Feminist cringe thread, LETS GO!!!

Feminist cringe thread, LETS GO!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt


Cringe /=/ rage


Get a life you fucking pleb

>on Cred Forums
Get a life you fucking pleb

Better than that shit game tho

being female is the same as being mentally retarded

>stop liking what I don't like

You can like shit games if you want my friend, I don't mind.

Where's the actual feminist hate threads? I haven't seen a good one in weeks.

▶Implying femenism


>implying quints

What does this have to do with feminism? Apart from it also being stupid liberal bullshit.

One more and then it's all on you guys.
▶Implying I don't have dozens of images...


No one's implying that. No one cares.

▶Special Implying is best Implying.

>per cent
what the fuck

>current year
>not knowing percent means per 100
>per cent

▶Calm down there trigglypuff...

▶Calm down.

I'm glad smellovision isn't a thing


It's ye olde speak/ australian lingo for per every 100.

Surprisingly not simple incompetence on the writer's part.

Doesn't matter. I'm hijacking this as a feminist hate thread anyways and my mother fucking quints say I'm more than allowed to.


Aight. This is the last one. I should probably get to work eventually.

praise the quints lord

guys A or B?

If you look closely enough you can see the reasons why niggers are the way they are in this image...

>Nothing wrong with a bit of rage, friendo.

Let's get a movement going to find all those fatherless little niglets dads so they don't grow up to be criminals, drug addicts, and/or worthless layabouts.




How fast would fb take down a post if you talked about killing every female in the city?

rape is natural
rape isn't a real issue
women have sick rape fantasies
women should be treated like the dogs they are

▶I'm out. Godspeed gentlemen. I will return again in another thread.


Not sure but it might break a record or two.


this is actually a good point

Probably the most exercise she will ever get.

Where does this notion, that men aren't taught not to rape, come from? That's something I've always been taught, either in school or else where. I'm like 99% positive most people universally agree that rape is wrong and that you shouldn't do it. People are told not to steal or murder all the time but still do it.

The brains of literally retarded people. Because some men rape, it's society's fault.

Of course, this doesn't apply to any other crime. E.g. when it comes to theft, we of course expect people not to steal, but we also teach people how to keep their belongings safe.

If the video continued for half a second you'll see her collapsing into a heap. Srsly.

oh boi my time to shine









How about some fat acceptance



False acusations like the ones she made should be punished.

I'm a white cis male and I will rape someday.

I mean with these people's definition, we all will.

seeing as that requires you to leave your mom's basement, i somehow doubt that will ever occur.


okay I chose B thanks for your replies...

This is the common error that most men make when it comes to rape. You think of rape as the violent act of forcing yourself on someone who's unwilling.

Today rape might not even be discovered until years later because it's so vague. A woman can have sex with you and seem willing but if she didn't really think that it was worthwhile afterwards that'd be rape.

So the only real for of sex would be post marital sex but marriage is female slavery and 99% of rape occurs in marriage and Muslim rape isn't an issue.

It's 2016; get with the times!

That feel when somebody checks your white privilege but you are actually polish.

Also when you are the only male in a family with 3 different generations of feminists.

Christ, that's disgusting.

>Boy calling a boy cute
This is what tumblrfags actually believe.

>Could always choose to not think about Transphobia or practically non-existant misogyny.
>Actively chooses to be angry and miserable
And people ask me why, why I must kill.

since when are poles not white?


>that picture

No one can be this stupid. This has got to be bait.

I refuse to believe this is real.

> implying you are somehow contributing to a society at any level

Hey these arent real/serious right?

Maybe, maybe not. I found them in a similar thread. With the shit I've seen on "fat acceptance" I really do believe they are genuine.

It's almost like they're an abysmally small percentage of the population, shocking!

I'm not even that into Undertale, but it genuinely pains me to look at it. The only reason I don't commit suicide is because if I die, they win.



SJWs are the new Internet boss.

They destroy lives on a daily basis.

