope with the new money; I literally expect Google to invent a way out. Hilarious really.




few months are nothing in comparison to ethernal nothingness

Nothing brings me enough pleasure to overcome the effort needed to do the things that bring me pleasure. Sure, my job isn't hard, but it isn't worth doing either.

My hobbies slowly but surely lose interest the more I do them. The only thing I haven't tried is having a girl. But I can't seem to do that, or at least with the girl that I want.

My pointless existence>the minimal pleasure i get from living

good luck

>Just fucking deal until you die.

I will never understand this. Is it really worth it to you people? The chance at something not routine happening makes living worth it for you? I can't fathom it.

except the moving from home part

thanks Cred Forums

You can't compare a few months to anything when you don't exist. I don't want to compare myself to anything anymore. I want to vanish, without ever having lived. But that can't happen. So I want to vanish.

u r right

happening here too, everyone thought she was flirting back too, but in the end she wound up with another guy.

SeeYou need to better analyze your feelings and then squelch them like the chemical cocktail that they are.

What the fuck do you mean? What else am I gonna do; just check out? Fuck that cowardly shit. I didn't choose to be born; I wont choose to die.

It's cowardly to live by someone else's rules without ever questioning why you do it. Maybe you did question it. but here you are, defending it now. You're a slave who does nothing but help the people who made life so worthless. We're all slaves until we make the only decision we have absolute control over; to take our life. Good job. I hope you actually enjoy life. At least someone will.

I remember watching that shit when I was younger. Legit cried for an hour

Oh we got a big boy in his big boy pants here.

Im in Chisago county, Minnesota. Anyone want need company? You can come over and maybe spend the night.

>that book
He tried so valiantly

I never noticed that before

>two wrongs make a right

haha, great post my friend

the problem is that before I was with her I had spent a year in pure apathy, then she gave me feelings and I was happy, now I'm constantly sad and tired of living, she was my motivation, all my ambitions and dreams were connected to her and now I have nothing to live for but now can't return to my apathy and that is killing me

yea, i also don't wanna fuck it up. Trying to forget her, but i can't. There are so many girls, but i have no interest in others, also fucking 10-11 hour job, absolutelyno time in working days.
Good luck to you.

>letting the piss bottles roll around on the floor

At least shelve them, cmon! Ghats just too lazy...

We're all slaves.

Like I said, we have lost the way, you cannot change it. I choose to stay until the bitter fucking end because these few decades is nothing but a cosmic joke. In a hundred years no one will care or even know that I existed.

This is the reality that defines us. We are defeated.

Everyone in this thread is a waste of oxygen. The world is too populated as it is. Just do everyone a favour and end it.

Sounds like you might have a couch to sleep on soon!

We are defeated. So why suffer for an extended period of time? Are you a masochist?

I keep them under my bed


I. won't. choose. to. die!

well, just drank the rest of my wine... hopefully the alcohol kicks in soon

you do choose to die by living. You can't choose not to die. The choice is either 1) whenever you choose or 2) when nature/someone else decides to kill you

Saw this last night, had me crying like a baby

Semantics? Seriously?

You will never get me to justify your suicide.

You won't end the pain; you'll just send it on to someone else.

Think of your mom.

I ain't got all night nigguh.


I am thinking of my mom. And brother, and father. That's why I originally asked if I should write them a not or tell them upfront what's going on. They (parents) made this mess (me) and might have to deal with the consequences


Fuck I'm sad now because (he's) it still up there

at least he's a robot who literally cannot feel anything

Thats what they want you to think he's lonely

probably true. but if I was as alone as him, I would tell them to shove their mission up their ass, climb a big crate and then roll down to my death


Oh I see, it's their fault that the world is fucked up? I suppose they should have done a better job of making sure you had good feelies?

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Gave me one big ass smile man. Not my life story but the end is true

My birthday was always in the school holidays so I was used to people not remembering because I usually hadn't seen them for the last 5 weeks.

