You nazi pieces of shit are such fucking hypocrites. Give me a fucking break...

You nazi pieces of shit are such fucking hypocrites. Give me a fucking break. Claims of the master race when you're clearly inferior athletically to the black and intellectually to the jew. No wonder you hate both you insecure fucks with an inferiority complex. How I'd love to get my hands on one of you and beat your ass in. I'm white by the way.

Monday morning bait thread. 0/10

You pieces of shit are just like the nig nog. You're only tough and aggressive when you outnumber someone but one on one you know you'd get your ass kicked.


No shit dick. Would I love to get my hands on one you. I wish you would do the world a fucking favor and put a fucking bullet in your head.


How can you say you're superior to the nig nog when you're clearly dominated by them.


I don't see a lot of nazi stuff on Cred Forums are you sure you're in the right place, OP?

the master race




Lets look at some real facts.

Spaniards did well flourished and spread.

The irish were basically on an island that was too small and thus worked for the owners / masters for life-- they decided for change and migrated to america. They did better, not well, but better

Brittish flourished and spread even their super jail AKA australia did well.
Problem is their expansions went rouge and went independant. They still did well.

Mexico then ; a bunch of aztecs sacraficing for crops and gold
Now: a bunch of mexicans cutting peoples fucking heads off for drug crops

Africa then ... africa now

New copypasta?

Let me know when anything other than HIV/AIDS , or ZEKA comes out of Africa that majorly impacts the world.


I'm not saying blacks have superior intelligence, they don't. But they are superior athletically. But the jew does have superior intelligence to whiteboys.

but what did the joos invent
azns and whities invented alot of shit

asians are the lowest ugliest niggers
Hi! Im a yellow, bucktoothed, dirty, shit farting, chink.
Chink chank chonk
Eeeewong dong chong
Chank chank ping ping
Pong chong chank

Chinese Culture is pure cancer, Spitting on the ground, Spitting on your shoes, Chinese stare and are not ashamed of anything, They pee & shit everywhere , and i mean everywhere , streets , elevator your local store whatever , they just pee & shit fcking everywhere, Girls are fucking retarded , like seriously undereducated .. Food is meh , highly overrated ( 2 times food poisoning in 4 months )Traffic is fucking chaos and deadly

dead porn star meme?

nice job dodging the question, dumbass


Jews are good at exploiting and parasiting on whites ideas.

claims of jew intellectualism are vastly overrated. Check Yale/Harvard honor rolls - only positive discrimination gets them there, once there the goy runs rings round them

yale harvard are for niggers

quit being a damn dipshit and answer my fuckin question
unless you are thinking of an answer...
oh wait... the jews never invented anything, they just stole other peoples ideas and sold them as their own

they invented communism

Do you wear a scarf by any chance?

and theory of relativity

but that only looks good on paper
it doesnt actually work irl


Jews are extremely linear thinkers. They have absolutely no creativity.

Inferior to niggers and kikes? Really? The how were the former enslaved and the latter almost wiped from the earth by white people?

History tells a dramatically different tale to the one you spin.

Chinese invented everything. Learn history. For example: gun powder. Too many to list

>To the smart Jews: We are so dumb that we managed to round up 6 million of you and kill you. Lmao!
> To the niggers: we owned you with ropes and horses. Where was your athleticism? That's right, a white guy whipped it right out of you. Lmao.
Here's a hashtag for you sjw and blm.

Africa fact is on point.

sure kid

thank you

all i know the white world had all the skyscrapers and the black world had mud huts

You clearly don't know what the Aztecs did or either the Mayans....