Hello Cred Forums! I'm afraid I am balding. What do you think?

Hello Cred Forums! I'm afraid I am balding. What do you think?

Caffeine shampoo.



nigga u look 40. not sure i'd call it balding, but the hairline is def receding. bit thin hair too. (also known as average hair for male your age)


I'm 33


Jorah? Of Bear Island? I haven't seen you in years! Have you found the cure for Greyscale yet?

same shit



Wtf is that nipple sized dick you got on your forehead?




Try hair implants user.
They're pretty cheap, maybe just in Arizona...
There's also a procedure where they remove all your hair folicles and drill a wig onto your skull. It's also relatively cheap
If that doesn't work, you can always kill yourself.


laughed so hard i woke up the house

wait thats my name who the fuck are you

You look like deadpool


balding is sexy. don't worry about it.

i can't see much, maybe try lowering the resolution of your camera a bit more and turning off more lights


It's me Donovan

oh, I don't know you, good.

GTFO Faggots.

you live in a high "background" radiation area

sorry you are fucked
