How do I make friends?

How do I make friends?

I am 23, have 0 (read: zero) friends.
Very bad social skills. Very uncommon interests.

try not posting murders like its nothing, kinda makes you seem bad with social skills

No shit right.

But this is Cred Forums, so I'm trying to fit in.

good troll OP people took the b8 now go have fun with ur 10/10 gf and your 10/10 friends. anyone has friends OP fuck off with lying. u shitfuck. pic related the god myself.

besides, it's not like I would show this to potential friends.

not lying, I just recently broke up with my gf, the only friend I had.

If I were to die 0 people would notice or care.

I got rid off all my friends by the time I was about 28.

These days I usually make friends when I play ps4 online. I like how I can go play online if I want to be sociable, but at any point I can appear offline or turn the ps4 off when I want to be alone ya know? Which is pretty much most of the time.

>If I were to die 0 people would notice or care

me too bro. if it wasn't for people at work noticing i hadn't turned up, it would be weeks and months before anybody finds my dead body. it'll be one of those where the neighbour says 'well i thought i could smell something funny so i called the polices'

>strangers online

I don't think you understand the concept.

Friends are people you go on vacation with

fuck it if you post sick stuff like that might aswell end yourself no wonder you have no friends nor anyone cares about you. still think ur a troll but whatever. probably the sickest video ive ever seen in my life. im out of here LOL bye

bad troll

I... I would care if you don't (You) me

Why the fuck would anyone go on vacation with friends. That's like saying, going out with coworkers to lunch

Fuck that. I haven't been on vacation now for about 8 years.

Foster interests in common interests, such as soccer, local politics and pop music.
Even if you do not find sports, politics or music interesting, it will give you something you can relate to people with.
Go to bars on the weekends, when things are busy. New face? Keep going. Buy a couple of beers and milk them for a few hours. Don't talk with the bartender for more than a few minutes per day. Keep yourself open to other conversations, and when someone wants to converse with you, just talk with them about what they want to talk about. Say nice things about them and their interests.
Day to day life, tell people what they want to hear instead of the truth. When you walk past people, say hello, smile and wish them a nice day.
When you buy something at a kiosk, strike up a conversation by commenting on the weather or a sporting event that day. Try to get the person to comment and share.
Keep conversations at events short. Don't get stuck in a long conversation unless you are attracted to the other person. Use ten minutes, then excuse yourself, because you set yourself a goal for 1) talking with x number of people tonight 2) finding an expert in y field 3) looking for a friend. Etc.

All this is missing is an ISIS twitter handle.

Goto bars, go see local bands, get an actual hobby, find some kind of social event and just goto it and force yourself to socialize.

That seems like a lot of work.

going on vacation alone is boring

You asked about how one makes friends.
Making friends is something you need to work on.

wtf, if having friends is a burden, then why the fuck do people have friends?

not bad advice

2 other things:

read intelligent books
TALK! Don't sit there quiet in social situations and its perfectly okay to make small talk about the weather, etc

Nobody "fits in" on Cred Forums. That's the whole point. We're all horrible people and this is where we come to be our true selves.

Because friends can tip you in on jobs, pots, chances and include you in on stuff you wont go to if you don't have them.
Because they can save your ass.
Because a network of friends can help you get promotions and raises at work.
Because being able to make friends is something that helps you advance in any job.

Don't know if I have friends, but I do have acquaintance I met by joining my local comic shop's D&D night. I never meet up with them outside of comic shop, but I do see them weekly.

I met my best/only friend at a college course last year which very much aligns with my interests. We're friends because she's very similar to me in terms of personality and interests and isn't clingy, I can back off for a few weeks when socialising gets hard and she won't get offended or presume I'm angry at her (which is never the case, she's fucking awesome) which is nice. It's good if you can find someone who doesn't mind sitting comfortably in silence, or doesn't feel the need to fill every second with words.

It takes some effort and it's all about giving and reciprocating their efforts. In a conversation, make it about them, don't talk about yourself too much unless asked. I made myself available and offered to help out with assignments/provided emotional support. Over time, familiarity and comfort grows.

I have very limited social skills admittedly but this has worked well for me in the last year or so.

>joining my local comic shop's D&D night
That's your social life..?

>or presume I'm angry at her
You have a female "friend?" What a faggot, lol

"Vacations" were only fun when you were a little kid and you had family and shit. Now we're adults, and there's nothing better than being at home alone chilling.

You can make friends by making yourself a bit vulnerable to social norms

What the fuck are you talking about?

What if most people are retards?
Of you need friends to get a job you are a moron. Nobody I know closely has any clue about my field