How can i stop being depressed?

How can i stop being depressed?
Without killing myself, possibly

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I was depressed for about 2 years and since i have been smoking weed I have been great

Get a job.

No access to drugs dude
I'm poor as fuck, and even if i had money, i don't know where to buy it

Drugs, win a physical fight, alcohol until you do something you can laugh about, learn to laugh at yourself and not take life so seriously since you're not getting out alive, get a better job/finish high school, fix what you dislike about yourself, talk to someone, like a the-rapist or a total stranger about what is bugging you... fap, sex.... i can keep going but i usually use weed and keep myself too busy to get depressed.

I'm still studying, getting a job isn't an option unfortunately

I was in the exact place as you about 10 months ago. weed is pretty cheap and easy to find if you start looking. I was shocked at how easy it was to find

I just can't, man
As i said I'm still studying, and i live with my family. I can't use drugs, they'll know it


I live with family too and they have no idea.
I normally get high before going home. after about 2 hours I am completely sober but still have the feeling that the shit I was thinking about is not worth the stress.
I am not going to say it is the best option but that is what works for me

Well, maybe when i'll get some money i will try to find some weed, to forget my depression.
Thanks user

How is it easy?
I mean, you can't just walk up to random strangers and ask for it, and online there's a ton of risks

Talking to somebody helps a lot. If you do not feel comfortable talking to somebody you know just post in a feels thread. getting the thoughts out does make you feel better

Honestly, you can't. If you stay alive long enough you just turn angry and lash out at everyone around you.

The only way to avoid this is suicide.

I hate almost everyone i know. Maybe i can talk to my sister, the only person i care about.
I will try to lurk in some feels thread, maybe i can feel better

I get mine from a friend who knows a guy that he works with that can get it for us. it's not hard to find a stoner and ask them

I know. The only things that make me go on is hate, and the desire to chance my life, study, become someone
I think about suicide every day from like 3 months, but i can't. I have a family, it would be an asshole thing to kill myself

Op I'm 32, I've been depressed since I was 16. I tried pills they didn't help, but might work for you.

Weed allows me to feel less awful and sometimes good. My cat also helps. Good luck brother, suicide is for the weak, I know cause I attempted it when I was at my weakest.

I don't know how things works in US, but where i live you can't just talk to a nigger from some ghetto to get the stuff.

Dude, are you me? is this some kind of time travel thing or am I just really high? Everything you are saying sounds exactly like me from last year except the sister part. I hate mine

I am in Australia

I have two sisters. One is like me, and i care about her
I fucking hate the other tho


Or helium and a gasmask


You'll be fine as long as you keep using it.

I heard that helium tanks are mixed with oxygen to prevent suicides
Btw i don't think i will kill myself. At least, not now

You're all over complicating it, just go someplace public, and think, if wanted to stay close enough to here to run a business, without actually being right here, or if i was a person trying to smoke something not completely legal, where would i go?

Nine times out of ten, you can find stones hiding on a side street less than 4 blocks from where the cops are.

Get outside and enjoy nature or try meditation. There is a reason why you never see a sad hippy

last night I was suicidaly depressed so I drank a load of beer and bought some more and went on to some wasteland to think about offing myself, then I got chased by a gang of 5 men with flashlights screaming and shouting at me, ended up stumbling through a mile of brambles and stinging nettles and running for my life until my chest was wheezing until I finally made it to a road, walked past 2 joggers with a broken bottle in my hand, cuts all over my face and panting/wheezing like a madman.

last night was fucked up, the worst part is I dont know what caused me to feel like that, usually theres a reason but that just come out of nowhere.

Buy a tank of acetylene at a big hardware store.

Grow weed

Here, kill yourself with a propper weapon.

Get over it. Just stop it. You're not really depressed. It's am excuse to be lazy like all pschygical problems. They're fake.

This goes better for yo momma OP fag

Do this OP,problema solved

I thought about going walking outside, maybe in some park, or out of my city, in the countryside, while listening to music
I think it would be good, but the fact that i'm walking alone would maybe get me even more depressed

Nigga youre a ways off. If yr saying "not now".

Ive cut myself pretty good and prepared a noose, but homie I don't have the guts to do that to my mom, and I'm sure you have even more reasons.

Trust me,smooth as fuck

Figure out what u want in life and work towards it. Set manageable and achievable goals.

Realize you're the only person making yourself depressed

Realize there was never anything to be happy or sad about in the first place

Live or don't. There is no point in dwelling on it. One thing is for sure, you're in a very quiet majority of people that feel no reason to live. They survive because keeping on is more convenient than the alternative.

