Serious thread

Serious thread

> No troll
> Salt will rain

Writing this post to get a logical and scientific explanation on why trump supporters are unbelievably moronic.

trump lies every millisecond why can't they see that ? and his supporters want everyone to explain why he's stupid even with a hard 100% true legit facts they still don't listen.

Someone anyone explain it to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sage this hippy nigger liberal diatribe

Is this seriously the first stupid thing masses inflict upon themselves that you have noticed?

I forgot to add why do trump supporter get so salty so fast.?









>unbelievably moronic.

well, if you really think this, then you're still a low-information person at this point. that's pretty insane since it's been at least 9 months where the news has been thick with info. if you've been watching the TV news, you CANNOT have good info so disqualify yourself right here and now if that's the case.

trump is certainly the best candidate - even if hillary was a good choice.

even if you don't like trump - A LOT. hillary is still like the very worst choice for president in my life time, for reasons that are out in the open. you're going to have to look up some info


Muh dubbs tell no lies

>in my lifetime

Someone's 8.


Muh dubbs speak truth

Muh dubbs, muh dubbs

Or yano since you know so much you could tell us since you're so informed

>Criticism towards trump
>automatic Libby

No, nigger, muh dubbs, check'em

>trump is certainly the best candidate

LoL, this trump supporter trying hard. trump is a moron its simple. trump talks major shit about everyone and everything that isn't white you don't think someone will start a war with the US if hes elected. shit bitch i'm not fighting or dying for that orange piece of shit when the US loses all his allies because of his butthole looking mouth and his inbred supporters you can believe that. trump has no filter and his supporter will start getting killed left and right. For you safety don't vote for trump idiot it will be the end of you.. and yea i know you prob shot a gun at the range and you think you're a pro killer and what not but trust me you're not. You will be the same salty pussy you have always been.

salt raining from the sky!


I know right? It's a cliche but this really does seem like a "give up on country and/or humanity now" kind of election. It's not necessarily every individual trump voter I can't comprehend. People see the world in very different ways. There will always be someone out there to vote for anyone at all, and i don't necessarily have a problem with that. But if a critical mass of American voters actually think this guy should be president, there's something seriously, fatally wrong. Not with the system, or the media, or the politicians, or all the things everyone loves to blame. No, there's something really, deeply wrong with the public.

The problem with the public is trump. It's how many people are stupid in this world esp in the United States.

Obvious minority is obvious.
Does welfare and taxes pay for your interbuttz?
Die in fire nigger
White power!
Trump 2016! You mad?

LOL by just reading how you type I can tell you are
actually a nigger. Funny how that works.

Pic related

All jokes aside.

Why support a candidate that not only doesn't have a chance to win, but who has undermined or removed every single obstacle he can in his alleged opponent's way?

Why are you voting Trump if even Trump is voting Hillary?

Ur retarded faggot, americans want someone thats not a career politician, you niggers mad cause ur jew media aint shit

trump supporters are too easy. Can't explain why they support trump in a clean fashion. Typical trump supporters they fight with stupid and not brains. Go fuck your sister inbreds. Found a picture of your retards.

stupid people are easily fooled. That's why Trump went from a democrat to republican and reversed ALL of his views. To pander to the only people stupid enough to vote for him; the in-breds in the red flyover states.



Racist white inbreds always mad at Jews because they know how to start a business and make money while you live in a trailer park fucking your mom and sisters.

Theres far too much to tell and youll have question after question after question. Do research


the trump train

Looks about right.

Your intro sentence has caused ke to.ignore the rest of talk better or continue to be ignored. You sound like youre about to go into pokitical nonsense

Gee, you sure are angry

To be fair, she is very fuckable.

>Fly over states

Fuckin nigger never flew in his life

Fuckin spic mad his cousin pedro getting deported


ITT: faggots mad cause they know trump locked and loaded.


SS dubs witnessed

offering these anime feet to KEK

post net worth and salary. Then we can all start taking you seriously.

Trumbull boasts. Hillary lies. She's a hollow puppet for Zionist globalist interests. I used to like Johnson, but he's not a libritarian


trump train has derailed along time ago. The only thing he's good at is filing for bankruptcy.

