If post ends in 48 it's happening

If post ends in 48 it's happening.


If this post ends in 4 then its not happening



if this post ends in 0-8, its never happening

If this post ends in 9 it's already happened and you missed it

if this post ends in 8 it ends in 3

Part of the United States will secede and Russia and China will declare war on us as soon as it happens. Civil war 2 with world war 3

donald trump becomes emperor of the universe

48 roody poos will pound OP in his delicate porcelain butthole.

No, so close! Rolling again.

I believe in you

Trump wins


Fuck it. Roll


Rolling for what, you fail winrar?

Fag did it

but it's gonna happening

So, the fuck us happening, the cunt already did it.




Its happening at every moment in all of existence.

No need to shitpost.

Chinese hotel eats Doge

Holy shi-

Within 20 years we will wish we had avoided this ocean of blood.