So there isn't anything special, amusing, magical or out of ordinary in this shitty world!?

So there isn't anything special, amusing, magical or out of ordinary in this shitty world!?
no gods
no devils
no spirits
no monsters
no aliens


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There is the tao

Go meet a polar bear in alaska. enjoy your monster and being eaten.

Pretty much...

Pretty much.

Also FTL is not posible. "empty" space isn't empty and can't go faster than the speed of light.

These things seem amazing to you because they DONT exist. There's plenty of shit in the world that's fucked up and crazy, you just don;t register it as so, because it in fact exists.
Also, there probably are aliens, just we'll never meet em, we'll never know they exist and vice versa.

regardless, the deep ocean, jungles, have crazy animals that really kinda do fit the definition of a monster.
And if you get into physics/chemistry, there's some shit that's pretty mind blowing.

>no gods
no evidence, evidence of the contrary
>no devils
see above
>no spirits
define "spirit", still no evidence aside from anecdotal/stories
>no monsters
again see above, any evidence of real "monsters" would make them animals that fit into nature
>no aliens
they're out there, but it's unlikely we'll ever meet

The reason why there's conspiracy theorists and religion and philosophy is because the world is so fucking boring people have to come up with a belief system to make it seem interesting enough that you can justify the agony of existing.

You don't believe in God because you haven't found Him yet. Seek and ye shall find, then your world will change. Don't just assume something doesn't exist because you can't wrap your tiny little brain around it.

Philosophy is just the study of why, a break down of what the optimal thing to do with any given peace of information is. Alot of millenial faggots think philosophy is this deep, spiritual thing that makes you interesting, but philosophy is just thinking about what to do with what you know.
"My best friend is fucking around on his wife, should I say something? is it any of my business? is it wrong to judge when I don't know the motivation?" that's philosophizing.

I hear you OP, you're looking for that extra special something right? The stuff hidden behind the desk? That thing that blows you away and fills you with wonder?

You're looking for Magic. Here's the thing with Magic, lots of people will tell you it doesn't exist. Which is really hard to prove incorrect, but first you need to really look at what magic IS.

Its the hand waving done by the Author to gloss over things HE rightfully can't explain. The better constructed his universe is the less need he has to handwave the mechanics of his reality.

Our universe is actually put together really well. Everything works, and you need very little actual magic to explain it. So in order to find magic in our well put together world, you gotta start looking for the Cracks.

Zoom out more, look more broadly at the universe, think of how everything fits together. Then realize just how remarkable that is. Think of how complex the Universe is, how many moving parts it has, how all the rules work together and shape everything we see around us into a perfectly working machine.

If you don't live in a constant state of bewilderment as to why things are rather than aren't then you just aren't paying attention.

Was going to post, but this user has it right. I recommend this book to you as a first step.

hrmm, I like you.

Never thought of it that way. Good point.

It's sad sometimes, but you're right--we live in a world that works.

Quantum physics you retard. This is how jesus turned water into wine and other religious miracles from other religions happened. Any atom can do anything period for no reason at all.
Theoretically you could walk into a wall for infinity and eventually pass through it.

The universe does not care where you stick your dick. Welcome to reality kid, no one cares. There is nothing cool to wonder about, if it can be repeated and tested it becomes a science. Nothing unknown we cant explain with the real world. Hope you have fun in it all.

Not really.
you're working backwards.
The universe is how it is and works, because the rules are in place. The rules are not in place to keep our universe as it is and function.
Everything within the universe follows the rules, and thus the universe is just a reflection of the rules.

You're saying 3 is amazing, because 1 and 1 and 1 had to come together to make it!
When in reality, 1 and 1 and 1 came together, and thus 3.
I mean, I don;t mean to be a buzzkill, you don;t need magic to be amazed by reality, I just don;t see the need to apply destiny into the mix, when that's just as ridiculous as magic.

I know what philosophy is. I am aware philosophy is a systematic method of study. I am aware how we conceptualize science today started out as a 'natural philosophy.' Regardless, all of this is done to justify our existence and create a system that removes the feeling of pure chaos from our lives.

To be more specific there's multiple types of philosophy, the type you're referring to initially is epistemology, and the latter type is ethics.

Don't you fucking post Xyzz onmy feed you tranmetropolitan hotcheeto junkie

Yes, the anthropic principle. But that's not the point of magic. Magic is not meant to escape the universe; it is a way for consciousness to grow, experience, and expand within the universe as understood by rational methodologies. A computer is a material entity of silicon and transistors, but there are some who say that typing magic words into it can accomplish the most amazing things.

Dont believe something is god just because it says it is. You can follow a spirit if you want, Ima go have a corporeally good time.

speaking of the Quantum level, and referencing my last postthis would be what I think may be one of the Cracks in our universe.