If you support a candidate without thinking about what will actually go down during the presidency you are an actual retard. A shit ton of good Obama's first six years did vs a Republican controlled senate and eveything else under the sun. Do you want to be marched to death by killary or sit through the stagnate opposition filled Trump presidency and wait for him to be killed by some sjw who broke the club rules and got a gun or for all these old tards to die off and offer a new lineup in 2020

Serious attempt at answering your question:

It has to due with multiple factors, but mostly confirmation bias, the proliferation of political opinion "entertainment" media, and tribalism.

Everyone is afflicted by the confirmation bias to some degree, where they seek out and pay more attention to things that correspond to their already held opinions and ignore or scrutinize conflicting information. This is exasperated by the information age and the rise of political "entertainment" media, like Rush Limbaugh, Bill Maher, and Glenn Beck. While these shows discuss contemporary politics and current events, they are classified as "entertainment" in the industry and so they aren't subject to any journalistic ethics. Most people don't realize this, that these people are entertainers rather than journalists, and their shows' very existence relies on attracting mass viewership through generating controversy. Even if they lie, the studios have a firewall stating they are simply "entertainers whose views do not necessarily reflect the views of our studio."

Then you have tribalism, where generally people are predisposed to group up and identify with certain like-minded in-groups and compete with out-groups. This, combined with the rise of political "entertainment" means that people associate these shows, as well as all news media including real journalists, into in-groups and out-groups. They then only pay attention to the in-group news media and ignore or actively avoid the out-group news media. Thus, people only hear what they want to hear, and when confronted with conflicting news they discredit the source because it usually comes from an out-group news source.

Political entertainment shows are FAR more prevalently conservative. Because of this, when they come to blows with real journalists who fact check them or publish stories conflicting with their narrative, they then label the journalists as part of the out-group (i.e. liberals).

What's it like knowing you live in the American wasteland? Nobody will ever care about your shitty fly over state filled with inbred hicks and ignorant niggers like you. Stay mad my friend ;)

Called it, salty as fuck lol. It's ok once you realize this country never belong to white inbred you will shit your red confederate panties lol. Red necks scared on the daily saying they're losing the white race and scared as fuck. Continue to live in fear pussies ;)


(((washington post)))

yes, good goy, everything our media publications tell you is true. did you know 6 gorrilion Jews died in the holocaust? I'm tellin you goy my uncle Shekelberg saw it with his own eyes. There was a big rolla coaster that dumped the Jews right into the ovens!

Something trump hasn't done. That orange faggot is broke af compared to what he says he's making





Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it untrue.

I lol'd hard




Hey man. I'm voting for Trump because he made a promise to unfuck the Veterans Administration health care system. I am a disabled USMC combat veteran and I am really tired of getting screwed over by the VA hospital all the time and their bad doctors. Trump wants to force the VA to become competitive again by allowing veterans like me to go to normal doctors instead of the VA. If the VA wants to get paid they will have to compete with other doctor offices, which should help improve the VA.


then you're a dumbass

>post net worth and salary. Then we can all start taking you seriously.
What's it like being poor?

Holy shit CTR shills are going crazy. Don't like those new polls do ya? Make as many 0.0010$ per posts as you can, because your girl is going to drop dead any day now.

This 'salt' bullshit is sure gaining more traction lately. It's so stupid. What a bunch of followers you are. Let it die. 'Aggro' finally died, and now this salty bullshit comes along.


Hi Little Billy! This must be your first day on the internet. WOW! What a big boy you are! Want to hear a secret, Scamp? ALL POLITICIANS LIE! Did you know? Now you do! Now go and play, Little Billy. Go outside and don't talk to strangers, now.

>Trump wins election
>He comes out to make his winning speech.
>He looks bored.
>As he gets to the mic, he stands there for a second.
>All is quiet.
>He begins to adjust the mic.
>A cough is heard in the audience.
>The mic is almost touching his lips now.
>A smirk slowly but surely appears.
>Obama, you're fired!
>The crowd goes fucking nuts.
>Wetbacks begin running back to Mexico.
>Liberals and faggots start blowing their brains out left and right.
>Hillary has a stroke.
>Jews start immediately burying shekels.
>McCain is sitting in a bar sobbing while getting blown by Karl Rove.
>Karl is sobbing as he does so.
>Jeb complaining to the Jews this wasn't how it was planned.
>The First Lady causes boners across the USA.
>All is right with the world.
>No more niggers.