Now that I'm an adult though the only people who remember/care are my parents and my brother. I deleted my brithday from facebook to see who was a good enough friend to remember the old fashioned way.

No-one did.

Just try it, it's worth it, you'll have a happy sleep after ~

I think they should have done a better job of thinking of the future and maybe not how good sex feels. But yes, it is their fault my world is fucked up. Neither one where ready for a kid and yet here I am.

I don't think you know what you're taking about.

Why do you keep your pee?

I did when I was younger, my reasoning was because I was kind of scared of the dark and it was a dark path to the bathroom. That and I was also incredibly lazy and didn't have anybody to judge me at that time about it.

story behind pic is that julius didnt tell anyone about his birthday

I would have gone if he had invited me.
>And if he was within driving distance.

Honestly man. The past few months i have been tempted to go joker mode and slash my face. I would certainly never be the best looker in the room but i attracted the attention of a vicious sociopath and he ruined my life because i wouldn't sleep with him.

At this stage i would gladly take ugly over this.

I fucking hate my life. 2 weeks after I finished high school, I took a job that has me travel non fucking stop and work 70+ hours a week. I moved away from my home town a year ago and lived all over. I came back 2 weeks ago, and I hate myself for it. Taking this job has been the biggest mistake I have ever made, and it's completely ruined me as a functioning human being. All I do is work, eat, and sleep. And I can't quit and find a new job because I work for my dad. My family sold the house I grew up in, none of my friends seem to even give a shit that I'm there, I'm lonely as all hell, and I don't get to sleep anymore. This job has taken everything from me and I tried to come back and rebuild, but I see now that I won't be getting anything back.

You'll get over it. It fucking sucks, but you will. I used to be suicidal about a girl but I gritted my teeth and now can't believe I'd ever do something so permanent for what's ultimately not a big deal at all. So suck it up, bitch. I believe in you

dude if youve never been to a psych ward go to one. this thread hit me in the heart for some reason, and the depression came back for a few fleeting minutes. it really does suck being depressed and suicidal, its a pain that i truly understand. first suicide attempt was at 14, a stranger happened to save me. im 21 now and i was very close to killing myself a few months ago. by very close i mean VERY close, i cut my left arm 40-50 times and was bleeding out on a bench for an hour while people were just passing by staring at me. it was hands down the least motivating thing thats ever happened to me. i finally cut one of my veins vertically and started really bleeding. by the time i got to the hospital i was unconscious, i didnt expect to try and kill myself and wake up. i was pissed. i spent the next two months in various psychiatric facilities, and it taught me several valuable lessons;

-you are worth something
-at least one person in this world cares if you die
-you cant have highs without lows
-sometimes medication isnt the worst thing for people
-there are people out there who are genuinely beyond saving. they require constant medical attention, because if theyre not constantly suicidal like you and i, they hear voices, or theyre just generally afraid of everything

no joke

there are people out there who genuinely cannot function

hope it gets better dude, but please Cred Forumsro to Cred Forumsro get help

love you

I have them there in the first place because I don't wanna go all the way downstairs to go pee at night
Also I water my garden with it

i remember this
the little cub got ran over by some very big wisent or gnu or something like that

good night sweet prince

No one is ready for a kid. Play the fucking hand you're dealt and fuck the world for giving you lemons. Don't. choose. to. die.


Well with Facebook having all these weird ways of upping and Downing certain stories even his status update could get lost in the feed.

I always like birthday Facebook posts for this reason, just in case someone who needs to see it hasn't seen it yet and can then see it

>having a ton of loli downloaded
Why is this supposed to be feels? Sounds like a pedophile in denial


I dont' want to pay someone to tell me I'm fucked up. I won't take meds. refuse. I know people care about me but they have to see my side. I'm one of those people who always tries to be happy and comes across as that but deep down is close to dead. I haven't attempted suicide but
if I do I won't fail. promise.