As scientists have already discussed, the rules for the very small and the very large, are different. The rules for the large, Newtonian Physics, Works. It works well, we all know it, love it, live by it and die by it. There's no handwaving there.

But the Quantum level, thats where shit gets so famously weird. Which makes me wonder, Why are the rules different?

I have the notion that the Very Small is in fact, a separate plane of existence. Perhaps it is like the base Code that our universe uses to compute itself. The ones and zeros of the Universe Computer. That metaphor is woefully in adequate, but I think it gets the gist across.

I think that the Quantum level is actually distinct from the Material universe. I feel like everything that is, is a probability Bubble growing off of the Quantum Foam.

Tacking a "philosophy of" label is a pretty common thing in uni, with millennials, and the hyper-progressive "intellectuals". So i'd say, there are'n't many kinds of philosophy. There are maybe 2-3 credible, valuable avenues. The rest is ideology renamed to trick useful idiots into spreading misinformation.

It's a matter of scale. The complexity of the things around us offers us a brief glimpse as to the sheer magnitude of the universe in both size and age. It's utterly incomprehensible and so magic like in nature. No amount of charts and graphs will make me understand what a billion of something is like. That's just a drop in the sea of the compared to the machinations of the universe. We are large and small, young and old. The universe is unknowable and that is the very definition of magic.

I have never read such wet diarrhea im my life. What a fuckwit.

>no gods
you literaly posted zyzz you fool

we have the god of asthetics, who died for our gains.

Boobs are bretty magical - have u evar touched one?

he's Zyzz you stupid fucking nigger

we cant seem to explain all the strange disapearences in the national parks. There are dozens upon dozens. And the parks wont release information on them (they are legally required to)

i honestly have no clue what you're even going on about. i never studied philosophy but i am aware of fundamental components of its history. "philosophy of" is just semantic labeling to categorize research and interest categories for academics. i mean it's like saying "electrical engineering" isn't a useful label because it's just "engineering" - of course it is it's just describing a specific type. also you're pretty much agreeing with consensus of academic philosophers who only name 3 broad categories of philosophy: epistemology, ethics, and metaphysics

You mean, hikers that fall into a hole and die never to be found? Or campers who get jacked by bears and entirely eaten leaving no corpse?
Not exactly a mystery how someone goes into the woods and never come out. If you've ever spent any time in the wilderness you'd know one rolled ankle at an inopportune time can easily result in you're fucking dead and no one will find you.

>no aliens
Says who?

>No monsters
Go watch the fucking animal planet, plenty of "monsters".

Nope. I mean the weird disapearences. People vanishing leaving all their clothes. Small children being found miles from where there were in a terrain the couldnt possible travere. People being left by a group for a matter of a couple of seconds and fucking vanishing. Iv read up on some, you wont beleive how many unexplainable cases there are.

I wasn't arguing with you, calm you're sperging.
I was just saying, philosophy isn't this huge complicated thing with millions of avenues. Most things described as philosophy now adays is just ideology.
For someone who spends so much time trying to sound intelligent, your reading comprehension isn't exactly great. Maybe you should just read with neutrality instead of imposing competition into a conversation.
I have no interest in proving you wrong, or making you look stupid. Just chatting man. Human interaction is more fun, and much more productive if you remove that arrogant superiority complex.

no aliens?
excuse me?

gods = human kind
devils = human kind
spirits = human kind
monsters = human kind
aliens = inherently not human kind

statistically speaking its impossible that there are no aliens.

good advice here

i was legitimately just confused about what you're trying to say. we're on an anonymous image board mainly used to share gay pornography. i have no one i'm trying to impress

Then kill yourself retard.

Tip that fedora and drop LSD faggot

9/11 was magical

very cringy post

I would, because I'm not retarded. Random shit happens, all the time. You've said nothing unexplainable.
>People vanishing leaving all their clothes
So someone took off their clothes and then fell in a hole.
>Small children being found miles from where there were in a terrain the couldnt possible travere
So someone carried them then bailed, or they found a route that wasn't impossible, or the parents made it up for attention.
>People being left by a group for a matter of a couple of seconds and fucking vanishing
Ok, so someone jumps behind a tree to hide and play a prank, making themselves a perfect target for a cougar who grabs em by the throat and drags em away silently. Boom, gone in seconds.

I saw a ladies dog get snatched by a bald eagle once. She was walking ahead of it on her phone, the little dog just sniffing along. Wooosh, eagle snatch. Lady walked for a solid 10 minutes before turning around and realizing her dog was gone. I didn;t have the heart to tell her that her dog's collar was likely added to the collection that eagle had in it's nest, so she is probably walking around telling people her dog was kidnapped by a magic forest monster.
Random shit happens.

just because you aint Naruto and this isn't the Leaf Village doesn't mean there aren't some serious wonders in the world
also this look up some Taoist teachings or stories. Shits incredible. Specifically a book called The Chronicles of Tao

fucking this man. No monsters my ass.