They're checking out "this cool new meme thing" that everyone's been talking about

How so? You said no one has a solid reason to vote for him. I gave you a reason.


Yea, you really think a rich man is going to do that for you? you're truly a moron. This orange piece of worthless shit will say anything to get what he wants no matter the cost and totally fuck you in the veteran ass you stupid fuck. Fucking moron trump supporters are beyond idiots. It's unbelievable how stupid trump supporters are. If he was so willing to do so he would throw a couple mill in right now of his money to get started and sign some form of agreement to proceed but no, a rich man wants it 1st. dumb ass.

would that be the manufactured truth according to the new york based news media ??

Here is what I am talking about in action. Because the Washington Post does factual investigation of claims made by the conservative entertainment media, they are branded as members of the out-group "Liberal" faction. Then regardless of the factual accuracy of their reporting, their reports are discredited and ignored because they are now part of the untrustworthy "other" tribe. Thus, this guy can still believe whatever he wants, regardless of the reporting or the standards of journalistic ethics by which WaPo reside, he can confirm what he already believes by refuting the very legitimacy of the source.

>I'm voting for trump because he made a promise
And I'm gonna stop you right there. Before you go to that voting poll, drink as much bleach as possible. Thanks.

So true. Trumpeters wouldn't appreciate an elitist like Mark Twain, what with his highfalutin fancy words and books and all.

Trump is a liar who doesn't care about veterans....or anyone else besides Trump. Remember when he weaseled out of the debate that Megyn Kelly was hosting because he was scared of her? His excuse was raising money for vets, but that money never made it to any vet organizations until the Washington Post called him out on it, then it magically appeared. Fuck that crook. Seriously.

I can't wait for Hillary to win its going to be funny as fuck to watch all your red neck faces in shock ;) I counting the days till trump loses.. I want to see trump make more excuses and sob stories.

Trump supporter is holocaust denier. Why does this not surprise me?


Nice. I fought three wars for this country, I have earned the right to vote.

I voted for Obama in 2008 who did you vote for(


>All the politifags in here that still have faith in the system

Even if there was a person that absolutely everyone loved, and was a perfect human, and had never made a wrong decision EVER, and you elected them president, they are still only president.

You would then need a person like that for their entire staff, the entire congress, judges, and every person in authority on down to meter maids.

So, on the off chance the system does work, who do I vote for that is most likely to put us in a mad max like post apocalyptia?

I think I'm going to vote Trump just because having a CEO as the figurehead of a nation is like the literal political satire of all cyberpunk isn't it?

For everyone who isn't a fatalist, and thinks they can change the system from inside; good luck with the bureaucracy.

inb4 don't cut yourself on those edges

Well said friend


Yes, the professional news is mostly based out of New York, because it's kind of the capitol of the world. Their journalists do leave to report from other places however.

It's exacerbate, dummy.

Just started reading that book again, on chapter 6.

Ima bad spellir.

The original question stands. That's how stupid and moronic trump supporters are. They have this vision that will never come true in the human history.. I blame trump and his supporters little dicks syndrome and retardation. No medication can help you low levels of life.

>earned the right to vote

You don't vote based in promises. They all lie. You vote based on past actions, with politicians how they vote on bills and what they present is a better indication of what they will do than what they say. You should have learned thus with Obama, not that it wasn't the best choice at the time but the promise thing applies. With Trump, you can't even make this determination. If you went to Trump with no experience promising to make his company great again he'd call security while he tells you to fuck off and get some experience because his company is indeed great already.

Im voting for Trump purely from my hatred of Hillary.


Goodness me, Little Billy! Those are some hefty accusations your spouting there! You think I'm voting for Trump. Oh, goodness me. You seem to have a touch of retardation on you. You poor thing.