I started taking antidepressants and instead of treating depression for some reason they helped me develop anorexia and stay depressed. not that it's a huge problem, I'm thinking of asking for more at a higher dose

me and you see the world too differently for this to go anywhere meaningful. I'm sick of playing the hand I was handed. Isn't fun. why do something that isn't fun?

>reduce your hours
>socialize. Even if you must be the instigator, god forbid...

Gonna throw in for good measure

Solved. NEXT!

fucking newfag

there it is

Sums me up pretty good

It's inherently unfunny to live on a dying planet in the middle of peak oil. But I guarantee you that if you stick around it will get interesting.

Watch out for Muslims MinnesotaFag they just lit up St Cloud mall last night.

What has happened to my home state?



hey bud hope you're doing alright

I'll see how the elections go. That's probably as far as I'll go. secretly hoping the globalists come so I can kill some before I die

fine, just some trouble writing and walking is all

Cry your heart out, I think humans were designed to try to help them with feelings and it's good to cry to purge those feelings.

The Greeks called catharsis and it's why they created tragedies to show two people at the end of the month /year comma so they could be healthy and ready for the new cycle

>My parents made me a fucking loser
Oh no, did they spank you when you were a kid? Didn't get you ice cream when you wanted? Have a shred of self respect and accept some fucking responsibility you pathetic faggot. I know plenty of people who were handed deals far worse than I'm sure yours is and managed to move past it and better themselves. You just sound like a whiny teenage bitch

MN friends be safe out there in the cities.

-from Washington county.

I guess janies got her gun eh?

I won't lie, I'm jealous.

>Can't reduce hours because my dad is my employer. I work when the phone rings
>Because phone rings almost nonstop, don't get to sleep unless I'm in my car
>I socialize if I'm given the chance, but I sit in isolation waiting 70% of the time
>And don't exercise because I'm exhausted all the time
I'm actually working right now coincidentally

Good job getting the joke there, son

What are some pills I could OD on?

>developed anorexia
I wish mine had done that to me, but Im a fat slob. You should really tell your doctor about that side-effect though. So ypu can find one that makes you happy.

I've found that the only way for me to lose weight is if I embrace the hunger I always feel. And take joy in the fact that it means that I'm losing weight.

Never spanked. I got what I wanted. I'm smart, graduated a year early from highschool. I want to know what people consider "better" though. completely subjective.

Those people have a will to live, I and some others dont. grow up

user isnt being a newfag he's being ironic. tbh you're making yourself look like a newfriend.

I have 7 guns

If i saw loli for the first time i wouldn't know the difference between it and hentai

around 1h 2m 30s

samefagging much

idk, I think it's nice, honestly. I'm eating 400 cal a day and working out, I'm very motivated and never hungry. I feel very pure and clean, drinking a lot of water

he doesn't have to know. I just wish it was treating my depression


You a revolver or automatic guy?

>supremacy frog memes
u fokin wot?

>400 cal

do you weigh like 30 lbs?

well stay safe friend, tomorrow is a new day

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get an automatic gun? so much money and paperwork is required.

I have one of each, but the revolver is more fun tbh. 44 mag and a 38 s&w (weak 38 spl). Rifles and a shotgun too. good times when I have money to shoot them ;_;


/k/ please. We all know what he means. this a feels thread, not an TFA thread

oh shit quads get

And waiting. Can't forget the year you have to wait for the license

if your reaction to this was anything but cringing you should probably reconsider your life choices.


I sure hope so. check'd. don't want another day like this

Only a truly pathetic faggot would blame his parents for causing him to kill himself. Sounds like you're the one who really needs to grow up.

>400 cal/day

I don't believe you

I'm very serious on this, you should just tell your dad you can't handle that life and quit. If he loves you he will understand and try to make things work without you

There won't be a family business to run if the family dies attempting to run the business. Just cut the cancer out of your life

Faggots, it's just trying to get laid.

I meant semi-automatic handguns like .45 compared to say a Saturday night special.

