Guys, give me please adult swim shows worth watching, I've only seen Venture bros and i liked it

Guys, give me please adult swim shows worth watching, I've only seen Venture bros and i liked it.

Boku no Pico


Sealab 2021
Home movies
Brak show
Off the Air

Metalocalypse and the obligatory Aqua Teen Hunger Force

thanks, saved



Its pretty funny even when you are not a metal fan
i can proove that by myself

Mike Tyson mysteries

Metalocalypse was made by some of the Home movies guys. Brendan definitely. I didn't like it at first, but I came around. Still haven't watched them all.

Aqua teen is inevitably the best

Rick and Morty
Mr pickles (my fave )

World Peace

Yeah it's good but not mr pickles good

Lucy Daughter of the Devil was mediocre, but had Jon Benjamin, so that's a plus.

South Park
That shit cracks me up

eric andre show

You should definetly watch the rest, especially the movie.

China, IL

>Mr. Pickles > ATHF
That's not even a question of opinion, THAT'S FACTUALLY INACCURATE, YOU FUCKING NIGGER!

The Eric Andre Show

Rick and Morty, Mr Pickles

Boondocks (S01-03 only)
Harvey Birdman
Home Movies
Lucy, Daughter of the Devil
Sealab 2021
Xavier, Renegade Angel (!!!!)
Mike Tyson Mysteries

only when your baked
yes, top notch
yes, pot helps
yes, first 2 seasons only.

this shit. so fuckin funny.