Thing is, my son, my boy, my little sprout, I'M NOT AMERICAN. And I can't wait for either one to win, just so they can steal your naïve innocence away from you when none of them keeps their promises. Oh, what a day that will be, Little Billy.

Because either way, you're getting fucked, Little Jimmy. You were stupid enough to get into a stranger's van when I told you NOT to.

And the consequences are a bitch.

That's it. I'm a #Shill4Hill now.

Gassing CTR shills when?

Trump posters are all still butt frustrated after gamer gate.

I've been here since 2009, these retards don't vote or actually care about politics.

Don't lump me in with the Trump idiots. I hate anyone who uses 'salt' as a sub for 'angry'.

That's because you were raised wrong. You were raised as a racist 100% no doubt and a true stupid fuck. Mainly blame your parents for being stupid fucks like yourself but you always chose to carry on the stupid fuck gene means if you have kids (I hope you don't) they will be stupid fucks and the shit gene continues I just hope a black person blasts your ass to end your stupid fuck life / gene ;), Would be a dream come true.


there's so much gayness in this thread i can't even handle in no mores nigserz


Hillary Clinton blamed Russia for her email scandal (With zero proof) and then said she will treat all cyber attacks with repercussions. Yea i think ill vote for the retard over the woman who is going to war monger with Russia.


Your little gay threads calling Trump votes stupid isn't going to stop his landslide victory:) If you don't like it move to Mexico.

Ten or even five years ago you might have gotten an intelligent answer in Cred Forums, but the reason you won't get one today is the same reason Trump is the ultimate representative of the right in the USA.

For 40 years, the neo-liberals have been infiltrating positions of power and influence. A large part of this strategy has been undermining the ability of the general public to think critically. This has come through the deliberate sabotage of the educational system and control over the mass media. Intelligence is no longer respected and expertise is now not only disregarded but considered suspicious. If the intelligent and qualified are given no more credence than the stupid and ignorant, then there is no way to objectively evaluate a politician. At that point it boils down to who has the loudest voice -- ie/ the most money. The billionaires have set things up so that simply having enough money is now sufficient to rule the world.

The anti-intellectualism, bigotry, and general Dunning-Kruger ignorance in Cred Forums is a manifestation of the same phenomenon, and has grown alongside a similar dumbing-down in our culture.

Trumpism is the result of political entertainment running amok and displacing actual political journalism. Trump is basically a political shock-jock that is actually running for office.

If you're not American and you're seriously talking like that then off yourself you American wannabe

Put your big girl panties and face the real world.

Awww deed I hort da widdy trup supperts feelwings ? deed I hit da wittdo nerves? typical little crying trump supporters full of salt. Cry hard and let the rivers flow with your tears right now trump is losing by a fuck load and there's nothing you can do about it ;)

don't be late for school user. you know how hard it was to pass eight grade.
love mom.

Who would want to be American?

Why are niggers and below allowed to use the internet?

So this is what a Clinton supporter sounds like, I have to say it dosnt surprise me.

>below niggers

Maybe I don't want to know.

>Trump sure is racist, even though he never said anything against n-words.
>Don't vote for a racist, everyone! That'd be racist!

>Look at Trump's stupid skin color, Hey orange-Trump, have you eaten any oranges yet today? Haha, what a loser!

You see all the dick sucking trump is doing now because hes lost so hard in the poles he has no choice but to go to Mexico, say sorry to Blacks and attend there church and listen to what they have to say ;) trump better stretch out his mouth. The colored dicks are the largest in the world =D

Damn, Little Billy. That speech impediment is atrocious. Almost as bad as your reading comprehension. Enjoy Hillary OR Trump's cock in your ass, my boy!



Well considering our high immigration rate i would assume alot.

Poles love Trump you illiterate nigger.
If Poland were a US state he would win it by a landslide unknown to US politics.

Lol, CTR is trying to convince people on Cred Forums? These autists aren't going to leave their home you dumb cunts.

>if you've been watching the TV news, you CANNOT have good info so disqualify yourself right here and now if that's the case.
>if you've been watching the TV news
> thinking that watching the news makes you more smart/intelligent on any way
you are in a point of no return



Don't wash your ass.. trump is about to kiss it. Even animals can't stand this piece of shit whats that say about trump supporters they're less than nothing.