Has OP ever even SEEN a fucking Big Cat? Oh go ahead, tell me you're not afraid of a fucking Tiger, or a Lion. Act like you're fucking Hercules and will just choke the fucker out.

There is no montser more terrifying than a fucking Big Cat in the Dark.
>You can't see it, but it can see you
>it can hear your heartbeat through a wall
>Its the size of a fucking Couch
>It will fuck you up just cause it doesn't like your face
The face of an enraged tiger is a Sub-Conscious fear for humans. It was evolutionary advantageous for our whole fucking species to think "FUCK THAT" when they see pic related in real life.

>anonymous image board mainly used to share gay pornography
Redeemed yourself.
I was agreeing with you mostly anyway. Stay chill user, we need more thinkers.

>>no gods
>no evidence, evidence of the contrary

I think there's plenty of evidence to the contrary in the fact that never has there ever been evidence to their existance.

Thats like me claiming tomorrow ill sprout wings fly on over to your house and slap u in the face with my monster cock.

sure there's no evidence that I will one day sprout wings and grow a monster cock but in the same sense there is no evidence to the contrary because it has never happened.

Lol you must be a pretty big asshat. These are cases the get full investigation and come up dry. but you just
>flerp they fell in dur hole
>some one just took them and left ump

lol you must have done some hard thinking

I am OP of the comment you responded to. Thank you for being an intellectual and actually giving a shit enough to learn what little we know about this universe. Keep on keepin' on.

there are all of those things, my friend

You mean besides Percy Jackson?

I was in vegas last year, and wen to that magic gay couples zoo, and the white tiger was fuckign around with this giant ball. I realised it was a industrail sized fishing float, they weigh easily 400lbs, and the fucking thing was tossing around like nothing. Everytime it wrapped its arms around it, its fucking arms would flex and I'd shit myself.
Monsters exist, we just don't go near them, because they're fucking monsters.
Ever see a polar bear? It's like a small house with teeth.

Oh yeah and your alternative of saying "god did it" or "MAGIC" is sooo much more reasonable.

also you nigger, if these cases are just 'fallen in dur hole' why would the park with hold information on the cases, even from victim families.

Man, I never get this much love for being an intellectual, though for the record I would never actually call myself that.

I'm glad you guys appreciate my attempts to understand the Universe, I shall continue and hopefully continue to learn.

By the way I do agree with you in that it is another plane of existence I just choose to believe it is a spiritual one and it what connects all human beings. I truly believe that this spiritual plane is love, which in all of its illogical, perpetual state can transcend space and time. I thought the movie interstellar was amazing in that it is similar but not exact in how I am beginning to look at our universe.

I love vegas, its such an alternate universe. I grew up there, imagine that.

Because no one found the body dimwit.

Then you get the tiny ones too. Fucking spiders the size of a quarter that can make you shit out your intestines with one bite. This world is full of crazy shit.

they are real all you ever hear is anecdotal evidence

shit son are you high? i didnt say anything, i just said the cases cant be explained. No one has come up with any plausible answers.

Or, I'm a grown ass man with life experience who's seen things go sour fast. An investigation? You must be young. An investigation is a few idiots wandering around an area wondering what happened.
When they're done wondering, and they say "shit, I dunno man", that DOESNT mean magic. That means there was no obvious 100% explanation they saw. The authorites are not all knowing, if there isn't a video tape, audio recording, or a orgy of evidence, they got nothing to go on.
You must of done no thinking at all.

well there is a high chance of intelligent life all over the galaxy, unfortunately science is in not advanced enough to make space travel viable.

I've never been close to bear that big before, but yeah, I am aware of the sheer SCALE of that beast. My dad put it into a good perspective for me.

Standing on its hind legs, It could look in a second story window. Standing on all fours, its still over 6 feet tall.

I had dreams of a bear looking in my window that night.

RIP zyzz, we're all gonna make it brah

>no body
>sorry no file
>legally required to divulge information as long as its not a criminal case
>all missing person cases are not classified as criminal

of fuck man don't remind me of the Tiny monsters. Those are even worse.

One word resounds in my head.


> Plausible answers given

> you dont find them plausible being the tard that you are

>no body
>no information
>witholding information
>witholding no
You be dum kid
You realize you aren;t only proposing magic, you're proposing the minimum wage employees in national parks are part of a global conspiriacy to cover up said magic.
Get your shit together kiddo.

I appreciate that you could articulate something ive felt for a long time

dude, you havent even read a single case. Your just assuming 'hurp hole fell".

>i dont need to ha ferp
>i know all
>it was a hole i promise


>proposing magic
ah ok your baiting. No thanks

And thus begins The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.