I wish I had a .38 revolver pretty much exactly like the one woody harrilson is sporting in the final episode of true detective season 1.

Yes, I'll pass the blame to myself for being born. I definitely choose to make my mom and dad fuck so that I could be born. I don't care if I'm pathetic. I didn't ask for this. I will take things into my own hands, unlike you who will continue to play their game

Believe what you'd like, it's true

Keep that feeling close user. Become that missing piece. That's what I did and I changed my life. I only come here to remember you.

rest in peace

do you have dense bone disease?

I've got a .45 acp semi. pretty fun, but the 38 is so stupid it's fun. it's from early 1900s, inaccurate as fuck but jolly good time

I think that was when Bob's wife died, and that is why he said that

Hey anons, let me tell my story.
>there's a girl
>qt3.14, aryan blondie, 7/10
>used to talk to her, not anymore
>used to like her
>still like her
>never talk to her again, bc of reasons
>shit that hurts
>can't stop thinking about her
>working on having it to stop
>getting sad
>she talks to me
>oh no
>in love once again

Now idk what to do guys, should i try having her as a gf? i'm lonely and kinda sad right now, is it worth it?

no, I do it on purpose to lose weight. I'm on bupropion and I drink a lot of caffeine, my appetite is nonexistent. I suppose I feel tired a lot


Can I become my own missing piece?

even so, that's like starvation level shit

Seriously nigga, you got to quit, family or not. Your going to die if you keep that shit up. I worked 90 hours a week at my last job salary, only to have corporate come behind my back and fuck everything up. Thats your life your exchanging for money, is it really worth it?

Surely if your dad is your employer you can reason with him lower hours even by just a couple and hell if he wont listen just quit this is clearly taking a big toll and if your dad is going to ignore that then fuck him

Maybe he was a flat slob at the beginning

Where you?

It's not even that.

400 calories??

You need more calories to convince your body you're not starving. Once your body knows it isn't starving Italy use the calories you consume along with supplements of energy from your fat. After about 20 minutes of solid exercise and accelerated heart rate your body starts to tap into those fat sources.

I guarantee you one hundred percent that you will never lose weight at an accelerated rate the way you are going now.

Pls. There's no argument against this. Pls. follow my instructions

You can try. What did she do that made you feel complete?
To me, she was very energetic and always made me discover new music and films and friends. The day I gave up on her I decided to be open to what life has to offer. I am now a better version of myself.

listen here. I try to get around 3k (weight about 190) cal a day. workout everyother day weightlifting. on inbetween days I sometimes run, otherwise nothing. losing fat, have energy, it's good. 400 cal isn't healthy. plz stop before you die. caffeine isn't healthy

I've done it before, I'm really sick of being fat. I'm honestly out of control most of the time, eating shit, and now I feel so in control and pure that it's amazing, like a drug. Lying to people feels great too, telling them that I ate a bunch of shit today, watching them judge me and knowing that I ate good. It's like I'm playing the part of me past, disgusting self

I know if I'm fucked up. Feel sort of panicked sometimes. Not enough to stop it, it feels too good.

Nah, I'm not so narcissistic that I would blame another person for my own inability to create satisfaction in my life. I didn't choose to be here anymore than you did, but I'm here so might as well make the best of it and strive for something. Or you can be a defeatist faggot like yourself and continue to whine about how you didn't want to exist and how you're such a bigger person for "not playing the game" and killing yourself, all the while insisting that it's your parents' fault for not knowing that when they fucked they would produce such a miserable little shit. People like you are a fucking cancer, unable to even process the possibility that you are fundamentally a failure at life, instead passing blame to anybody and everybody who could possibly assume the role just so you can feel one last pathetically delusional sense of superiority. How fucking sad

I never had a her... there's a girl I want to BE her but I don't have her... yet... maybe never.

I know what I'm missing; a meaning to live OR the natural desire to live. I don't think I can do either of those myself

>treating my depression
It won't help. I've been there. Try to make new friends and fall in love. If you can't, go to a psychologist, mental health is more important than you think.

