The girls in the dorm next to me keep banging on my door, how do I get them to shut the fuck up

The girls in the dorm next to me keep banging on my door, how do I get them to shut the fuck up

Invite them in and have sex with them???

Stop being such a fucking autistic nigger.

This. You're dumb, OP.

This. You're dumb OP.

Have you tried asking nicely to stop?

Kill them

They are fat and weird, not sex worthy, they are like tumblr-esc

Put the door back on the hinges

This. You're dumb, OP.

It's -esque.
Are they trying to talk to you about the patriarchy?



Call in anonymous bomb threat, say its in their room

no they are just fat and weird and giggly all the time

Pussy is Pussy. You don't have to put a ring on it. Once you leave college it won't be as easy.

Find an explosion sound effect, play it at max volume, preferably with ear plugs. If you have anything that could make a flashing light or something, that'd help.

Yall made me laugh

freeze your piss and slide it under their door.

I've seen this copypasta


Hello fellow southeasterner

It's actually not a copy pasta though I'm being dead serious

Do this

this user, its worth the read trust me. then proceed to make another greentext doing the 2.0 version