>Orange is the new stupid.
>Logical scientific explanation.
>Trump lies every millisecond.

Why would anyone take your post serious when you act like a 10 year old. 10/10 Made me reply.

check those polls




Hillary's displaced thousands of people in Libya lol

>Calling me less then an animal
>Calling someone else a piece of shit
The irony, You're funny kid.

Yeah. All those Muslims. want to be "American".

You quoted people from all over the map, then used a retard lvl pic of hillary, pick a fucking lane.

If this is high level trump posting, yall niggers need some serious date rapings, time to question yr belifs.


Check the poles again, 1st you might want to learn how to read, than learn how to read charts, than look at them and see that trump is losing hard. Wait.. you're a trump supporter.. a true moron. You will never "learn" anything. Just a stupid racist fuck.

This post is lacking in high energy


Mexicans want to be American.
Just like Guatemalans want to be Mexican.
A giant shithole wants to be a bit less of a shithole.
That's not something to be proud of.

You're thinking of Europe, Im talking about the U.S. By the way what Country are you from?


I still like you it's alright

You are more racist than all of Cred Forums put together.

Better then a muslim supporter


I pray to god this is all one large bait thread, has Cred Forums been overrun by pussies?
>You're Racist
Has absolutely no meaning or value anymore.

Really, Little Billy. Your mom should sit you down and teach you to read. Curb that ADD or whatever that stops you from realizing I'm not a Trump supporter OR a Hillary supporter. Maybe she should beat you. God knows that would do some youngsters a world of good, considering this is how you kids act these days. Damn pack of poofters.

This isn't even a portion of salt that we have collected from trump and his supporter tears.

Because people are generally dumb and Trump is a master of conning the average Joe.

>thinks only Mexicans are trying to be American
Try again sweetie every country wants to be like America except Europe and the Middle East. And this is coming from a non American

Poland would bring Trump guaranteed 55 electoral votes, you imbecile.

>Just a stupid racist fuck.
Everything is going to be okay. Just go back to your safe corner Trigglypuff.

So, Africa? Poo in Loo?
Not something to be proud of, nig.

I'm your hat, or you are our pants, depending on perspective.
>inb4 "You should talk"
I did not vote for this clown.

Fuck me dude epic fucking win my eyes are watering from the laughter. 6 pack is back.


Cant escape this racist force-field. HELP!!! Where is my coooooorner.

>You had time to collect this salt.
Must be nice being on Welfare.



I think you are missing a significant portion of the body.

LmFoA, stupid inbred. Read signs around America. They're in Latin and Native Indian you stupid fuck.. you forget redneck Mexicans and Natives never left there home land LOL you're so stupid its sad kid.


>Calls Blacks racist.


Troll shill is paid shill

Things are about to get cozy

What do you do with the memes after Trump loses?

Will it hurt to look at all that you've made? All that you have saved?

Did you do that? because that is cool as fuck.

speak for yourself brexit never would have happened if more people voted

You really got them good this time, kid. Hillary supporters like me are ashamed.

What would happen to your fat mammi if she wasn't gorging on the benefits provided to her by the white mans government? You niggers can't take care of her, or anyone for that matter. All you do is destroy. America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a nigger problem.


Signs in Latin? What do they say? Novus Ordo Seclorum?
Signs in Native Indian? What is that language?

The salt mountain is getting higher from all the trump/supporter tears shit. might have to start moving some of this salt.

is he taking that poor little boy back to the trumpcave to molest him? I thought he only liked little girls.

Quarter Native American here. That pic is stupid. We lost fair and square


Well, you can come over for some beers anytime friend.

Give that salt back or else Hillshit is going to die.

Nah m8. Got it from a vapour thread on Cred Forums

where have you been?

Fuck, the salt fucked up the building wall from all these trump supporters tears. Shit lets call some Mexicans to WORK like white people don't like to do esp red necks.

War is NEVER fair and square. Whoever was the very first people ever to populate a given area is its rightful owner. Anyone else coming there without the consent of that population is unethical. As for murdering large amounts of that population so as to force entry, that's EXTREMELY unethical.