I never said I wasn't a failure. I already decided not to have kids for this reason. I don't want anyone to feel the way I do. We will both die the same, you will just be older when you do.

Lucky for you, you can make the best of it. I can't. Mentally something is missing. I wish people would understand this. I don't want to feel this way. I see how happy some people are. I want to feel that


no thanks loser

See this

Holy shit, this is 100% my life. Not joking.


That's fine and all, just don't blame your fucking parents for the fact that you're a basket case

fuck me i'm an idiot

well if you need somebody to talk to, call me.

five five one 689 2679

inb4 a bunch of trolls call me, if im willing to put my number on Cred Forums im willing to deal with the consequences

Got diagnozed with psycosis the other day. Pretty much have no social life because im scared of everyone and their motives

why shouldn't I? they literally created me and all problems that come with me. let me guess; you're a parent

You may be associating good feelings with that of literal starvation. That Panic may be coming from the fight or flight feelings that overcome your body when you're in need of energy and need to beat something to death and eat it

Giving your soul in control now choose to eat really healthy things only. The sky is not the limit, your diet is

none of my real life "friends" said happy birthday to me ( have like 3-4 )

the only friends that said happy birthday were my online friends

it sucks seeing my sisters have huge parties with tons of friends and i only have my family to celebrate with

Build me up /b.
Kinda of extrme pointless and childish beta shit but I need it thought about a feels bread god bless there is already one
>be me, 19yo
>had my first gf 1,5 years ago
>if you can call it gf. I never saw her in reality, was a ranged thing
>we broke up after ~9 months bcs distance kills
>not because i dont love her anymore
>mfw she has a bf some months later
>you have 2 know, we stayed really good friends until now if youll believe or nha
>thinks i have a gf meanwhile what makes her feel better about me but i dont
>tells me everything
>even how she get first experiences i never could get her, y she was completely innocent at that level
>even how she deepthroaths and swallows beacause she wants it what makes me break in dontknowwhattofeel-sharps
>maybe its time to say she was 17 at that point
>turned 18 yesterday

And now im here in a shitty feels telling some btards how cucked beta i am never being able to find someone already on highway to wizardness
Dunno what to think right now but sry for my engl
cmon flame a bit maybe makes me feel comfortable

For all you rejectedfags: I feel for you I really do.

But atleast it is closure. You got an answer and you can move on.

Ive currently been travelling the world, 8 months in. Met this absolutely amazing girl on the way. Came back through her city and spent even more time building the relationship.

But in 4 weeks I have to face reality and an expired visa and move all the way back home. Opposite hemisphere, 15 hour time difference.

I cannot describe the feeling of missing out this time it is horrendous

welcome to PPD.

You haven't been wrong, everyone really is out to get you. All 7+ billion of us. You're ok user don't go outside today.


I appreciate the offer.. but I'm not sure I should talk to anyone right now. hopefully you don't regret posting that

What's psycosis and also do you get benefits for that?
Going to a shrink next week because I think I have autism


do it, Cred Forumsro. it might help to get things off of your chest. if not now, later. but if you really plan on going through with suicide, or if your thoughts are overwhelming to the point where you consider it call me. my name is matt.

don't even think; just pretend. shrinks hook anyone up with drugs

He of 7 years left me, kind of feel like voting for trump now

I dont think everyones out to get me but I think certain people are

do you text? I might text but no talking.. too wasted

>failed captcha 4 times

already on antidepressants but got them from my doc who's now sending me to a psychiatrist
I think I have autism and if I can convince her that I do I might get benefits and be set for life, maybe throw in a few more mental health problems and I get more money
I just don't wanna be put in a hospital

Any suggestions on what to do?

Whatever you're missing you need to get a grip and realize a lot of people are missing all sorts of shit. Successful Life Is Life that overcomes obstacles.

Live and learn. Overcome. Find joy and doing things for others if nothing else, you can make a difference and actually mean something to the world

Essentially im extremly paranoid and think poeple are trying to fuck my shit up and this obviously causes issues.

