Does my son look retarded?

Does my son look retarded?


It's you, the hero of Kvatch!

Buy Dewey some beanies and he'll be fine.

Nah man he looks fine

Fuck, I was just seconds too late

just a simple otoplasty surgery and a good haircut.

Puberty will hit him fine.

Sminem. Boy Sminem Cool

Is that the kid from Malcom In the Middle?



that shirt has Eminems face on Michael Jordans body

Inbred product produced by adobe.

Get him a normal fucking shirt and haircut and he'd look fine

he looks like you fucked an irradiated fish and made babies


Your son is slav george bush. We will finally be able to stop George Soros with his potential.

Looks like a typical Eastern European

Looks normal for a white incest bred kid.


Zika looking motherfucker


I think you just need to get his ears pinned back.

My cousin had his pinned back he doesn't look retarded anymore, but he is still mentally retarded

let his hair grow, let him have a long hair. dress him like a girl. say to people he's not retarded, he's just a girl