>Quarter Native American here.
maybe your people could teach trump who to properly run a casino.

I hate that our election has come to this but i would vote for a pedophile over a war criminal.

Kek if it wasn't for whites you would have nothing. Even Tupac knew this. Act right.

Anyone thinking either of these people is a good choice for President needs their head examined.

So much this. Fucking retards

You have been accused of the Rwandan Genocide.
See how easy it is to throw accusations?

lol, innocent until proven guilty.

Well, Little Billy. It's obvious you're a troll, or a geedamn mongoloid. I still stand by the suggestion your mom or dad beat the piss out of you. It's a long-time coming, I reckon. Goddamn poncey little poofter.

Tell your mom to rub the salt into your welts. That'll learn ya.

You're no native American pussy. You're a inbred fucking retard that thinks you can pose yourself as whatever you like over the net. We're not as stupid as you idiot trump supporters nice try tho moron.

Not sure why this is a re-occurring theme but I find that 99% of Hillary supporters are just uneducated.

>implying trump didn't support killing Gaddafi


>Hey man. I'm voting for Trump because he made a promise to unfuck the Veterans Administration health care system. I am a disabled USMC combat veteran and I am really tired of getting screwed over by the VA hospital all the time and their bad doctors. Trump wants to force the VA to become competitive again by allowing veterans like me to go to normal doctors instead of the VA. If the VA wants to get paid they will have to compete with other doctor offices, which should help improve the VA.

So you're voting for a guy who shat all over John McCain, a guy who spent 5 years in hell in a POW camp for his country? And you think the rich fuck who dodged the draft is going to represent your interests? Really?

Not that you should vote for Hillary either but fuck man, open your eyes already.

Same guy here. Native Americans died due to weak immune systems not genocide. Like I said we immigrated from Siberia.

> Whoever was the very first people ever to populate a given area is its rightful owner.

That's not how the real world works.

>Gaddafi was a cool dude. He did nothing wrong

lol, yup

>Implying Supporting killing Gaddafi and actually playing a role are on the same level

Diseases and genocide

Oh well then. Still better than being an idiot Hillary supporter. Have some more vapour pepes.

Time to start moving this salty out of the way its breaking walls down and shit... white people always thinking they're special and only they are making the world go round.. China is making the world go around more than inbreds that's for sure.. and if you don't like that move to europe they will love you there since you're bring so much to the table. You won't be missed pack your shit and take off.

Pretty sure she displaced thousands of people out of their homes in Libya.

Hill Shills on suicide watch

Doesn't matter if it's how the real world works, it's how the moral world works. The real world has an obligation to stay as close to the moral world as it can, and with every war, every genocide, even every mass death from foreign germs brought on by a peaceful invasion, we stray farther.

Op show us your folder titled salt with hundreds of pictures of salt, i know you have it.

>trump is certainly the best candidate

>implying Donald was in a position of power at the time.

>implying Donald hasn't suggested using nukes against North Korea.

>it's how the moral world works.
Yeah morality is subjective


Morals are completely subjective, Who is the one guy who decides what is moral because we all have different opinions on what is "Moral".

That's an impressive amount of pictures of salt you have there Little Billy. But isn't there something better you can do with your time?

Trolling? PhD here. I would support a monkey over Don Trump. He is a fucking scumbag loose cannon with horrible ideas.

My whole circle of friends and family are college educated or more and everyone I know hates Trump. This election is totally urban against rural, and urban is more educated generally. Also, if you look at demographics in the polling numbers, you would see Trump only wins among uneducated white men, loses in every other demographic

>implying it is morally acceptable to call trump "donald"
>implying you would dare fucking call our lord and savior by his first name
>disgusting heretic pig

I would vote for a Asian Indian fart before voting for trump. In fact I wouldn't vote at all if it was only trump. I don't want to the reputation of being called everything related to a retard in the book.

Your stupidity baffles me, Talk to me in a few years.