I also think I have autism because I dont really care about socializing. Weather thats actual autism or because of my psycosis I have just grown used to isolating myself I dont know

not really. Never gone myself but have people I know who went and got the drugs. I was in the navy, played the depression card and could probably got VA benefits but was too lazy. Funny thing is I am actually dpressed now. woohoo

Dude distance doesn't kill if you both really try. I've been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now. You just chose to give up and it's your fault.

lmao yeah bro, hit me up. im just browsing Cred Forums and listening to pink floyd atm so i wont be busy for a while.

Can you faggots stop running around an attention whoring crybaby? If he wants to kill himself, let him fucking do it. Maybe we'll have a lesser amount of threads drowning in hundreds of «motivational» messages. Stop pretending you care. We had a very nice beginning over here, full of despair and sadness. Now it turned into some kind of psychological therapy tread.

I hope you'll blow your brains out, motherfucker. Not only you have a worthless life, no. You come here and try to make lives of others in similar (and worse) conditions worse by attention whoring all over the thread.

You said you gonna kill yourself? Thank fucking god! I'm happy now. World will be a better place.

i miss my cat so much...

As long as you dont appear to be a thret to society or that you physically cant take care of yourself then they wont hospitalize you

success is subjective. I hate to keep saying this but it's the truth. I don't find value in subjective opinions, only objective truth *tips fedora* for real for real though

Cool. I'm happy you're happy

if she wants more so hardly and it hurts because you cant touch your secound half.. i didnt want to hurt her anymore and it was not my or her decision we just.. came to it

Fuck that, cut off your legs at the knees, get drunk, and fire up the forge.

I said, I'm not fucking happy. Get fuckin lost. Crawl into a garbage bin and die.

DO I have to starve to death or can I cut my arm before going in the garbage bin?

>2 month relationship
No wonder she left you, you are a giant faggot.

Well, I actually said I was happy, though… But you got what I mean. Fucker.


Well your quads lend you Creedence.

What success do you think you will need to achieve to be satisfied?

If I had dwarfism I would rolepaly my whole life as a dwarf
I would grow a beard and live in a tiny house and do dwarf stuff like drink beer and mine for gold

I weigh 280. But Im built like a tank from years of weight lifting and I look around 200. I even have abs comimg through. Even though I get women and im buff as fuck I still down myself for my number weight.


I wish I weighed 280 but with muscle. I'm about 200 with mostly muscle, slight beer belly. wokrking on it. need more weights

>inb4 gym membership


Thought of this some time ago
Not a dwarf but man, that would be hella cool

Anyway, I just realized my life has turned into drinking tea and browsing Cred Forums for feels thread everything, whilst listening to Bon Iver and crying.

It's sad when they don't like you back man

fucking roll already.

>tfw I realize I'm NOT over my ex yet

Honestly, only two things would make me truly happy.

1) I could imagine anything and it would exists *tips autism*

2) god/whatever higher being came down and performed divine intervention and gave me meaning

jsut cut your legs off

Dubmaster, you can take it from us, yours is a mental issue

maybe I could be your ex tonight?

lol ok

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see...

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger...watch it grin, but...

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied 'oh why ask me?'

And suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

...and you can do the same thing if you please

posting in kek thread

Great song tbh fam. releveant too

>tfw that happened 4 years ago and cant forget her
>tfw she blocked my phone and gave me an explanation
>tfw i've been with other grills but cant fall in love anymore

>they literally created me and all problems that come with me
I see you are absolutely incapable of understanding the concept of self responsibility. There is literally nothing holding you back from whatever you want except your own pathetic attitude, but instead of accepting that this is at least a truth, that you are in a fact responsible for your life and therefore a total douchebag, you prefer to reside in a fantasy land where you can feel self righteous in your suicide by blaming your parents instead of accepting that you're just a pussy who can't handle life like everybody else. Yeah, life's not fair, and sometimes it fucking sucks. Get the fuck over it or kill yourself, I could give a shit which. But don't blame somebody else because of your own inability to accept the fact that you're a loser

Well we worked hard to make regular meetings possible. I don't know why you didn't.

what should i tell her tho?

