How fucked am I if my mothers father and all of his brothers are bald as shit? Should I just kill myself now...

How fucked am I if my mothers father and all of his brothers are bald as shit? Should I just kill myself now, or is there a chance I don't have it since my father is in his late fifties with a perfect hairline?

Just shave your head bald and deal with it.

Mankind is kind of evolving, so we lose hair
In the future, everyone will be balled because beeing better...
so shave yourself balled, take it liek a man, or get use to wear heads faggot

i am almost 20 and didn't lose any yet. i would look like complete shit without hair though

Would it make you feel better to see a worst situation?

Hair loss comes from mom's gene pool. Sorry, user.

you get the gene from your mother's your fucked

Could be worse. You could have pee pee cancer.

Nothing wrong with being bald, shave your head and have a nice beard. I think shaved men with beards are very handsome

>I think shaved men with beards are very handsome
and i don't think the opinion of a literal faggot that takes dick in his asshole comforts me

lmao enjoy being bald then

If you think losing your hair makes you fucked, then the problem is in your head and you're already fucked.

idk i think i got lucky. my uncle is in his forties and has hair. and i have been using fuckloads of steroids and my hairline hasn't even moved at all yet. i think i got lucky and didn't get the X from my mother that she got from her father, and instead got my grandmothers X

My dad's bald as hell but I have my mom's thick curly hair and no signs of baldness still at 26. Fingers fucking crossed it stays that way at least until like 40ish since I'll probably look like shit by then anyways so who cares

Hair genetics majority of the time come from the father on your Mother's side. So you pretty much fucked.

Make sure to never wear hats and always scratch your scalp in the shower. Do what you can to keep the hair you do have for as long as possible.

>Hair genetics majority of the time come from the father on your Mother's side.
hair genetics in general or only the baldness bullshit? Because my grandfather is a piece of shit indian, my grandmother is italian (i don't know what compelled a good looking italian girl to fuck some subhuman indian), and my father is polish.

and i have brown hair, where as my mom and those retarded ass indians have pitch black hair.

so i am hoping i got lucky and have my dad or my grandmothers hair, since theirs is brown.

dude if you have indian and polish genes you should kill yourself anyway

wats wrong with polish

What does scratching your head In the shower do?

I've received the gift of hair loss and my entire family generations back has had full hair into their 90's, sometimes weird shit happens, maybe you'll get lucky

two kinds of general subhuman: Everything brownish and slavic

I take steroids and sometimes my hair falls out. I don't care cause I'm pretty jacked and I have a fucking babe for a fiancé and she has a killer job. I'm set and a happy bastard for the first time in my life. Stay in school and do drugs and lift weights and eat chicken.

he has blue eyes do slavs have blue eyes wtf?

genuinely did not know

and he hates russians and shit too

1 - Don't believe the tales that any part of your lineage will dictate your hair loss or lack thereof. Based on the classic theory, I should have a full head of hair, but I most certainly do not.

2 - When it first starts to fall out, you'll be devastated. But you'll get over it fairly quickly, and soon you won't give a shit. Because you'll find that women don't actually care, and that's why you think it's important to have a full head of hair in the first place, right?

So you hate your indian grandshit and your dad hates his slavic shitbackgound
should be a family suicide

I started balding before I was even 21. It feels like a fucking nightmare, but it's really fine. Some people lose it in a way where you can keep some reasonable length, which I did, but still, I started getting it cut exceptionally short just recently, and it's the right move.

Being a guy who straight-up is balding is way better than being someone whose trying to hide it. Even when I could successfully disguise it, sometimes the wind would blow my hair and it just gave it a bad angle.

The next time you visit your Barber, just do like a 5 on top and a 2 on the sides or something. Best case scenario, you'll look like Bruce Willis in Die Hard, and worse case, you'll just look like yourself.

It'll be a shock to you and the people your closest to for like one and a half days. I definitely went through my "I'm too young to be fucking old" phase, but my hair is just real short now, and it looks nice.

If you look decent in baseball caps, get one you really like. I'm starting to become a hat guy.

Get a prescription for finasteride NOW. Proscar 5mg is cheap. Split it into quarters for 1.25 dose daily. Start off with one a week and move up by increments of 1.25 weekly until you're taking 1.25mg all 7 days.

OP it's a 1 in 4 you have your fathers hair. Mothers fathers hair is 3 in 4 I'd say your odds are decent

if his is black (which i am pretty sure is dominant?) and mine is brown is that a good sign?

No you wouldn't. And you have nothing to worry about, women get the short end of the stick if they start balding, since it's not very common.

I always feel bad for those fuckers when I see them out and about.

yes, slavs can have blue eyes

OP kill yourself in the most disgusting manner possible

Finasteride has side effects for some people, but do not be scared away by the side effects or I will fucking kill you. I didn't take it for 6 months when I had it sitting pretty in my drawer because I was scared away. Worst case scenario, you experience sexual side effects. Get off the pill and you'll be fine. Worst WORST case scenario your test levels are fucked up. Get on test and you'll be fine.

Warning: Fin does not work for everyone. It's successful in a little more than 2/3 of men. You want to keep as much of your hair as you can. Fin, if successful, will just maintain what you have now.

I want to tell you right now too, OP, and that's that you can't fix it. It's all snake oil, friend. If balding was curable or even treatable within a reasonable degree, every man on earth would know about it. They'll probably solve that shit in our 30s or something. But as for now--sorry.

But the expensive shampoos, treatments, and whatever other superstitious things people have to say is all nuts. Focus on making the best of your situation, and not trying to remedy it.

shave it and grow out your beard mac

Shut the fuck up you goober. You don't know shit. Some people straight up don't look good bald.

Fin and keto are effective. Clinical studies have demonstrated this.

And it might seem like a weird tip but I actually don't recommend a beard, especially if you wear glasses.

I can't really grow good-looking facial hair and I don't need glasses, but I have many friends who rock that combo, and people just make fucking David Cross jokes at them.

except finasteride, that works for many people.

I started losing mine before I was 18. All the men on my mothers side are bald so not a surprise.

My dad, uncles, brother, and cousins all have fucked up hairlines. However, unlike them, i caught my grandfathers hairline where i very much doubt ill ever have issues with hair. Statistically, youre fucked, but hope isnt lost until your hairline begins receeding. Kill yourself at that point.

Sounds like your gonna have a rough life in a decade

Bullshit. Every man on my mom's side has hair, my dad and his dad were both bald, guess what? All my brothers and me are bald or getting there.

Yeah, they're not effective though. And even when they are, they risk a bunch of fucking crazy side effects. When they crack the code, everybody on earth will know about it.

P.S. To OP: Every guy I've met whose claimed success with any type of treatment always has the weirdest looking fucking hair. It's like they have hair all over, but it's extremely thin all over their head. They don't have any bald spots, but instead a uniform thinness that you can see right through on either side of their head, and on their scalp.

You have to own your baldness, because if you don't, you will make yourself look even older, and sad to boot.

Going bald is weird and it sucks but once you get over the hump it's like nothing has changed.

If you don't take care of yourself and don't look good with hair, you'll look bad without hair.

But if you take care of yourself and look good with hair, you'll still look great sans hair.

No one's looks have ever been ruined by baldness, that's a myth that's fueled on the insecurities of young men in the midst of losing their hair, trying to fight it.