I am super drunk on this stuff in the picture...

I am super drunk on this stuff in the picture. Dubs decide what I do from Facebook Messaging my Crush to showing my dick who cares?

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Super drunk on it? The bottle if full you fucking liar

Post YOUR facebook



Like 4 shots absolute max

I'm gonna get this soon OPINION don't know why it autocorrected to that but it works

Also hit her with the ned Flanders copypasta. Or this gif


Come on dammit

Yah yah yah

Send dick pic to your mother. Post response


build a chair.

Sure, I can 4 shot this shit. It's fucking horrible but god damn does it work.

I'm drunk, too, but I'd rather not see your dick. Futa and g/far are the dicks I go for, that's why it's not gay. On cheap booze btw; whatever works.

I'm done

Have a good night OP

If dubs you gotta rape your dad, bro.


Fucking agree, this whiskey wasn't Bruce Wayne priced, so I can deal with downing a bottle even Tho I might feel like cancer.

le bump

Come on dam you Cred Forums dubs!!!!

Sharpie in pooper

Not the cheapest stuff I drink, but it is just to hold it down. After maybe two or drinks and I don't care anymore. I suppose like the black tare Addicts. Anyhow, cheers!

I will try to cheer on a monday night at 3:48AM.

Wow!, Man. Get some sleep Cred Forumsro. It's pretty early where I live.