My ex broke up with me a few weeks ago and afterwards I realize how emotionally abusive she was.. now shes talking to me wanting to get back and i love her so much I don't know what to do I'm lonely I don't have any friends but our relationship wasn't healthy and I'm just depressed all the time at least I was happy with her i dont know... Someone advice?

Pretty much same for me its been like almost 6 years now

you did it wrong but il rolll any eway

ok this is fucking it im mad
op and whoever else is suicidal just listen to me im about to give you a goddamn lesson
im a teen (male) living in middle east a country called kurdistan (pretty sure 80% of you doesnt know where that it ) in my country there is an economical crisis most people work without getting paid some people who have good jobs like being a doctor and such do get paid but only 20% of their actual income (i know this is not related i will try to stick to the point from here on) so basically a few months ago i got played by this girl i got into a 20 days relationship, at first she approached me coz she had broken up with a dude and she recovered through me and once she found another guy who was better than me she wasted no time dumping me it was the worst thing ever in my life and then comes this crisis im gonna graduate high school next year and there is nothing i can study for coz everywhere i go is the same bullshit work without getting paid and then there is you getting dumped or rejected by some random chick who supposedly is your angel or your fucking soulmate which she isnt btw and you feel suicidal pffft bitch please im never gonna say there are many fish in the sea coz that is just stupid and im not saying get a grip im just saying that your life is still better than 90% of people who live on this planet ,find your goddamn purpose and live your fucking like in a manly way without being a total pussy
(sorry for getting out of the subject )
(and some of you might say im just a teenager and i dont know anything well feel free to say whatever but remember it is your life on the table not mine)

>my friend introduced me to tf2 when it first came out
>we were best friends, and we'd always play together
>When unusual hats came out, he got one.
>When strange items came out, he got a strange rocket launcher, strange knife, and a strange axe in total
>He loved, absolutely loved all of those items
>they were his prize possession
>he was diagnosed with lung cancer
>we kept on playing, and his parents told me I kept him happy when I played with him
>he gifted me all of his stranges and the unusual hat one day
>I asked him why, and he said "I'm gonna have no use for them user"
>My heart dropped
>"I was told..."
>My stomach was in knots and I could barely breathe
>"It's terminal"
>I wasn't there for him.
>I haven't played tf2 since he passed away
>I opened it today
>i cried as I read the of the rocket launcher

I'm sorry you're so defensive over my inability to want to live life.

If you are infact saying yhey have nothing to do with my being born and problems that come with it, then I'm not sure we see on the same level. I'm not putting the blame on them. I'm just letting them know that they did in fact make me and should think about having anymore kids because both of them are still having kids (unfortunately).

I simply don't see why everyone says It's a responsibility to live. You don't have to live. You choose to. Therefore it's a right, not a responsibility.

My attitude is based off of a simple supply and demand model. I demand satisfaction and life doesn't give it. Therefore, I will go somewhere where neither supply nor demand exists and will be at perfect equilibrium for all eternity

go back with her, fuck her. But think that she can break with you at any moment. be prepared for that.



i thought you said you were from Kurdistan not Detroit

I know everyone here pretends they're some kind of manly macho dude or something but I'm not and I don't think I can take more heartbreak honestly I don't care about the sex I just want to be happy but I also don't want to be under that abuse and use again I'm just very confused and sad

Honestly, suicide is a permanent solution to all problems you will ever have. If you still want to live (for whatever reason) but don't know what to do, just do whatever your heart feels like doing, even if it's wrong. I think that;s how most normies do it; just going with waht feels 'right' not what makes sense. you'll die either way so just goo back to her, fuck her a bit, let her mess with you, let her leave you, anad then come back to 4chinz in a few weeks and post about it

Lol so lame

fuck man... i don't care if its gay that shit hits hard.. he was just a gentle guy even in the hardest period of his live he was able to stay positive

I guess I am not a feels threadfag because I have no sympathy for any of you. Life is hard. Get used to it faggots.