Silly bitch, being a dick doesn't get you dick

well, she's almost right, but instead of "rape" its "suicide"

Oh shit.... Maybe all the trump and nigger memes are fake too.... mind blown


Yeah! Bet you never read any hindu literature or you'd know that THEIR FUCKING GOD OF FERTILITY IS A HERMAPHRODITE. THEIR GOD.
Fuck though, one trans character a book is unnecessary, even more so when you want EVERYONE to be trans. Shite mate

Not to mention that being trans is a relatively new thing in terms of it being acceptable for fiction.

Also this one really hurts...


This thread needs some tunes.


This is rich

Do they even try and pretent to present actual arguments at this point?
Because this one just straight up substitutes a hissy-fit instead.

>good thing women can conceive on their own

I love the attractive girl reacting to TrigglyPuff.

That sounds real and scientific

It's okay that Jess Cooper got off. No one will fuck her with that reputation.

Dirty fuckin poles

My FUCKING GOD. If I have to read one more of that "Assigned male" comics I'm going to gouge my eyes out with a toothpick and livestream it. That's literally the worst fucking thing I ever had the audacity to read

▶In the left testicle.
▶That's the one I came from.
▶Feminists can't handle my swag.

Nah bro this is too far. I refuse to believe this shit is meant seriously, I think it's just bait. Some sauce?

▶Did I mention I'm back.

afraid I don't have it. Just picked it up in a thread the other night.

Is that Nikki Limo?

Fuck off, memecancer.

this isn't what Bruce Lee meant when he said "Flow like water."


>aroflux polysexual
>demiromantic pansexual
>lithoromantic asexual
Please explain these terms.

all of them are code for
>massive attention seeking faggot

What are the other "deadly" words?
I can't remember what else Carlin said.

What the cunting fuck is this anus gravy?

It's part of what we are told to accept in 2016. I should've killed myself 30 years ago.

The guy messaging that girl is a disgrace to men everywhere. What a pathetic prick.

>trans bodies are sacred
too embarrased to look at hers

She could always... um... oh I don't know. Move out?

Dan Schneider & Miranda Cosgrove mistakingly walk into your office.

You notice Miranda crying.

Wat do?

Someone post the Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider list.

That is not really cringe, that is more rage.

>thinking games are objectively good
chill dude its a game god damn

Holy shit assigned male is basically cheating lmfao


I've just read a few more of her Tumblr posts. She's a fucking spastic. An actual mentally retarded spazmo idiot. Shockingly stupid and out of touch with the worl and, oddly, depsite being a vegan, supports abortion and is a little bit racist.

Animals can't be eaten. by products can't be eaten, but fuck humans. Champion Mongo that needs executing.

She's probably happy that her mother is dead.

yea but if they were both fucked up then wouldnt they both be equally responsible
It's not like if a chick gets drunk they get a rape card after they wake up like wtf

Yeah but watch. She's gonna be all like "I hate being single! Nobody ever wants to date me! I'm a worthless piece of shit. All men are fucking assholes cause they're men..." Etc etc.

oh my god. its literally the horror story incarnate.
archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt

goddamn look at that faggots big ass buck teeth, he looks like some bastard child of bugs bunny.

As someone who was falsely accused of rape, this really angers me. My life was absolutely fucking ruined, she carried on like nothing was wrong.

Once a girl has false accused someone of rape people should find her and rape her for the rest of her life. Not only will the police never believe her again. she deserves at least that.

>Once a girl has false accused someone of rape people should find her and rape her for the rest of her life. Not only will the police never believe her again. she deserves at least that.
This is extreme, but I think a woman who is proven to have falsely accused someone of rape should be sentenced to the same number of years said rapist could have gotten if convicted.

ɛ> 0

If it was real i'd be surprised
just hope i never meet anyone like that

can't tell if these are b8 anymore

kinda makes want to do a genocide runs.

>concerned over a library card
way to play the "aspiring youth is held back by the 'system'" argument.
but the comic did get something right, only a faggot would want to spend time in the library

I can't take this shit anymore

Fairly certain androromantic literally means "loves males", but apart from that I have no fucking clue.