Just shut the fuck up and accept the pain. The only legitimately happy people are insane, unintelligent, or lying to themselves

I can say the opposite experience, ymmv op

I already know what i want, but it's more difficult than i thought, and it require a lot of time.
I don't know if i can do it

I lied to myself my entire life, telling me i'm happy, and now that i stopped i feel even shittier.
Maybe it's better to lie, or to be insane

Even if you are alone it feels good to be outside and getting some exercise.Another thing that helped me other than just weed was a healthier diet

This =/= suicide. This is I'm barely an adult or not even and I'm scared. Come back when you actually feel the way you think you are shorty.

Been wondering that myself. I have always been depressed ever since I can remember. I always told myself if I had a job, money, gf, wife, kids ect. that I would be happy and I acquired all of that and nothing changed. I told my doctor and he put me on pills that killed my boner and didn't really work. My wife couldn't go without sex forever so I quit taking them. He sent me to a shrink who said I had autism (mind you im 39 years old) and charged me like $400 to tell me that.

These last few months everything has lost its flavor. I don't know what else to call it. I don't enjoy anything. I can't even eat without throwing up or getting diarreah real bad anymore. I sleep about 15 hours a day. I'm starting to think I might finally be nearing the end of this bullshit.

I was thinking about the diet. I don't know why, but even if i eat a shit ton of food every day i'm still a fucking skeleton
I want to chance that

Bullshit. If you're depressed, then that's just evolution fucking you.

Most people are quite happy with being alive, despite the occasional hiccup.


>Without killing myself, possibly

ooohhhhhh, look who's Mr. Fancy Depressed Guy just going around being too good for the suicidally depressed. Would you like some caviar and black truffle while not killing yourself, possibly?

Start running. Seriously.

I used have extreme depression and anxiety and over the years have tried therapy and a bunch of different medications, but nothing has helped me as much as just running everyday (outside if at all possible).

It also has the added bonus of getting you in shape and increasing your stamina. Not only will your body look better, leading to higher self esteem, but you'll physically feel better too.

have you tried psychedelics? What prevent you from doing that?

That isn't something that isn't sustained. Welcome to the real world.

How old are you 20? 21?

Life isn't easy and you should know it don't crumble so readily. Life is only worthwhile if you have something you truly appreciate. Expand your horizons. Find a few hobbies and maybe make some friends along the way.

You'll probably still be sad but you weren't gonna kill yourself and you never will and you fucking know it. You feel lost and desperate that is why you make pathetic posts like these. At the very least if you find some tiny amount of purpose you can distract yourself from the inherent pain

i changed my diet because I heard about a study that showed gut bacteria can affect your mood and even your personality. Not sure about the personality part but I can confirm the change of mood


Look shit up, objectively think, don't be a retard. Theeeeen you can post

Start by not asking Cred Forums for advice, dipshit

start lifting

holy, his last thing he did on the net was to roll dubs

Do a fuckload of drugs

What should I be eating?

As if people with depression don't already know that. Get fucked you small dick nerd, maybe you won't be such a cunt, only time will tell.


can't even spring for the gif?

>help other persons
>eat healy
>do sports
>say hello to people (and smile)

This so much, oh god I can relate to this.

user was one of a very fortunate minority on this earth, fuck that guy you replied to

I did acid once when I was a kid. Did not care for it.

learn what depression is faggot

post on Cred Forums and hope for a dub or a trip or moar

He did in general*

Go to the library tomorrow, find a good mysterious topic and then report back with us tomorrow

I just tried to cut out as much sugar as possible

Eating healthily affects mood, energy levels, general feeling of wellbeing. Cut soda, junk food, etc. All that stuff feeds bad bacteria in your gut and can lead to mental illness. Eating a diet high in fibre (fruits/vegetables) feeds the good bacteria.

I also recommend doing some kind of physical activity - go for a long walk, running, take up weightlifting. All give you endorphins, which are your body's natural anti-depressants.

>gives you dolphins

He peaked too soon.

no, endolphins

it's the chemical that dolphins produce in spades that makes them so happy.

I know what it is, I've been diagnosed with it, I also know that I'm not the one whining on the net about how depressed I am, I was giving reason for how I managed mine before, if it doesn't work for you, I guess you can try to fill the emptiness inside you by lashing out at total strangers and calling them faggot, but that is a fleeting feeling.
I'm sure he wrote some pitiful letter to people and made a big bloody mess too.

too late you mean
more like Daffy than Bugs.

lost my shit...
first time i have literally laughed out loud from reading a post on Cred Forums


Level 1:

Clear your mind, clear your space. Start by going to bed early and waking up early. Make this your permanent daily routine, even on your off days. Stop all drugs and alcohol, including cigarettes and vaping (fuck your mouth fedora). Eliminate as many distractions as possible and change up your environment. If you work at a desk, keep the top of your desk totally clear except for the one task you are working on. No decorations, no photos, no clocks, no calendars. If you work on a computer, clear your desktop and set the wallpaper to a simple color (no image).