Why should I or you?

Ive never actually posted lol and I don't plan to.. but anyway no I'm not suicidal I'm just extremely depressed and I find it very hard to make friends and honestly I don't find anything interesting.. she was a big part of my life and when she left its just an empty void

so sad
so true

I don't find anything interesting either. I'm running on empty. I don't have a her though so I cant help you patch that spud.


I guess you should try doing what I'm doing... Im playing a lot of basketball and I'm gonna be on a professional team soon I guess.. sports are a good way to forget about things.. also I smoke a lot of hash and Im planning to study my ass off this semester

I hate school. I do exercise but I dislike people so i don't think sportts are for me... maybe boxing. Idk

Like exercise but hate people? Do cross country.

That happened 4 years ago and i still miss her. I cant fall in love with any girl.

I've isolated myself. I think the solution is accept it. Accept that you cant trust nobody. That people are shit. That you dont need anyone to be happy. Just yourself.

Experience life. Do whatever you want. Do exercise. Go to the forest, pet a dog. Take drugs. You are gonna die in a few years, just try to enjoy life dont worry about your abusive ex, she didnt loved you either.

Well I'm very good with numbers so I guess I owe to myself and my family to work my ass off.. we don't have a lot of money so this means a lot

ITT: 12 year olds threatening suicide bc girls they watch from a distance.

Y'all need some emotional independence wtf find ways to value yourself besides potential mates...

Objectively I am a terrible runner. I do maybe an hour of cardio a week. It starts to hurt when I go longer.

bruh it might even be worse than Detroit

>be me
>make friends w/ 7/10 blonde from a few towns over
>become best friends
>ask to hang out
>she agrees
>we finally meet
>she's awesome great sense of humor and alladat
>a skater a while we talk less and less
>I ask to hang out a bunch of times
>she blows me off every time
>she gets bf
>I've cried myself to sleep every night sense
>told her to fuck off and stay outta my life forever
>she tried to talk to me yesterday through a mutual friend
>I tell her I'm not interested in making up
>item broken Cred Forums ready to hero

>My attitude is based off of a simple supply and demand model. I demand satisfaction and life doesn't give it. Therefore, I will go somewhere where neither supply nor demand exists and will be at perfect equilibrium for all eternity

As somebody who has a degree in economics, this really fucking hurts to read this. Anyway, I'm not saying it's a responsibility to live. I'm saying that how your life progresses is your responsibility, and you need to fully accept the reality that your suicide would be entirely choice and nobody's fault but yours. Nobody drove you to this option but yourself, and in fact they probably would prefer you didn't do it. You're making a selfish decision because of your own self induced misery and nothing more.

I've never been loved and that's the only thing I haven't tried to be happy. I don't have enough innate happiness inside me to make myself happy enough to live. sorry


straight up

sociopaths' thread who feel nothing is thata way

This pic makes me sad. The L shape has a total of 4 like all the other pieces :(

Yeah just try it man she probably likes you

good joob user
good job

Grades are bad.
I see myself ugly.
Noone likes me in school other than some other 4chaners.
Doing nothing in life but sitting on PC.
Wanted to join Military Academy but have bad eyes.
Not good at anything other than speaking foreign languages.
What do?

Take the time, it HAS to be read

try to teach people the languages that you know in exchange for money
try hard believe me you will make a lot of money out of this

Sports was my escape... Also lol you know other channers irl? Never knew that was a thing

1 year has passed since we broke up. Still feeling shitty and empty inside. It feels like half of me just died when it ended. Im starting to think im a beta

difference between
> sociopath who feels nothing
> belief in self-worth independent of relationships

try the latter sometime

I just lost.