Behead the disabled.

no you are incorrect

there is an objective moral truth and every subjective opinion on what is moral is coming from someone who is only able to perceive a select portion of the moral truth

therefore an opinion on what is moral that is derived by examining many other opinions holistically is more correct than an opinion derived by only examining one's own little corner of the objective moral truth

it's the blind men and the elephant

I forgot. The proper title is Babyhands Donnie

>Implying having a college degree makes you educated.

Okay then

We can start with you.

what exactly did I say that was stupid?

Shit you trump supporters are really crying now.. you can see the salt mountains from space.

m8 you're talking out of your ass

I am listening, explain!


Bursts of laughter everywhere.
A nigger genius I guess.

>not knowing the definition of educated
Maybe you meant intelligent? Or informed?


Better than wearing this


You realize his statement can be applied to most any group? 99% of most anything in the US are uneducated.

Intelligence is not protection from Cred Forums it seems.

no i speak the truth

all moral opinions are right in some capacity, and wrong in none, and therefore the more moral opinions a moral opinion takes into consideration, the more correct it is -- that is to say, the closer it is to the fundamentally unknowable objective moral truth

I remember this. Absolutely tragic.

Based on?

But you aren't telling us what's wrong.
You think your smart because you can keep saying we are stupid in different ways but you can't tell us what it is that makes voting for trump so stupid.

Objective morality is only a theory, and a shit one if you ask me.Is murder objectively moral when almost every living organism kills in some form to survive, why would it suddenly be immoral for humans to do it? Death is as natural as life.

blind men and elephant


u & ur sister.


Both are jokes. USA is fucked

almost every living organism kills to survive

but most living organisms that are able to profess opinions would profess the moral opinion that it's not okay

therefore it's not okay

sounds stupid

u & ur sister


Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

you should be using empathy as an argument

>He's stupid
>So explain to me why he isn't
You're the one making the accusation you fucking degenerate. You have to list why he's stupid so there's something to actually refute. You can't just state he's stupid and then provide no evidence as to why this is the case.
Here, let me give you an example:
Statement: The OP is a massive fucking idiot.
Why: Because he has no reputable facts t support his claim.
Sage goes in all fields.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.


trump is a fucking genious, dude. all other politicians are tryharding about abortion and gun laws and whatnot, but Trump understands USA. He sees a bunch of idiots and so he says let's run for president as exactly that.


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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

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you gotta love the bantz


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i feel the blind men and elephant metaphor expresses how empathy relates to the objective moral truth better than actually just using the word "empathy" would

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Not that other user but Trumps whole platform is totally retarded. The only thing I can agree with him on his corporate tax policy. Everything else is literally retarded at worst and horribly misguided at best.
among the worst parts of his proposals are
>foreign policy, lets nuclesr arm south korea, who needs NATO?, Putins dick tastes great etc etc
>income/estate tax policy, let give the super rich tax breaks because we are not hemmoraging trillions of dollars in govt debt already
>Trade policy, no one could possibly retaliate if we issue tarriffs and renege on trade agreements

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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

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Back to Africa.

Why we support Trump.

Her is a protectionist> This means that he will put a tariff on goods coming in from overseas so goods being made in the U.S can compete.
Libtards tink it's bad but nearlu every other country except cucked France the UK Australia Canada the US and Germany do this that is why all their manufacturing jobs went to China and Mexico.

He wants to limit immigration.
Again every other country except the cucked ones does this.
You try and become a citizen of China Singapore Japan Switzerland.
Go on faggot try.

These are the main two my lol game is starting so i'll explain the rest another time.

>Trump wants to help veterans
>Has no fucking respect for veterans

I 100% respect the work you have done for this country, but Trump has no intentions on helping you guys. He has shown blatant disrespect for POWs and other war heroes. How can you believe he truly wants to help you and yours when he as shown he really doesnt care?

>but most living organisms that are able to profess opinions would profess the moral opinion that it's not okay
But you are not able to verify that statement since humans are the only species able to profess there moral opinions (at least the only species we can understand). Keyword in you statement opinion, because that is all morality is.


>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
>Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot



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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

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Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Go back to europe if you don't like it crying bitch. Everyone is sick of the crying from trump supporters it would be nice if you all killed yourselves. trust me you wont be missed inbred.