In practice most of them just mean "Person with unwarranted self importance".

had to post this, sorry.... :D


Kill yourself.

can someone pls find this person and shoot them in the dick/ovaries. I don't want this reproducing

It's okay user, you couldn't have known how things would turn out. There's always tomorrow.

Or just wait a few years when the feminazis and their pet breeding niggers will send their army of cucked sjw white cis androqueer eunuchs to kill you anyway.



yeah right

actualy isnt it a thing in america? u cant be punished twice for same thing? if u served ur sentence in jail and then was proven that u are innocent, u could legaly rape her.


kek genocide run.

You're referring to Double Jeopardy, which states you can't be tried for the SAME crime twice. If a woman accuses me of raping her on January 1, 2017 and I'm innocent but served time, I can't rape her on January 1, 2025 and get off because that isn't the same specific crime.

only works for murder, rape can be multiply times, murder can only happen once.

>his/hers/it, huh didn't even notice that bit. thanks user
just taking a pot shot at what it was.
doesn't' really matter as its still mentally handicapped beyond salvation.

I don't even have this game and I want to kill every fucking character in it now. And what do half of these terms even mean? They sound like the fake science you hear from science fiction shows.

No no. Just Rilax.

Jesus fucking christ that was impossible to read. Get some females who know how to typeset and lay out an article without fucking flowery fonts and vile non-contrasting colour schemes. What fucking retard did this shit?

it's all made up. 99% of the characters in the game dont have a identifiable sexuality, and the ones that do certainly dont match the pic. it's fanfiction

I have no idea. I just post it.

Here, have this classic cringe.

The only actual human is the one in the bottom middle and is actually designed so that you couldn't tell which gender it is (because that shit has zero impact on the story) and the rest are monsters.
My favorite part about this picture is every 'villain' in the game is white.

>this is real

The chances are it wasn't a male at all. She didn't even know "him". At worst it is a 13 year old or a troll. Don't engage with trolls. (Even I know Fungus the Bogeyman and a wife and daughters - they are just as much trolls too)

You are, without a doubt, the biggest fucking faggot I have ever seen. And this post is b8, but goddamn you, you faithless, dickless, gutless, euro-cuck feminist trash.

Only if you have a DeLorean as well as access to 1.21 Giga Watts or a Mister Whippy fusion power device.

I understand that. I was just saying that this image wanted me to get the game just to kill everyone.

Do I have issues?

its cuz if u drink milk, u are using result of a rape, its actualy has more sens than it seems

then it woudnt metter if u were innocent or not, u could do it for infinity

Mr whippy?
Mr fusion.

Its real brah. I feel so sad for millenials that have to deal with andor hookup with the ham planets

I mean the games designed around that you can kill most of the characters. The game is actually really good but the tumblerfags and furfags grasped on to and ruined outsiders views on the game by spamming trans / furfag shit about the game.

Just because the game had 2 homosexual characters.

I think I may have made a bit of a miscommunication somewhere; I am familiar with the game and it's mechanics, and I know tumblr is doing stuff with it. I blame no one but myself.

>Just because the game had 2 homosexual characters.

Wait, it does?

Yeah the scientist is gay for Undyne and at the lava area in pacifist mode you can make the one warrior admit he has a gay crush on the other and they go out for ice cream or some shit.

I also apologize I may have misread your post I'm slightly intoxicated.

what the heck man, this dude is freaking me out

These bitches gon' die. Probably from diabetes

>Yeah the scientist is gay for Undyne and at the lava area in pacifist mode you can make the one warrior admit he has a gay crush on the other and they go out for ice cream or some shit.

Is it bad if this isn't the weirdest sentence I've read today?

This literally cannot be real... If it is real it has to be just 1 insane jabba-sized bitch with the equivalent of 3rd grade science education rambling to herself...


Sign the pledge!

Woo damn them quints

This bitch