Give me the good facts for trump being president while I argue with my mother. I'm about to break the news

Give me the good facts for trump being president while I argue with my mother. I'm about to break the news.
Mom I'm voting for Trump because ________

For guns

For love

He isn't Hillary and doesn't support SJW nonsense.

He's sexy and charming

No do not vote for him

He wipes his own ass


Hilary made that


Hilary makes bad memes

He will make anime real

I'm voting for trump because he is nice

My penis is


I had sex with trump while he was engaged. Let's just say he's not small but actually really big. Might be why he is so mean. But fuck you weak minded niggers

Yes. He has literally said we need to kill civilians in the Middle East and take out their families. He believes the Geneva conventions are the problem. The Geneva Conventions are an international treaty against various war crimes, such as torture which Trump also promises to do "even if it doesn't work."
Make no mistake, Obama's drone program kills 90% civilians in the Middle East. This is why I trust neither the Democratic or Republican parties on foreign policy. Because they are both terroristic, even though they would never admit it in a million years.

I like masonry

>while he was engaged

which time?

R Do you want more oil wars? Vote trump. His VP by the way has said Dick Cheney is a role model of his. If you don't know, he championed he invasion of Iraq. So I believe Trump will continue such policies.
Do you want to continue drone strikes and "soft interventionism?" Then vote Hillary.
This is why I am voting third party.

he's a serial rapist.

sweet, sweet trickle down.

...because he's going to be a wall and keep this type of shit out.


he's not a retard.

>Mom I'm voting for Trump because ________

I am sick of others deciding that what is best for them is best for me. I am an adult and can choose for myself what kind of country I want to live in, I don't need or want a political elite that is beholden to foreign special interests making decisions which should be left up to the people of this country, and the only way to protect that Constitutional right is to stop electing crooked connected political elite career politicians like Hillary Clinton.

He will steal from the uk and give it to me

My mom hates me now.

She should. You're voting for a guy who's campaign is based on LET'S JUST FUCK SHIT UP!

And neither do I. But you really need to read the fine print and see Trump is just as bad of a candidate. They are both bought by big money and they are both hawkish in foreign policy. The whole thing about him self-funding his campaign is a lie. A quick Google search will show you his top donors. Neither of them have the interests of the middle and lower classes.

Mom I'm voting for Trump because finally it'll be ok to be as racist as i am on Cred Forums irl

So I should still vote for the trump


while the media is biased, and actually many hardcore republicans are pro-Hillary believe it or not, Trump says some of the dumbest things I've ever heard, and he flip-flops just as much as Hillary on every issue.
He literally said "Obama founded ISIS." Do you know how stupid that is? It was George W. Bush that invaded Iraq and destabilized the Middle East. And Trump's VP says he will model after that administration. He is an unbelievable hypocrite, and Hillary is too. If there was ever a time to vote third party, it is now.


Yes, he is.
Trump is a narcissistic, sociopathic, warmongering, plutocratic, idiot.
Hillary is just a narcissistic, sociopathic, warmongering, plutocrat.

No, she's full retard.