What the fuck Cred Forums?

What the fuck Cred Forums?

So there's this girl in my university class who has been giving me all the signals and even the high level signals. She ALWAYS initiates conversation with me first, greets me whenever I walk into class, bites her lip and moves her hair around when talking to me, and always looks for my reaction when someone jokes around in a group we are both in. I started to get invested after talking to her after class while walking home and she was giving me those same signals again aswell as laughing at anything remotely funny I said.

Then today I find out she has a boyfriend when I casually looked at the about section of her Facebook profile. A boyfriend she has been with for over a year and a half.
What.. The fuck?!
So was she just being nice?

>Pic related mfw I found out.

She was just being friendly to you because you come across like a faggot.

Maybe she wants to fuck you even if she has a bf.

OR since you're clearly not objective you made this shit up, and she's not sending you all of those signals.

Will you stupid fucking faggots stop thinking everything is fucking made up. Yes she did send those signals but the whole fuck thing didn't pop into my mind because she doesn't come across as the type.
Its possible

>the high level signals

maybe she fantasize about dominating a faggot ?

hey chill, you can't be objective on something like that, you're asking for answers, I'm giving you two possibles ones. Fuck you.

Is it really that hard to figure out? Either everyone's autistic or no one cares. Given the location probably both.

But gether number and fuck her, fgt. Bf or no bf if you think she's hitting on you get her number and get freaky.

some girls are just bloodsucking parasites like that
They want to give all kinds of signals that they KNOW in their mind will make you think they wanna fuck you.
But then be like "lol I have a bf"
and then they're on to look for their next host
It's fucked up

OR she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with you. In that case go for it and hope you don't get beat up

Obviously interested but doesn't wanna be committed. Don't be a pansy ass, take control.

Show us what she looks like first, then show us her boyfriend

Just ask her if she hasa bf next time, faggot. Or add her on facebook, she will know you know.

You came here to hear neckbeards advice /thread

Some people don't change the relationship status on Facebook because they never go on it. After a girl broke up with me I was too lazy to change it for two years
Ask her about it before doing anything big
She might just want to cheat?

>"neckbeard advice"
>contributing absolutely nothing to this thread
>durhurrr /thread


>Cred Forums

fuck off

Don't /thread yourself you dumb cunt

I'm on mobile you morbidly obese faggot.
She added me on FB not too long ago.

I'm not an fbfag, can't you like her status or something to poke her about it ?

what about pictures, does she have recent ones with him? if she`s a whore fuck her but do not get emotionally invested on her, if she cheats on him she`ll cheat on you, also is he better looking than you? if so abort mission before you come as a needy loser desperate for a woman's affections

She might justvuave her status as not single so creeps don't hit her up ilon fb for sex

Either way, she is either single, ir pretending to be, so fuck her and deny knowledge of her mystery bf until you've cucked him

she just wants to have a faggot friend to talk to

Op i was in the same position as you a while back. This girl i knew was leading me on really strongly doing really suggestive shit but i found out she had a boyfriend from her friend and she leads on dudes for some fucked reason