Cred Forums is a part of Greater Cred Forums.

Trump's gonna win buddy

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot



Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Cred Forums fucking faggot.

Go back to europe inbreds. trump is going to lose 100% and I can't to see the red faces mad with anger.

>Oh no they have different political opinions than me
>I'll just tell them they're a bunch of whining bitches

Keep projecting Paco

>humans are the only species able to profess their moral opinions
>therefore, no statement about the majority of living organisms that are able to profess their moral opinions can be verified
this reasoning is fallacious

suppose A is a defined and countable set

B is a subset of A

let P be a predicate

as it turns out, B is not a proper subset of A; rather, B = A

then, can the elements of B for which P holds be counted?

the answer is yes

so your argument is invalid

>Keyword in your statement opinion, because that is all morality is.
No, that's all morality AS WE ARE ABLE TO KNOW IT is

but there is still an objective moral truth, and the tendency of people's moral opinions to show certain trends is sufficient evidence of this fact

haven't you ever heard of a limit?

If bud light had a mascot this is always what i hoped he would look like.


need a safe space?

No shill, bad troll...stop with the spam...

Trump has a certain personality that the masses mistake greatly...

The difference is Trump has succeeded largely on his own drive & intellect...Clinton by contrast fucks up EVERY single thing she is involved in....

Trump may be an asshole, but he knows how to not fuck stuff up.....

Democrat detected




Ill project my dick in your girlfriends pussy billy, next time you two fuck it will be like fucking a toilet from the stretching ill give her. You will still be used for money tho and she will pass it on to me ;)

>Putins dick tastes great

That is a nonpartisan statement.

fuck off shill
we support trump more than shillary here you nigger
you know that
>stop baiting

>The difference is Trump has succeeded largely on his own drive & intellect.

I think you mean Trump has gotten by solely due to all the money he inherited from daddy.

sauce on this?

That's how 1 million became 4 billion isn't it
>fuck off kike

mfw when the democrats created the KKK

Wow, such a genius statement.

Start peddling back to europe crying red neck inbred pussy.


Dont forget the outsized tax breaks, leaning on the legal system and fucking over small business contractors and investors. By all accounts, Trump has made his fortune in the scummiest possible ways imaginable






wow you sure got me

Good Will Hunting

you forget the 200 million he inherited when daddy died. If he had just invested that money in the market and sat on his ass playing video games he'd be richer today than he actually is.

holy shit I got 41 dubs

Who started out rich and who didn't?

So the accomplished one is the one that started rich?

The salt mountain is grand. Thanks for all the tears to make this salty mountain trump supporters.

Hate to break it to you but #FEELTHEBERN is no longer trending. Has you twitter account been out of commission for a while?

>niggers actually believe the inheritance meme

You're still posting lol.



So are you, look at all this salt you produced ;)


Since you are so convinced by objective morality, What is objectively moral and objectively immoral. how do you disdain what is truly objective and your opinion.

I'm going to use it to melt the witch bitch that is Hillary ;)

Back to europe, trump is about to lose nothing can be done about it. He's lost in the poles its over. Time for you to go back.

>friendly reminder that ctr is working overtime since trump started winning the polls
>friendly reminder that the number of political threads have nearly quadrupled since trump went ahead in the polls
>friendly reminder that every single thread uses the same rhetoric, talking points, and insults

dont feed the ctr kids its getting rather fat as it is

Scared, are you?

Discern, not disdain.

The objective moral truth is unknowable. However, every opinion on the matter is a tiny bit or piece of it. Putting the bits and pieces together, we can begin to understand the whole. I can't discern what's objectively moral from my opinion, but the more opinions I take into consideration in shaping my own, the closer I get to that point. Therefore we are all obligated to listen to others and take their points of view into consideration so as to better ourselves.

have you checked the lastest polls?

So that is the response when you get told logically.

Did you ever stop to think when Trump supporters sound stupid they are just trying to speak your language?

trump losing in the pole try nice tho.. try crossing your fingers it might work.. wait no lol it won't LOL.

Scared of getting herpes from your sisters and yes i checked the poles I can read not like yourself. You won't be able to make this out so why even bother.