When you are working, plan regular breaks and self-rewards. Eat and drink healthier. Plan and live your daily life according to a schedule that includes specific work and play times. Make a daily to-do list of 3 items and commit to finishing the list every day. Focus on one task before moving on to the next. If you're stuck, move on to the next task and return later to the first. No lasting progress can be made unless you have first established a daily habit of clearing your mind and your personal space.

Level 2:

Learn how to focus. This first requires you to admit that that you do not know how to focus. But don't blame yourself! You are surrounded by a whirlwind of information, entertainment and endless distractions. You have been trained to continuously consume these things, and have been conditioned to demand more of them! You have been brainwashed to feel elevated and empowered the more you are able to consume. Yet when faced with simple tasks, you find yourself feeble and powerless - a slave to your cell phone and pointless distractions. Don't worry. Breaking free requires nothing more than realization of truth and willpower.

For some people it's as simple as a quiet room and a hoodie sweater. For others, it's a cappuccino and a pair of headphones. You must identify whatever helps you focus, and use that as a tool to get your work done. But beware! Your subconscious mind will try to trick you. Do not fall into the trap of confusing comfort with focus! To a focused person, the most important thing in the world is the task at hand. Nothing else in the world matters, except that one thing. For me right now, the most important thing in the world is this post, trying to help you lazy fucks go out and be productive!

Stop fucking with your phone and put it away. Every task that you undertake, is an opportunity for you to practice your ability to focus. Revel in achieving perfection with your daily tasks. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Strive to improve your attention span. Your focus should be on the same level as meditation. Test yourself by setting an alarm clock to go off 5 minutes after you have started your task. Leave the alarm sounding while you work. You have achieved the ability to focus properly when the alarm going off continuously in the background is no longer any distraction or concern.

Get productive at something and get off Cred Forums

Level 3:

Learn to love change. Your subconscious mind has enormous power over your actions. It will continuously play tricks on you and seduce you into maintaining a comfort zone of laziness and complacency. You might think that it's a simple matter to ignore the voices in your head. Do not underestimate it! Countless are the ways that your subconscious mind can control you. These ways are subtle and devious. For every voice that you hear, there are a hundred others that you did not. Overcoming your subconscious mind requires a clear mind, focus, and persistence.

Start by disrupting your comfort zone in small ways. This requires changing a mundane detail of your life to throw you out of your comfort zone. For example, switch from whole milk to fat-free, switch the pocket you carry your wallet in, switch from taking a shower before bed to taking one after you wake up, or switch the music you listen to in the morning to something totally new and different. The same small change must be done daily, to disrupt your comfort zone and force your subconscious mind to adapt.

Your subconscious will rebel. It will tell you repeatedly that this is a pointless and stupid exercise. But don't give up! This new behavior will soon become your new comfort zone. You have won a small victory when you feel reluctant to switch back to your old behavior. Once you have achieved learning to love a small change, add a few more, then move up to large ones. The goal here is not to change your comfort zone, it's to acquire the ability to recognize and overcome the many tricks and seductions of your subconscious mind and to learn to take control. Overcoming the influence of your subconscious mind is one of the most powerful changes an individual can make in his/her life. This powerful skill will help you take charge of any task at hand, and give you the ability to force your mind to love even the tasks that you hate.

Good; weed will only worsen your problem in the long run.

find something creative to do

music, drawing, fucking anything

you can also make some sweet dough if you get good at it

i mean generally, get good at something other than jacking off and playing video games

Unless you only use it on weekends.

if you have the self control to only smoke weed on the weekends you have the self-control to do any number of things to improve your life such as getting a part time job, lifting weights, doing charity work that will enable you to socialize with people, getting a proper haircut and taking care of your body.

your solution begs the question.

I didn't offer it as a solution to anything, I just said that it's okay to smoke on the weekends.

I started out just getting high on weekend. Now it is most days after work unless I have something important to do. Am I fucked in the long run?

You'll be fine probably, at least it's not alcohol.

lucky 7 trips have spoken, also this is pretty good advice OP

you're not fucked but you can expect to achieve a lot less things in life than you would if you didnt smoke weed everyday.

and eventually you'll end up with such a high tolerance that a gram will barely last you a day, its an expensive habit and it makes you comfortable with doing nothing.

